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[i习作temp] issue19 Cappuccino☆作业(Coffee小组) [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-21 09:47:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
issue19 If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens.

1. the society is composed of citizen, citizen has large effect on social thrive.
2. if pursue the hollow overall success and ignore the citizens, turmoil would come out
3. the definition of overall success is wide, different perspective make different results.

The author asserts that overall success of a society should be given precedence over the consideration of its individual citizens in order to provide the prosperity of the nation. However, the individual citizens, as the mostly contents of a nation, play an important role to effect the development of the society, in which the turmoil would likely to take place as long as the citizens are being ignored by the government. Yet, while the definition of the overall success diverse; we should analyze this phenomenon in more than one perspective.

The individual citizens are the most important component of a society, whose obligation is to provide a tranquil and peaceful life to them, because the promotion of the citizens' life condition is the symbol of the development of a society. Firstly, a successful government should put its citizens into the first consideration in any case. If the routine life of the people are improved, undoubtedly less agitation would occur, which makes the ruler pay more attention on the promotion of the social thrifty, such as industrialization, agriculture and economics, rather than otherwise busy quelling the revolution. Secondly, more scientific innovation and other scholarship development would be generated while people are satisfied with their general living conditions government provided. These development would not only contribute the inner life of a society, but strengthen the military force, which would be considered to be one of the most necessary factors to prove a thrive society.

Furthermore, the overall success of a society would never occur without the basic benefits of the individual citizens. As I have argued before, the individual citizens are so important to constitute a society that they should be least likely to ignore by the government. That is, once this incident takes place, the result of the government may be nothing but collapse, making the society downfall. Take the House of Bourbon for example, which was ruled by Wikipedia, is a princely state that represents the rulers' benefits. Obviously, this government never achieve thrive society, because it was overturned by its citizens in 1848.Therefore, a society without providing its individual citizens benefits would be ended by the revolution of the people. A French economist, Francois Quesnay proposed that an empire would rich only after the (richness) of the farmers. That is, the well-being of the individual citizens affects the overall success as well as prosperity of a society.

Admittedly, as the definition of the overall success of a nation is equivocal, we should not analysis simplify in one perspective. There is no clear criteria to measure what would be considered to be social overall success: to be aggressive and own a large amount of fields or to develop within the nation and provide people sufficient food, cloth and shelter. While mentions Julius Caesar, almost every one would admire this great empire, because he has brought Rome the honor which may be the overall success. However, at the same time when he orders the army to invade the land fields, the citizens in his own country are mostly suffered hunger and illness. In this condition, we may have doubts to judge whether Caesar has indeed created a thrive society. Thus, to determine whether a society is thrive, we could not only prospect the superficial surface which is mislead and confused, but obtain the essential part through these surface(这句话总觉得不通,我想说透过现象看本质,怎么翻译啊?), such as the life of individual citizens, the totally development of a nation's economy, industrialization and politics, the mortality and birth rate which affects population, and the military force or scientific potential, which may be considered to be the essential part of the overall success of a society.

In sum, the well-being of individual citizens is a most important factor for the social thrifty, and the overall success may not able to occur if the government overlook the life condition of the people. Due to the overall success as well as thrive society has more than one definition, people from different perspective would hold different opinion.
我的BLOG:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/moonsetbeach

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-21 10:43:16 |只看该作者

coffee小组 ____加油!加油!

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-21 11:33:35 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-21 16:32:55 |只看该作者
issue19 Cappuccino☆作业(Coffee小组)

issue19 If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens.

1. the society is composed of citizens, citizens has(have) large effect on social thrive.
2. if pursue the hollow overall success and ignore the citizens, turmoil would come out
3. the definition of overall success is wide, different perspective makes different results.

The author asserts that overall success of a society should be given precedence over(to?) the consideration of its individual citizens in order to provide the prosperity of the nation. However, the individual citizens, as the mostly contents(这个说法有待考证!) of a nation, play an important role to effect(affect?) the development of the society, in which the turmoil would likely to take place as long as (用if如何?)the citizens are being ignored by the government. Yet, while the definition of the overall success diverse; we should analyze this phenomenon in more than one perspective.(开头也很值得学习的,用词比我讲究多了,学习ing!)

The individual citizens are the most important component of a society, whose obligation is to provide a tranquil(换个富裕的?) and peaceful life to them, because the promotion of the citizens' life condition is the symbol of the development of a society. Firstly, a successful government should put its citizens into the first consideration in any case. If the routine life of the people are improved, undoubtedly less agitation would occur, which makes the ruler pay more attention on the promotion of the social thrifty, such as industrialization, agriculture and economics, rather than otherwise(是否和rather than重义) busy quelling the revolution. Secondly, more scientific innovation and other scholarship development would be generated while people are satisfied with their general living conditions(the) government provided. These development would not only contribute the inner life of a society, but strengthen the military force, which would be considered to be one of the most necessary factors to prove( 感觉得换个词,改成for 怎么样?) a thrive society.

