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[i习作temp] issue185 vivien 4.6 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-4-6 22:44:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1 丑闻能告诉人们一些从别的途径得不到的信息。
2 丑闻有时后是有用的。
3 丑闻有时后没有用。

According to the title of the statement, the speaker assertsthat scandals could make people pay attention to the problems which no speakeror reformer would let people pay attention to. And the speaker also claim thatin any area, scandals can be useful. In my opinion, I partly agree with thespeaker's attitude about scandal. I concede that scandals will let people tonotice something which no speaker or reformer will let people touch. But Iinsist that scandals not always useful in any area.

First of all, scandals will make people pay attention tosomething from different perspective which reformer and speaker unwilling tolet people. This is because that reformer and speaker almost always only wantpeople know things which are benefit to their purpose or career, so they oftentell people something positively. As one of the presidents of  US Clinton, he never told people anythingabout his sexual scandal voluntarily until this scandal had been known by people from other ways. The reasonis that Clinton awared that this sexual scandal will indeed give negativeinfluence to his president career. Another example is about Nixon, who cheatedin the president election. Nixon himself will never tell this cheating byhimself voluntarily for this scandal is extremely harmful to his politicalcareer. From the examples discussed in this paragraph, we can see that fromspeaker and reformer, we can not know some problems which scandals let us toknow.

Second, the problems provided by scandal sometimes is useful.As the example of Nixon I have discussed above, the scandal about him is usefulto public. After people knowing this scandal, they can make a new judgementabout their president Nixon, they can have a more quality and objectivejudegment and make a new choice based on the fact. If people did not know thescandal about Nixon, they will still be cheated and continued to believe thatNixon is a good president. In the academic area, scandal is also usefulsometimes. As we know that some famous professor provide false data in theirpapers and put other's studying result in their own papers as their ownachievement. These scandals should be known by public, so that others would notbe cheated by these professors, and the area of academic can be purified. In addition,other professors would get instructions from these scandals and stop or avoidcheating in academic papers.

Finally, in some conditions, I feel that scandals have nouse. Here we can also take the example of the previous president of US Clinton asan example. The scandal about him have not influenced his image in Americans.It is possible that this sexual scandal have no relationship with his politicalwork and people do not care about it. Then, we can think about anotherpresident of US Kennedy, who is immoral in his personal life. However, scandalsof his personal life did not have any negative influence in his politicalcareer and his good image as excellent president. Moreover, in the area ofentertainment, scandals is found and exposed by media to attract peopleattention. For people, these scandals are just a short time entertainment buthave no use to judge a pop star or movie star. In short, scandals sometimes arejust  material of talk of small entertainmentbut have no other value.

To sum up, from what have been discussed above, we can drawthe conclusion that scandals can tell people some problems that people can notget from other ways. Furthermore, scandals can be useful sometimes but have nouse at all at other times. Then the most important thing for people is to makeuse of some valuable scandals to promote the development of the society.

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