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[未归类] 第2次〓DIES IN FLAMS〓 Issue13 By tracywlz [复制链接]

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Cancer巨蟹座 荣誉版主 GRE梦想之帆 GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 AW小组活动奖 美版友情贡献

发表于 2009-5-28 15:07:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 tracywlz 于 2009-5-29 22:52 编辑


13"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."

We are in a world with numerous things being lost and plenty of things booming. It is the natural code that nothing can be eternal, thus the phenomenon that some languages are being lost is just the same as for all the things. Extremely seriously anxious ought not to be raised from government and what the government is suppose to do is regarding it as other normal culture relics.

Admittedly, in order to sustain a culture's varies, government has the responsibility to protect lesser-known languages. Language is a vital role that have been saturated our daily life-the expression, the timbre, the accent, the pitch and any other properties of a language are indubitably directly reflected people's characters or living customs. Such as North Western’s native language is imbued with forthright and loudness-just like the weather, condition and food in there. While language in torrid country is silken and soft, which totally differ from the frigid area. Therefore, when we want to know a culture's feature, studying their language is a considerable choice.

However, studying a language does not mean requiring government’s force to make a special area of people use them. Enough information and reference can be found with the help of library or museum so as to the number of people adopting this language is not indispensable for studying.

In essence, no individual or organization can act as a judge to decide which language is in vogue and which is outmode. It is the times’ choose and the course of social evolution is a mean of eliminating misfit elements. Accordingly, if a government plans to prevent a language's dying out as the speaker asserts, the plan are likely to be a total failure with wasting plenty of resources-both the fund to implement the project and lost economic and social effects that may be proved by other prevalent language .

Moreover, sometimes a language is not actually extinct when people are not using them regularity. Plenty of other ways to use a language still exist: history lore, art justice or even cipher study, any demand in special realms. Consequently, people and government have no need to afraid too much when they found less and less people are willing to communicate with an idiosyncratic language. Maybe that language is too complex for contemporary life and it may still alive in given areas.

What's more, in nowadays, numerous things are waiting government to settle. With a limitation of resources and money, what a government concerns most ought to be the exiting crisis. Therefore, taking too much emphasis on reviving lesser-known language is not wise for government.

To sum up, although language is a main part of a culture and enough measures should be carried out to protect them, what is requisite is merely the ordinary treatment as other basal culture relics. Meanwhile, numerous crises are actually starving for solving which need the most of governments’ attention.


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发表于 2009-5-29 02:41:57 |只看该作者
We are in a world with numerous things being lost and plenty of things boomed. it is the natural code that nothing can be external, thus the phenomenon that some languages are being lost is just the same as for all the things. Extremely seriously anxious ought not to be raised from government and what the government is suppose to do is regarding it as other normal culture relics.

Admittedly, in order to sustain a culture's varies; government has the responsibility to protect lesser-known languages.
Language is a vital role that have been saturated our daily life-the expression, the timbre, the accent, the loud and any property of a language are indubitably direct reflected people's characters or living customs. Such as the native language in North Western is always with hoax and thick accent-just like the seasons and food they have, freezing winter with Whisky which sometimes are ~. While language in torrid country is totally, differ from them. Oral speaking elements are smooth in harmony with they short figure. Therefore, when we want to know a culture's feature, studying their language is a significant choice. However, studying a language does not mean forcing local people still use them. Enough information and reference can be found with the help of library or museum so that how many people are adopting this language is not indispensable for culture and language studying.
In essence, no individual or organization can act as a judge to decide which language is in vogue and which is outmode. It is the times’ choose-the course of social evolution is a mean of eliminating misfit elements. So, if a government plans to prevent a language's dying out as the speaker asserts, the plan are likely to be a total fail with wasting lots of resources-any schedule to society development are proved to be wrong in the end.
Moreover, sometimes a language is not actually extinct when people are not using them as usual. There are plenty of other ways to use a language: history study, making code, any need in special environment. Therefore, people and government are support not to afraid too much when they found some less people are willing to use a language. Maybe that language is too complex for communicating and it may still extinct in special areas.
额额。。。这段首句上来我就不同意,不是说观点不同,而是tracy这点可能不太了解了,建议你查一下extinct language的定义。不是说有自己的想法不好,但至少这个想法得符合客观事实,不要臆想。
What's more, in nowadays, numerous things are waiting government to settle. With a limitation of resources and money, what a government concerns most ought to be the exiting crisis. Therefore, taking too much emphasis on reviving lesser-known language is not wise for government.
To sum up, although language is a main part of a culture and enough measures should be carried out to protect them by government, what it deserves is merely the same treatment as other main culture relics.(不懂) Meanwhile, many other crises are actually starving for solving which need the most of government's attention.

