seisp 发表于 2009-5-31 19:07:20

A number of scientists have published articles____global warming ,stating ____ that there is no solid scientific evidence to support the theory that the Eath is warming because of increa ...
wtwt5237 发表于 2009-5-31 13:10

A number of scientists have published articles____global warming ,stating ____ that there is no solid scientific evidence to support the theory that the Eath is warming because of increases in greenhouse gases.
答案是:debunk, catergorically

本题的逻辑:逗号后的分句内容是对前面主句内容具体情况的描述。通过后者内容,判断这些scientists的态度,可以看到,伴随从句是否定global warming的。(no evidence supporting th Earth is warming due to the increase of greenhouse gases)。因此第一个词选否定词debunk(to expose the falseness of something). B,D,进入备选。

从科学家的措辞“no solid evidence”可以判断,他们的态度应该是坚定的,强势的。正如Genev所说。并没有paradoxically和hesitantly之意, 故排除B、D

Conceptually, it is hard to reconcile a defense attorney's ___ to ensure that false testimony is not knowingly put forward with the attorney's mandate to mount the most _____defense conceivable for the client.



综上,本题只有A是最合适的。第一空为duty, 第二空是powerful。

我是胖子 发表于 2009-5-31 23:01:14



linda06020114 发表于 2009-5-31 23:38:44

Originally, most intellectual criticism of mass culture was __ in character, being based on the assumption that the wider the appeal, the more __ the product.
A. unpredicable...undesirable
B. ironic...popular
C. extreme...outlandish
D. frivolous...supreflouos
E. negative...shoddy

Genev 发表于 2009-6-1 12:06:17

259# linda06020114

Answer: B
"Orignially" indicates it is an old phenomenon (most propably wrong or biased). Wider appeal does not mean wider popularity. As a critic, such a logic is too simple, so it is "ironic".

宝贝葱310 发表于 2009-6-2 22:52:35

Ultimately, the book's credibility is strained;
the slender, though far from -----, web of
evidence presented on one salient point is
expected to support a vast ---- of implications.

unconvincing.. cacophony
nonexistent.. superstructure
indispensable.. array
intricate.. network
imposing.. compendium

答案:(B)     为什么啊  能翻译下吗

In pollen dating, geologic happenings are dated
in terms of each other, and one can get just so
far by matching ---- sequences; but in
radiocarbon dating the scale of time is
measured in ---- terms of centuries or years.

random.. selective
irrelevant.. usable
vague.. relative
independent.. absolute
imaginary.. calculable

第一空为什么是independent呢 觉得应该是跟前面一致in terms of each other啊


宝贝葱310 发表于 2009-6-2 23:36:37

6.  Researchers say that methanol can boost the growth of plants by___ a natural process known as photorespiration, during which a plant can____ much of the energy it needs to grow.
A. promoting….waste     B. modifying… alter     C. blocking… store
D. inhibiting…. lose       E.accelerating…. over utilize
为什么是D呢 觉得是C啊  既然要 boost the growth  不就应该store或其他正动作  the energy it needs to grow??

Genev 发表于 2009-6-3 09:43:15

262# 宝贝葱310

boost the growth是要么促进储存能量的机制,要么压制丧失能量的机制,D是后者。C把blocking换成promoting就对了。

Genev 发表于 2009-6-3 09:48:04

261# 宝贝葱310


这种排序法虽然in terms of each other, 但是each other本身是独立的,没有联系的。

wtwt5237 发表于 2009-6-4 14:42:35

MacCrory's conversation was _____:she could never tell a story, chiefly becasue she always forgot it, and she was never guilty of a witticism, unless by accident
A) scintillating
B) unambiguous
C) perspicuous
D) stultifying
E) facetious
答案选的A没啥问题,主要是she was never guilty of a witticism, unless by accident 是啥意思?
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