
英语学习和娱乐版 今日: 0|主题: 3172

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[resource] [Mo]今年TheEconomist下载(更新至三月十七日) digest  ...2 ilovedat 2007-3-26 155582 ilovedat 2007-4-11 06:33:54
[help] 求:“盛大开业,火爆酬宾”的英语翻译? shark1201 2007-4-9 23572 shark1201 2007-4-9 15:04:52
[study] 求助~~~~~~`有谁能推荐一些很好的记英语单词的书啊?? Jennyphz 2007-4-8 52330 elder99 2007-4-8 15:19:05
[未归类] An interesting finding no_comment 2007-4-6 11651 lintelle 2007-4-6 17:54:36
[study] 关于大家背单词。。 elder99 2007-3-7 32236 daweigis 2007-4-6 11:07:19
[未归类] 请问谁知道哪里可下载新英语900句的文本 xinyan 2005-1-31 24287 野马也尘埃也 2007-4-5 19:10:57
[chat] 世界名著和文章(每日更新)继续更新  ...23 ilovedat 2006-12-20 327779 ilovedat 2007-4-5 18:54:10
[study] 英语学习宝典之单词篇 elder99 2007-4-3 22075 ayweo 2007-4-5 15:02:33
[study] 请问一句话的意思?时间长我拿不准了 wyf1013 2007-3-26 42349 candycafe 2007-4-1 14:16:39
[help] 几个小问题求解 candycafe 2007-3-20 92204 candycafe 2007-4-1 14:00:48
[help] 期权,空头,风险头寸 belinda2007 2007-3-30 13004 no_comment 2007-3-30 14:55:05
[study] 你能翻译这篇文章吗? flavoring 2007-3-29 11898 lintelle 2007-3-29 22:13:25
[study] 新三的体会 lidingyuan 2006-11-17 42541 quxiaofei 2007-3-29 14:43:47
[study] 大家想要什么杂志  ...2 ilovedat 2006-12-20 163892 quxiaofei 2007-3-29 14:24:18
[study] Very funny是什么意思? cw025 2007-3-27 33256 lintelle 2007-3-29 05:17:57
[未归类] 大家给推荐个英文名字(在线等)  ...23 散漫的猪 2007-2-26 335592 blueday 2007-3-25 10:27:22
[未归类] 网络英语角,想在网上练口语的朋友进来。 exiang 2006-9-9 138494 joyce8512 2007-3-21 16:18:01
这些怎么翻译啊? lesley0912 2007-3-13 21871 hihi.faith 2007-3-18 10:14:32
[study] 急问!!!! jeffhe 2007-3-12 21771 hihi.faith 2007-3-18 10:12:55
[未归类] del 匿名用户 2007-3-3 42085 2007-3-15 00:01:24
[chat] Kamikaze - Japanese plane fighter suicide killing method guozai 2007-3-13 68403 一特立独行的猪 2007-3-14 18:38:49
How to download You Tube 86525882 2007-3-4 83104 Psychocandy 2007-3-10 22:27:37
[未归类] Ghana citizen no longer can entry into Hong Kong without visa FireX 2007-3-7 01702 FireX 2007-3-7 00:39:43
[help] 英文书籍网站 Olivia2004 2007-3-4 22178 Olivia2004 2007-3-6 17:17:09
[未归类] HK fingerprint all visitor other than China & Taiwan FireX 2007-3-5 01911 FireX 2007-3-5 16:50:39
[help] do i need to take another toefl exam? a10065968 2007-3-3 72061 水狐狸 2007-3-3 18:13:18
[chat] I wanna be happy 水狐狸 2007-3-3 31992 水狐狸 2007-3-3 15:31:46
[help] Can you do me a favor? lovefreeair 2007-3-2 11964 babymonkey 2007-3-3 04:50:07
[study] 请教关于几个表达“看起来像”的意思的动词seem\appear\sound like的区别 redrock 2007-2-28 22265 redrock 2007-3-2 19:38:55
[help] 请帮我翻译哈,多谢多谢 liaoye 2007-2-28 11832 lovingmint 2007-3-2 11:22:07
[help] 请教一个翻译 conlor 2007-3-1 11609 Psychocandy 2007-3-1 21:20:26
[study] The Way to Learn Theoretical Physics - [翻译]学习理论物理的途径 guozai 2007-2-27 32936 NETEM 2007-2-28 16:39:58
[resource] 谁有STEP BY STEP2000的第二册音频?多谢多谢 maggiechan 2007-2-27 12645 cw025 2007-2-27 20:17:49
[未归类] 英语姓名小常识(女士篇)(zz)  ...2 一剑封喉 2005-12-6 154297 huanying98 2007-2-25 09:41:42
[help] 请翻译 belinda2007 2007-2-13 51939 TheBigApple 2007-2-24 22:15:55
报offer 祈福 爆照