Furthermore, the overall success of a society would never occur without the basic benefits of the individual citizens. As I have argued before,the individual citizens are so important to constitute a society that they should be least likely to(去掉?) ignore(d) by the government. That is, once this incident takes place, the result of the government may be nothing but collapse, making the society downfall(重复了吧?). Take the House of Bourbon for example, which was ruled by Wikipedia, is(无主语?) a princely state that represents the rulers' benefits. Obviously, this government never achieve thrive society(thrifty), because it was overturned by its citizens in 1848.Therefore, a society without providing its individual citizens benefits would be ended by the revolution of the people. A French economist, Francois Quesnay proposed that an empire would rich only after the (richness) of the farmers. That is, the well-being of the individual citizens affects the overall success as well as prosperity of a society.(这种和上段构成正反论证真的很好,而且论证形式多样。这些例子和名言还第一次见到呢!是原来就藏在心里?真是佩服。)

Admittedly, as the definition of the overall success of a nation is equivocal, we should not analysis simplify in one perspective. There is no clear criteria to measure what would be considered to be social overall success: to be aggressive and own a large amount of fields or to develop within the nation and provide people sufficient food, cloth and shelter(用问号吧?). While mentions Julius Caesar, almost every one would admire this great empire( emperor), because he has brought Rome the honor which may be the overall success. However, at the same time when he orders(时态?) the army to invade the land fields(这个用法?), the citizens in his own country are mostly suffered hunger and illness. In this condition, we may have doubts to judge whether Caesar has(这个时态?) indeed created a thrive society. Thus, to determine whether a society is thrive(thrifty), we could not only prospect the superficial surface(和前面的次重义?) which is mislead(misled) and confused, but obtain the essential part through these surface(这句话总觉得不通,我想说透过现象看本质,怎么翻译啊?-obtain the essencial through the superfical_帮不了你,只能在你的基础上改!), such as the life of individual citizens, the totally(total) development of a nation's economy, industrialization and politics, the mortality and birth rate which affects( affect) population, and the military force or scientific potential, which may be considered to be the essential part of the overall success of a society.

In sum, the well-being of individual citizens is a most important factor for the social thrifty, and the overall success may not able to occur if the government overlooks the life condition of the people. Due to the overall success as well as thrive society has more than one definition, people from different perspective(换个? aspect/view) would hold different opinions.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-21 16:34:31 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-21 16:38:14 |只看该作者

我的BLOG:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/moonsetbeach

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-21 21:45:31 |只看该作者
issue19 Cappuccino☆作业(Coffee小组)

issue19 If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens.
1. the society is composed of citizen, citizen has large effect on social thrive.
2. if pursue the hollow overall success and ignore the citizens, turmoil would come out
3. the definition of overall success is wide, different perspective make different results.

The author asserts that overall success of a society should be given precedence over the consideration of its individual citizens in order to provide the prosperity of the nation. However, the individual citizens, as the mostly contents of a nation, play an important role to effect the development of the society, in which the turmoil would likely to take place as long as the citizens are being ignored by the government. Yet, while the definition of the overall success diverse; we should analyze this phenomenon in more than one perspective.
The individual citizens are the most important component of a society, whose obligation is to provide a tranquil and peaceful life to them, because the promotion of the citizens' life condition is the symbol of the development of a society. Firstly, a successful government should put its citizens into the first consideration in any case. If the routine life of the people are improved, undoubtedly less agitation would occur, which makes the ruler pay more attention on the promotion of the social thrifty, such as industrialization, agriculture and economics, rather than otherwise busy quelling the revolution. Secondly, more scientific innovation and other scholarship development would be generated while people are satisfied with their general living conditions government provided. These development would not only contribute the inner life of a society, but strengthen the military force, which would be considered to be one of the most necessary factors to prove a thrive society.

