sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-5 20:59:47

ISSUE128【根据批阅后的修改版】 【已批改 by 狐狸大叔】

本帖最后由 sitting-dog 于 2012-5-6 17:02 编辑

128 Some people argue thatsuccessful leaders in government, industry, or other fields must be highlycompetitive. Other people claim that in order to be successful, a leader mustbe willing and able to cooperate with others.


An outstanding will leader leads his/her teamtowards success.

As a leader, he/she has the responsibilityto guide his/her team to success.
This is nowhere more true than that thesuper-modern society is glutted with competition.
Companies chase after profits to survive in thejungle of competitors and governments work hard to benefit their votersavoiding to be replaced by other groups.
Therefore, individually, I cannot agree more withthe opinion that an eminent leader must be highly competitive.

Unless with the sense ofcompetition, leaders of any society can never lead his/her people to win in thecompetitive world. Competition is the essential driving force of eachindividual and thus motivation of society progress which is composed ofindividuals. The competitive impulse fosters the desire for excellent. It isthe responsibility of social leaders to create a healthy atmosphere ofcompetition under which the subsequent improvements will generate. This can beillustrated by transformation of Chinese market policy. Decades ago, theplanned economy policy was praised by Chinese leaders. This policy in whichgovernment played a key role to run entire business of nation is featured as absoluteequality and eliminates any chance of competition. Unfortunately, thesegovernment-businesses are ineffective due to lack of competition and thenresult in low productive capability and poor welfare of entire population.Realizing the disadvantage of such policy and desiring to reverse thestraggling situation of China and catch up with developed countries, leadershave decided to transform the old economic system killing the spirit of competitioninto the new one encouraging competitive awareness. Individuals and companiesalike for sake of survival in competition must continue to improve theirservices and products, and consequently, the entire society prospers, at leasteconomically. Owing to the vitality of competitiveness, China can experiencethe prosperity than ever before.

Furthermore, to lead his/her people to win acompetition with external competitors, a leader needs the ability to cooperate.A country does not have permanent friends, only permanent interests. Thissaying is used to illustrate that cooperation always serve for competition.
This saying is used to illustrate that cooperation is always serve competition. (serve for = stand for, 这里用错了)
A competitive leader is not a successful leaderuntil he/she learns the art of cooperation and use it to bring benefits.
A competitive leader is not asuccessful leader until he/she learns the art of cooperation and makes profitby means of cooperation. (not … until, 实现作强调)
In some situations, if to cooperate with otherscan lower a company's cost while improve its income; it is wise to takecooperation.
If to cooperate with others can lower a company’s costs and improve its income, the leader must take out such cooperation in no time.
Otherwise, when cooperation can brings nothingbut sacrifice, the leader of a company should reject it with no hesitant.
Otherwise, when cooperation can bringnothing but losing money, the leader should reject is without hesitant.
For example, IBM cooperated with Lenovo, a Chinesecomputer manufacturer, in the personal computer industry several years ago. That cooperation is a kind of two-win strategy. On onehand this cooperation can reduce the costs of IBM's personal computerdepartment, which means the finance support for other more profitable areas canbe magnified. On the other hand technologies from IBM can lift the qualityof Lenovo's products and it is a nice advertisement which can improve Lenovo'sreputation in the personal computer industry.
On the other hand, technologies from IBM can lift the quality of Lenovo’s products and rise its reputation inpersonal computer industry.
However, when comes to business industry, IBMwill not cooperate with others because the throne of this area is already ownsto IBM. The blue giant would not like to see anyone to weak its kingship.
However, IBM will not cooperate with others in business computer market, because at this period of time no one can weak blue giant’s kingship in this area.

In sum, competition and cooperation havesignificant inner relationship.
In sum, I dear to assert that competition is more important than cooperation, for the reason of people to cooperate with each other is in order to survive in fierce competitions.
As the increasing complexity of tasks, it ishard to accomplish a job all by oneself.
As the complexity of tasks increases,it is harder for a person to accomplish a job all by himself/herself.
Therefore cooperation takes places to simplify jobs and elevate working efficiency.
While, the essence of cooperation is to helpindividuals, companies even nations to win the competition. A successful leaderhas to keep clear mind about this.
While a successful leader has to keep his/her mind clear about the fact that the aim of cooperation is to win in the competition.
In different situations cooperation can bewelcomed as well as rejected, which totally determined by the will to wincompetitions.That is why in differentsituations cooperation can be welcomed as well as can be rejected, whichtotally determine such phenomenon is the expectation result of competition.

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-5 23:31:56




狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-5 23:46:16



sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 00:02:39

3# 狐狸大叔

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 00:09:21






狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 00:13:33

In some situations, less competitive is equal to silence. What is rather ironical is that one always keep silence and never let others know his/her abilities can be noticed and finally been elected as the leader.
你自己翻译成中文多看几遍你觉得make sense吗?

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 00:21:42

语言问题也很多,你放到word里面跑下spell check看看(虽然实际考试不能用这个功能)
例如let a company beats显然是错的,let xxx后面的动词原形


However, apart fromcompetition, an outstanding leader also needs to know how to cooperate with others.
At first, teammates in a high qualified team need to learn the art of cooperation, especially the leader.


jiang08 发表于 2012-5-6 02:28:15


sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 09:50:20

7# 狐狸大叔

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 10:04:04



sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 10:55:41

10# 狐狸大叔

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 11:03:37

11# sitting-dog

sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 11:10:34

本帖最后由 sitting-dog 于 2012-5-6 11:11 编辑

12# 狐狸大叔

狐狸大叔 发表于 2012-5-6 11:16:27


sitting-dog 发表于 2012-5-6 11:20:07

14# 狐狸大叔

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