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GRE梦想之帆 AW小组活动奖

发表于 2009-5-29 19:04:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 winning1030 于 2009-5-29 19:05 编辑

We are in a world with numerous things being lost and plenty of things boomed. it is the natural code that nothing can be external(?是想要用eternal吧), thus the phenomenon that some languages are being lost is just the same as for all the things. Extremely seriously anxious ought not to be raised from government and what the government is suppose to do is regarding it as other normal culture relics.

Admittedly, in order to sustain a culture's varies; government has the responsibility to protect lesser-known languages. Language is a vital role that have been saturated our daily life-the expression, the timbre, the accent, the loud and any property of a language are indubitably direct reflected people's characters or living customs. Such as the native language in North Western is always
with hoax and thick accent-just like the seasons and food they have, freezing winter with Whisky which sometimes are ~. While language in torrid country is totally, differ from them. Oral speaking elements are smooth in harmony with they short figure. Therefore, when we want to know a culture's feature, studying their language is a significant choice. However, studying a language does not mean forcing local people (who)still use them. Enough information and reference can be found with the help of library or museum so that how many people are adopting this language is not indispensable for culture and language studying.[/color](觉得这一句和你的主题句不对应。而且通过语言了解一个民族不是通过其语言的语音语调,最重要的是其传达的文化内涵,没有深挖哦)

In essence, no individual or organization can act as a judge to decide which language is in vogue and which is outmode. It is the times’ choose-the course of social evolution (that) is a mean of eliminating misfit elements. So, if a government plans to prevent a language's dying out as the speaker asserts, the plan are likely to be a total fail with wasting lots of resources-any schedule to society development are proved to be wrong in the end.(算了,最后一句话整个有问题,你自己看一遍就知道怎么改了)

Moreover, sometimes a language is not actually extinct when people are not using them as usual. There are plenty of other ways to use a language: history study, making code, any need in special environment. Therefore, people and government are support not to afraid too much when they found some less people are willing to use a language. Maybe that language is too complex for communicating and it may still extinct in special areas.(恩,甲骨文现在也没人会说,但是有记载也有些用途,装饰啊啥啥啥的,但是能说它不是extinct language吗?而且,你只是觉得认文章用extinct来修饰那些越来越少人说的语言不妥,觉得这样写没什么意思。拙见,如果错了抱歉)
What's more, in nowadays, numerous things are waiting government to settle. With a limitation of resources and money, what a government concerns most ought to be the exiting crisis. Therefore, taking too much emphasis on reviving lesser-known language is not wise for government.

To sum up, although language is a main part of a culture and enough measures should be carried out to protect them by government, what it deserves is merely the same treatment as other main culture relics. Meanwhile, many other crises are actually starving for solving which need the most of government's attention.

童鞋,放上来的时候一遍也没改吧,很多低级的语法错误哦。而且觉得有些用法不是很地道,一些从句的穿插比较绕口。同时,似乎忘记了论证第一句话,Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them。我觉得你的第一段应该不属于论证这个吧,应该写一段论证这点。

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Cancer巨蟹座 荣誉版主 GRE梦想之帆 GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 AW小组活动奖 美版友情贡献

发表于 2009-5-29 22:14:19 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tracywlz 于 2009-5-29 22:19 编辑


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