Furthermore, the overall success of a society would never occur without the basic benefits of the individual citizens. As I have argued before,[有点像argument的说法了,用mention如何或者talk over] the individual citizens are so important to constitute a society that they should be least likely to ignore by the government. That is, once this incident takes place, the result of the government may be nothing but collapse, making the society downfall. Take the House of Bourbon for example, which was ruled by Wikipedia, is a princely state that represents the rulers' benefits. Obviously, this government never achieve thrive society, because it was overturned by its citizens in 1848.Therefore, a society without providing its individual citizens benefits would be ended by the revolution of the people. A French economist, Francois Quesnay proposed that an empire would rich only after the (richness) of the farmers. That is, the well-being of the individual citizens affects the overall success as well as prosperity of a society.
[我觉得这个issue花太多语言来说不照顾个人导致turmoil或动乱,似乎有点不妥,maybe biased,应该多举些个人的成功accumulate或by concourse 到 overall prosperity应该为重心吧?]
Admittedly, as the definition of the overall success of a nation is equivocal, we should not analysis simplify in one perspective. There is no clear criteria to measure what would be considered to be social overall success: to be aggressive and own a large amount of fields or to develop within the nation and provide people sufficient food, cloth and shelter. While mentions Julius Caesar, almost every one would admire this great empire, because he has brought Rome the honor which may be the overall success. However, at the same time when he orders the army to invade the land fields, the citizens in his own country are mostly suffered hunger and illness. In this condition, we may have doubts to judge whether Caesar has indeed created a thrive society. Thus, to determine whether a society is thrive, we could not only prospect the superficial surface which is mislead and confused, but obtain the essential part through these surface(这句话总觉得不通,我想说透过现象看本质,怎么翻译啊?)[carry  inbeing out  by phenomena ?我也说不好], such as the life of individual citizens, the totally development of a nation's economy, industrialization and politics, the mortality and birth rate which affects population, and the military force or scientific potential, which may be considered to be the essential part of the overall success of a society.
In sum, the well-being of individual citizens is a most important factor for the social thrifty, and the overall success may not able to occur if the government overlook the life condition of the people. Due to the overall success as well as thrive society has more than one definition, people from different perspective would hold different opinion.  

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-12-22 12:06:57 |只看该作者
The author asserts that overall success of a society should be given precedence over the consideration of its individual citizens in order to provide the prosperity of the nation. However, the individual citizens, as the mostly contents of a nation, play an important role to effect the development of the society, in which the turmoil would likely to take place as long as the citizens are being ignored by the government. 这句话好像不通顺吧。但又不知怎么改。惭愧中。Yet, while the definition of the overall success diverse; we should analyze this phenomenon in more than one perspective.

The individual citizens are the most important component of a society, whose obligation is to provide a tranquil and peaceful life to them, because the promotion of the citizens' life condition is the symbol of the development of a society. Firstly, a successful government should put its citizens into the first consideration in any case. If the routine 能这么用吗 life of the people are improved, undoubtedly less agitation would occur, which makes the ruler pay more attention on the promotion of the social thrifty 查了一下,thrifty 好像是adj, such as industrialization, agriculture and economics economy, rather than otherwise busy quelling the revolution. Secondly, more scientific innovation and other scholarship development would be generated while people are satisfied with their general living conditions government provided. These development would not only contribute the inner life of a society, but strengthen the military force, which would be considered to be one of the most necessary factors to prove a thrive society. 这一段应该是描述ensure the well-being of individuals 是不会导致社会动乱的。觉得很好。应该多些过渡词。Furthermore, the overall success of a society would never occur without the basic benefits of the individual citizens. As I have argued before, 有点像argument了  the individual citizens are so important to constitute a society that they should be least likely to ignore by the government. That is, once this incident takes place, the result of the government may be nothing but collapse, making the society downfall. Take the House of Bourbon for example, which was ruled by Wikipedia, is a princely state that represents the rulers' benefits. Obviously, this government never achieve thrive society, because it was overturned by its citizens in 1848.Therefore, a society without providing its individual citizens benefits would be ended by the revolution of the people. A French economist, Francois Quesnay proposed that an empire would rich only after the (richness) of the farmers. That is, the well-being of the individual citizens affects the overall success as well as prosperity of a society. 例子很有启发的说

Admittedly, as the definition of the overall success of a nation is equivocal, we should not analysis simplify in one perspective. There is no clear criteria to measure what would be considered to be social overall success: to be aggressive and own a large amount of fields or to develop within the nation and provide people sufficient food, cloth and shelter. While mentions Julius Caesar, almost every one would admire this great empire, because he has brought Rome the honor which may be the overall success. However, at the same time when he orders the army to invade the land fields, the citizens in his own country are mostly suffered hunger and illness. 举例很准确 In this condition, we may have doubts to judge whether Caesar has indeed created a thrive society. Thus, to determine whether a society is thrive, we could not only prospect the superficial surface which is mislead and confused, but obtain the essential part through these surface(这句话总觉得不通,我想说透过现象看本质,怎么翻译啊?), such as the life of individual citizens, the totally development of a nation's economy, industrialization and politics, the mortality and birth rate which affects population, and the military force or scientific potential, which may be considered to be the essential part of the overall success of a society.

In sum, the well-being of individual citizens is a most important factor for the social thrifty, and the overall success may not able to occur if the government overlook the life condition of the people. Due to the overall success as well as thrive society has more than one definition, people from different perspective would hold different opinion.

总结:不错。我得issue 很烂的。该说的上面的G 友都说了。我实在提不出建设性的意见。在这里汗一下的说。   好好学习文上提出的例子先

[ Last edited by 黄川 on 2005-12-22 at 12:10 ]

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-22 15:42:20 |只看该作者

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