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[a习作temp] Issue153 Fantasy互改群 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-9-5 12:40:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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153."Students should bring certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."


主体:1 学生应该质疑所学的东西,只有这样才能促进自己去思考,才能更牢固,更透彻的掌握所学的内容。
      2 因为只有怀疑才有创新。如果没有怀疑,知识就不会有创新,人类社会就永远不会有进步。

      3 反之,如果没有怀疑的态度,学习就只是一个记忆过程,学生就只能是一个记忆的机器,这与机器人又有何区别呢?

      4 但是,不能一味的怀疑一切。


Should students always query whatever they study? Does this really mean active learning? The speaker asserts so. Although I fundamentally agree with the speaker's assertion, I tend to agree that students should know when to question what they are taught and when not. Only when they struggle a balance between them, can they learn more about themselves and the world around them.

I concede that students should query what they study in that raising a query is a
better way to learn something thoroughly and efficiently. For example, when a student is reading a science article, it is wise enough for him to read comments of the article at the same time. By doing so, he would be capable of catching the main idea of it quickly and realizing what must be done next clearly. Thus can the student learn the article entirely. In addition, learning with questioning will amount to an active means of acquiring knowledge. Only when a student is querying about what he studys, it is safely to say that he has already considered it and he accepts it actively.

Moreover, skepticism plays a vital role in creation and invention as history has already proved. In the physical sciences, history is replete with examples of students, who challenged what they had been taught, which paved the way for scientific progress. One apt illustration of this involves Einstein theory. Assumed that if Einstein accepted Newton's law completely and didn't question it at all, then how can Einstein find out Einstein theory, let alone achieving great success. That is to say, without querying, there is no in-depth consideration, and no technology advancement; therefore human beings would still be at Barbarism stage without any hope.

Simply put, without querying, learning would only be something like memorizing what are taught, and students are more like a large number of computers whose ability is to remember whatever is introduced to them. Then there is no use of learning, because computers can better memorize a mass of information quickly and effortlessly unlike humans.

However, students should not be always querying whatever they study for the reasons as discussed below. First of all, questioning does not necessarily mean accepting something actively. An instance aptly illustrate this point of view is the work of critics. As a literature critic, they have to keep a skeptical attitude toward new novels and fictions available because it is their responsibility to comment on literature works. Querying is more like an instinct for them. Moreover, there lies something such as truth, which has been tested out for a long time, so we need not question any more. Besides, very young children should not question but accept what they are taught because it is the right stage for them to sponge fundamental rules and information about themselves and the world around them.

From the point of views described above, it is now safely to reach the conclusion that people should find out and keep a balance between query and acceptance. Which side do they extremely support would be harmful to them and weaken their ability to acquire knowledge and information.

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