RT,请问这样的AD有多大的把握能拿到Financial aids?
I am happy to report that our departmental graduate studiescommittee has recommended that you be admitted our graduate program in environmentalengineering. Your admission must now be approved by the School of Engineering and the Graduate School , but those steps are usuallyformalities. You should receive an official letter of admission from theuniversity in about three weeks. We have admitted you into the M. S.degree program initially. If you excel in your coursework and research,we will probably invite you to continue for the Ph.D. degree after completingyour M.S., or possibly switch into the FastTrac Ph.D. program before completingyour M.S.
We will certainly consider you for financial aid. Offers of financial aid will be extended in late February or earlyMarch.
Congratulations on your many academic achievements. Welook forward to your joining us in August.