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[i习作temp] issue56 0906G三月底AW“永不言弃”互改小组第一周第五次作业 by victor883 8# [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-2-10 01:40:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 victor883 于 2009-2-10 01:47 编辑

Issue 56
Governments should focus more on the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.

WORDS: 579                                            VICTOR883                             THE LANTERN DAY      MIDNIGHT

Are the immediate problems in today’s society more worthwhile for the governments to deal with than the anticipated problems of the future, as the arguer maintains? In some sense, the primary obligation of governments is to solve kinds of problems encountered by our society. On balance I consider that some potential issues in the future may be as important as current issues, if not more than, which should be concerned equally by the contemporary governments.

Admittedly, the governments should shoulder the responsibilities to face and address numerous problems and complicated issues emerging in today’s economy-driven society. It is because some immediate problems are too complex and complicate to be solved effectively by the individuals and private companies that need the help of governments which have advantages in capital and technology. Consider, the problem of global crisis in the very current society, for example, many countries’ economical systems are suffering unprecedented stress in today’s global crisis, lots of companies and corporations have to face the danger of abruption and many workers lose their own jobs. All of these situations may become even server if no practical measures are taken timely. In the end, many governments have to spare no efforts on dealing with this crisis and have taken some measures to ease the stress, make economy return to its own orbits.

Besides the problems of economical areas, it is also the responsibility for the governments to solve other problems in other areas in order to serve the society better. The problem of juvenile delinquency, which not only jeopardizes the security of the people’s daily life but also makes the public lost confidences on the primary education, should be treated seriously by the governments. And it is also an important task for the governments to deal with the problem increasing corruption problems, which may bring about some adverse effects on the governments’ imagines. Otherwise the governments may lose their prestige in the public forever. Accordingly, to make the public adhered to their governments consistently and to maintain the stability of the society, governments should take these immediate problems seriously and devote to mitigate them aptly and effectively.

Nevertheless, the speaker undervalues the importance of coping with some anticipated problem in the future. In my observation, the narrow-insight governments who just pursue some short-term interests are vulnerable to committing mistakes which even affect the whole country badly. A striking example which aptly illustrates this point comes to the environmental pollution. In the progress of some western countries’ industrialization, the governments pursue their industrial productive abruptly regardless of the potential danger of pollution, and years later the heavy pollution of local environment becomes a large impediment in the further development of the whole country.

In addition, to solve the potential problem in current society, which will possibly happen in the near future, is a responsible act for our descendants. At the same time the government who pays more attention on the anticipated problems of the future may be considered as a responsible and reliable government. In short, solving the future issues is beneficial not only to our descents but to the self-development of the government.

In sum, undeniably, governments must assume certain responsibilities in solving the immediate problems in contemporary society. Furthermore, in order to make our society develop last and healthily, to be responsible for the later generations and to maintain its self-development, every government has the obligation to take the anticipant problems in the future into consideration and solve them aptly.

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issue56 0906G三月底AW“永不言弃”互改小组第一周第五次作业 by victor883 8#
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