zehua 发表于 2005-7-25 17:11:26


麦兜^@^ 发表于 2005-7-25 18:01:28


dr_green 发表于 2005-7-25 18:14:46


啊啊啊啊~~ 今天看到你们的队伍~~ 可不可以让我加入啊~~拜托拜托~
8.16 北京考

[ Last edited by dr_green on 2005-7-25 at 18:16 ]

xiaowenzi118 发表于 2005-7-25 18:31:15

刚刚帮hustzwj 改了Issue 136,今天不错,改了两篇了

fanfanzozo 发表于 2005-7-25 18:51:47



dingzj 发表于 2005-7-25 20:34:56


Originally posted by fanfanzozo at 2005-7-25 18:51

hustzwj 发表于 2005-7-25 21:25:00


xiaowenzi118 发表于 2005-7-25 22:05:03


Issue 43,政治类的,虽然比艺术好多了,还是头大呀


dr_green 发表于 2005-7-25 22:10:54


Originally posted by fanfanzozo at 2005-7-25 18:51

我的第一篇是104 地址在我的签名档里 自己改过三遍了 第三稿都无人问津中。。。

翦瞳 发表于 2005-7-25 22:35:47


hustzwj 发表于 2005-7-25 22:37:58


我6g aw时写得issue136


The absence of choices is a circumstance that is very, very rare.

2.让步:专制国家是的 e.g. Hitler统治下的jewish, black people before emancipation

3过渡:民主国家是有选择的e.g. prectitioner, customers, students, 但是为什么还有人说无选择呢,分析如下寄托家园

4一种情况是只有最有选择或可行选择 e.g学生期末考试


6 总结,分为专制国家和民主国家来看。

According to our daily experience, we confront choices every day from the smallest things such as making a choice on what to do after we get up ,what to eat as daily meals to much more important like deciding to invest in which business or companies. Nevertheless/whereas people living in centraliztion countries may encounter many mandatory orders or restrained to laws which make them feel no choices. I contend that as long as the society that we live in is democratic, actually the circumstance of no choices is rare.

First of all, I admit that in a centralized countries like Germany ruled by Hitler, ancient china, North Korea, and racial discrimination countries, populace sometimes lapse into no choice but to be obedient. The rulers or tyrants are pone to make his or her will to act as a standard of the whole society through the means of laws , other regulations. Though the forms of court, military, and legislations seem exist in every democratic countries, those of contralized countries are only at the service of the ruler or tyrants to limit the latitude of common people, sometimes even presumptuously arrest someone and throw into prison. Maybe the most obvious example that could help us understand the hardship of those who living under such circumstance is the Germany  during the period ruled by Hitler. At that time Jewish people were massacred, in another word, if they went on stay within the boundary of Germany, their fate is to be killed and be deprived of the first and most important choice--to live. Another good example is the society of America before the emancipation of black people. Have they got choice to not be born as a slave ? No. From the day of they were born, they were sentenced to be subordinate to the white. I just exemplify two instant to indicate that in such countries which has no democracy , peoples choices are few and constrained, so they may now and then face no choices.

However, when it comes to democratic countries like the nowdays America, common people could enjoy their rights entitled by constitutions and laws, among which are the the rights of free religion, speech, exercise, assembly, petition , legislated and ensured by the Amendment 1-10--which makes the absence of choices very rare. People are facing choices everyday and they decide their lives up to themselves: practitioners starts their new business ,chooses a partner; customers have to decide which goods they will buy and which service they'll accept; students can study what they are insterested in. Even though, we still are able to hear someone complaint that they have no choice but to do something. Is that the case that they really have no way out? After further examination one could understand that even who claim they have no chice still have chices .寄托家园8G9o| e d)m!l d

One case that people feel no other choice but to do something is the fact that they are in front of several options but there is only one that will benefit them most or only one is feasible while others either have disadvantages or infeasible. Consider, a student may say he or she has no choice but to work hard for the approaching exams. Nevertheless, the fact is that to preparing and be diligent is the best way out and will benefit him or her most ,at least heself or herself thinks so; otherwise, say, igoring the advent exam will make him or her feel regretful after the unsatisfying result comes out. In this case, he or she does makes chocies, and there are at least two, to study or give up study, but there may be only a benefical one and feasible one.

Another situation is when there is no best choice , so that people are forced to pick an option from the available ones, but still they have choices. For instance, an electorate could find it hard to make a choice when all the candidates are satisfying, that is there is no such one that could completely represent his or her will. If he insist on his right to vote, the only way out is to vote for a candidate who's plan and action seem better than others. After all, he or she makes a decision among several choices though there is no best choice but a better one. Therefore, after the analysis, it is quite clear that even when people allege they have no chice there do are some choices in a democratic country.

To sum up, it is true that in some extreme cases like centrailized countries, people are sometimes forced to act out the will of the rulesr. However, in a country of democarcy, most often choices are available in front of us . Though when confronting few cases people have a feeling of no chice, the reality is they've already made a decision.bbs.gter.net e^%C D p L9} l


[ Last edited by hustzwj on 2005-7-25 at 22:40 ]

翦瞳 发表于 2005-7-26 00:05:20

Originally posted by
Without any information that refers to the survey's valid and the long-term effect of Luxess face cream, and before ruling out the possible effect caused by soft soap, the argument is groundlees to judge the reasonable and valid effect of Luxess face cream. The rash conclusion may result in aggravation other than amelioration of face situation.


翦瞳 发表于 2005-7-26 00:12:25

issue47 我来!

翦瞳 发表于 2005-7-26 00:37:08


[ Last edited by 翦瞳 on 2005-7-26 at 01:00 ]

Gladysry 发表于 2005-7-26 00:47:30

因为电脑坏了,进度受到了影响。今天改了zehua的两篇,觉得都还不错。(他怎么这么丰产呢?不解ing ……)还盖了翦瞳 的一篇,觉得有点乱(心音:gladysry你要是限时估计就不只是有点儿乱拉!!>_<|||)

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