['swell·ing || 'swelɪŋ] n.
增大; 隆起物; 膨胀; 疙瘩 chorus
[cho·rus || 'kɔːrəs] n.
合唱; 齐声; 合唱队 v.
合唱; 一齐说, 异口同声地说; 齐声朗诵; 合唱; 异口同声地说话; 齐声朗诵 hollow
[hol·low || 'hɑləʊ /'hɒl-] n.
洞; 山谷; 窟窿 v.
挖空; 弄凹; 形成空洞 adj.
空的; 空腹的; 虚伪的 eloquent
['el·o·quent || 'eləkwənt] adj.
雄辩的, 有说服力的; 富于表现的 protestant
[Prot·es·tant || 'prɒtɪstənt] n.
新教; 新教徒 adj.
新教的; 新教徒的 clergyman
['cler·gy·man || 'klɜrdʒɪmən /'klɜːd-] n.
牧师 gigantic
[gi·gan·tic || dʒaɪ'gæntɪk] adj.
巨人般的; 巨大的 evasion
[e·va·sion || ɪ'veɪʒn] n.
逃避, 藉口 inroad
[in·road || 'ɪnrəʊd] n.
侵入, 侵害, 侵略 eel
[iːl] n.
鳗鱼, 圆滑的人, 鳝鱼 cult
[kʌlt] n.
礼拜, 祭仪, 礼拜式 scrutiny
[scru·ti·ny || 'skruːtnɪ /-tɪnɪ] n.
细看, 监视, 仔细检查 mockery
[mock·er·y || mɑkərɪ /mɒkərɪ] n.
嘲弄, 蔑视, 笑柄 of itself
[al·che·my || 'ælkɪmɪ] n.
炼金术; 神奇力量 fictitious
[fic·ti·tious || fɪk'tɪʃəs] adj.
假想的; 虚伪的; 编造的 tenet
[ten·et || 'tenɪt] n.
教义, 原则, 宗旨 creed
[kriːd] n.
教义, 信条; 使徒信条; 信念, 纲领, 主义 Every tenet of this creed教义的原则
uneasiness n.
担心; 局促; 不安; 拘束 come of
go by default
hermetic seal
[her·met·ic || hɜr'metɪk /hɜː'm-] adj.
密封的; 神秘的; 炼金术的; 深奥的, 不易理解的 extracurricular
[ex·tra·cur·ric·u·lar || ‚ekstrəkə'rɪkjʊlə] adj.
课外的; 业余的 blasphemy
[blas·phe·my || 'blæsfəmɪ] n.
亵渎神明, 亵渎神明的言词 cruiser
[cruis·er || 'kruːzə] n.
巡洋舰, 警察巡逻车, 巡航飞机 revolutionize (Amer.)
[,rev·o'lu·tion·ize || ‚revə'luːʃnaɪz] v.
彻底改革, 在...方面实现突破性改革; 在...发动革命; 使革命化
1 "We are told," says Dr. Buttrick, quoting Harvard's James Bryant Conant, "that education is preparation for the 'good life,' but neither the word 'good' nor the word 'life' is given any content. Or we are told [by John S. Brubacher] that the 'general aim' of education 'is only that of pupil growth.' But what kind of 'growth'? . . . Or we are told [by William Heard Kilpatrick] that education must assume 'increasing responsibility for participation in projecting ideas of social change.' But again we must ask: What kind of change and in what direction? . . ." 好例子,容易举出。
2 Cash & Gadgets. These questions, says Dr. Buttrick, the educators do not answer, for "recent education has almost deified an attitude of suspended judgment, blind to the fact that while suspended judgment may be possible in matters of opinion or unfinished scientific research, it is not possible on any deeper level of life.
3 We may suspend judgment . . . about the cause of the sudden inroad of lamprey eels in Lake Michigan, but we cannot suspend judgment on whether to steal or be honest, or on whether man is a mechanism or a soul.
4 The cult of 'objective study' likewise cannot stand scrutiny。表达疑问的好用法。
5 Season according to taste.什么意思?
I wonder after reading this article, what will the atheists react? The dispute of the issue has lasted for a long time, and we are still in the dilemma, since none can give a cogent portrait of it. We are inculcated with the creed that the real essence of education is to gain knowledge of nature and to make our life more spectacular. in contrast to that, the pastor gave us a totally reverse idea about it that what we should care is not about whether to steal or be honest, or about whether man is mechanism or a soul. the truth really matters conceal in our inner spiritual world, a world we can know our ephemeral lives should devote to the divine and hallow generosity and religion belief.
The cult of religious belief may can not stand scrutiny from young guy, growing up in an earthy world without respecting anything, even worse some of which indulge themselves into numerous toxic and poisonous carnival. But no one can naysay to accept that we still live in an world amazing and marvelous that even some famous physical scientists convert themselves into religion. Satirized that we can not conclude the assumption in hasty, supplying some reliable evidence often becomes the crux, but how can we elicit spiritual world form a mundane one. It is radiculous.
though the pastor already gave us a flickering light to follow through the dawn, most of populace still stick on their way, as the bible said, "the way to death is board where so many people go, the way to immortal is narrow where access for only a few."
ephemeral |