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[a习作temp] ARGUMENT111 FANTASY 10号作文哦 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-9-12 01:17:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC:ARGUMENT 111 - The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of marketing at Dura-Sock, Inc.

"A recent study of Dura-Sock wearers suggests that our company is wasting the money it spends on its patented "Endure" manufacturing process, which ensures that our socks are strong enough to last for two years. Dura-Sock has always advertised its use of the "Endure" process, but the new study shows that the average Dura-Sock customer actually purchases new Dura-Socks every three months. Furthermore, Dura-Sock customers surveyed in our largest market, northeastern United States cities, say that they most value Dura-Sock's stylish appearance and availability in many colors. These findings suggest that Dura-Sock can increase its profits by discontinuing its use of the "Endure" manufacturing process."
WORDS:497          TIME:0:30:00          DATE:2005-9-12

In this memo, the vice president suggested that Dura-Sock (DS) should stop use its patented  "endure" to the company. In order to support his suggestion, the vice president cites the following reasons:1, one new study shows that people buy new DS every three months, 2, one survey in northeastern United States cities most customers like CS's appearance and colors. Close scrutiny the factors, however, reveals none of them is credible support to the recommendation.

Firstly, one new study that shows the customers buy new stocks every three months are not necessarily indicate the suggestion. The vice president doesn't give out any materials to indicate that consumers change stocks every three months is owing to the dis-endure of DS; or they just want to have more DS stocks because of its endure and high quality of the products. Without ruling out any other reasons of why people change every three months, the vice president cannot convince me to make the same suggestion.

Secondly, one survey in northeastern United States also has little indicate to the recommendation. The survey only investigate the customers in the largest market in northeastern, one place does not the same to other areas. Maybe in Southeastern United States, the consumers choose DS is because of its endure quality. The author enlarges the reason from one place to the whole situation, and attempt to extreme a general principle from a specific case.

Moreover, even if that the survey is done in the whole United States, the result of the survey accomplished nothing toward bolstering the recommendation. The vice president does not show any processes that how the survey doing, is it contains all-aged consumers, males or females? Perhaps, only young women likes the value of the stocks’ appearance and color, others such as male, elders, and housewife likes the endure quality of DS. If the company discontinuing the use of endures manufacturing process, they will lose these consumers and maybe they are the most part of customers.

Finally, even assuming the above maybes are not exist, the vice president must implement the relationship between stop endure and increase profits. The author does not provide anything to testify that when the company stop the way of advertise endure, the profit would be increased. It is common sense that color or appearance is easily be copied by other bands, and only the quality of products is the assurance to customers. If the company give up the endure process, they will lose competition ability to the marketing,

In sum, in order to support the recommendation, the vice president should cite more particular factors like: 1. The reasons of why customers change stocks every three months 2. The customers likes only the DS's appearance and colors, not the endure quality of the stocks. 3. The vice president would better give me the whole surveyed in United States, not only in northeastern. If the vice president provides such factors like these, it could convince me to agree with the author.

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