50"In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."
1 a : PRECEPT <prevailing cultural instructions> b : a direction calling for compliance : ORDER ― usually used in plural <had instructions not to admit strangers> c plural : an outline or manual of technical procedure : DIRECTIONS d : a code that tells a computer to perform a particular operation
2 : the action, practice, or profession of teaching
transitive verb
1 a : to claim or ask for by right and authority b archaic : REQUEST
2 a : to call for as suitable or appropriate <the occasion requires formal dress> b : to demand as necessary or essential : have a compelling need for <all living beings require food>
3 : to impose a compulsion or command on : COMPEL
4 chiefly British : to feel or be obliged ― used with a following infinitive <one does not require to be a specialist ― Elizabeth Bowen>
intransitive verb archaic : ASK
Generally speaking,people would like accept commonsence which is based on their daily life and present understandings, rather than abstract theories.Such a inclination is same to students. What can convince students at large in the course of instruction is real and objective evidence,especially information getting away from purely academic reasearchesand could support what they are taught.The need calls for a requirement to the faculty of having plenty of relative practical example in hand,in order to make what they are instructing effectively and vividly.Where can faculty get such gain?It seems that nothing will be better than getting a profession-relevent job outside the academic world and accumulate experience from practices,ultimately,impart to students.However,considering the various characteristics owed by different subjects and personality of each faculty,it is ill-conceived and unwise to acquire all faculty to spend time on course-relevent job outside existing academic work.Furthermore,whether the idea will finally achieve the goal is still questionable,even may cause a negtive disturb to the functioning of daily teaching.
When it comes to the Economics,which is closely interlated with our everyday life,faculty in relative field can easily find that ocassional working outside the academic researches does do a favor to normal instruction.Gregory Mankiw,who is a typical example that can keep a balance between teaching and official working.Mankiw was appointed as the chairman of the Concil of Economics Advisor from 2003 to 2005.Then he has since resume teaching in Harvard.Currently,he is a visiting fellow of the American Interprise Institution.Owning suchlike experience in both instructing of university and official working,Mankiw has demonstrated publicly he benefits a lot from trying various things,surely what he gets from government job has a positive effect on his instruction at university. But on the contravacy, it is hard to imagine the faculty in the field of aeronautics or archeology could find it very helpful to work outside lab,for such subjects are comparetively divorced from reality and acquire more accurate experimental data from scientific test and field-work.What should be instructed to students is mainly the method to do a research or analyse relative data.
Not only the factor of different subjects,but also personal characteristics ought to be taken into consideration when decide whether faculty should be demanded to work outside.Take John Nash,who is unsociable and eccentric,for example.Even in a broadly-speaking same field of learning with Mankiw,obviously Nash prefer to find his inspire and direction in a sphere of basic academic research.Ignoring the respect to individual traits and make a slapdash requirement blindly means ocuppying present time and energy,even disturbing the normal functioning of instructing.
All roads lead to Rome.In fact,the quality of instruction can also evaluated and promoted by other factors like students' learning activity and open academic environment provided by college and university.Actions should be taken on the basis of original intention,any one-sided decision may lead to a unexpected rusult against initial intention.
In sum,integrating the academic output and practical experience get from course-relevent work outside school is a good way to improve the quality of instruction.But comprehensive factors should be thought of when requiring all faulty to spend time on outside working,including the characteristics of different subjects and faculty's personal situation.In addition,excepting the requirement to faculty,promotion in the aspect of students and school can also upgrade the quality of instruction.作者: rodgood 时间: 2010-1-15 10:17:04
Generally speaking,people would like accept commonsence which is basedon their daily life and present understandings, rather than abstracttheories(这个分析好,收下了).Such a inclination is same to students. What can convincestudents at large in the course of instruction(个人建议插入语适当加些标点吧) is real and objectiveevidence,especially information getting away from purely academicreasearches and could support what they are taught(好像有点语法问题。。getting away 用这里有点牵强,词性?).The need calls for arequirement to the faculty of having plenty of relative practicalexample in hand,in order to make what they are instructing effectivelyand vividly(这里好像应该用形容词).Where can faculty get such gain(没这么说的。。。)?It seems that nothingwill be better than getting a profession-relevent job outside theacademic world and accumulate experience frompractices,(这里要么前面用分号,要么加个连接词)ultimately,impart to(好词收了) students.However,considering the variouscharacteristics owed by different subjects and personality of eachfaculty,it is ill-conceived and unwise to acquire all faculty to spendtime on course-relevent job outside existing academicwork.Furthermore,whether the idea will finally achieve the goal isstill questionable,even may cause a negtive disturb to the functioningof daily teaching.(后半句个人建议用not to mention xxxxxx)(楼主的观点还是很清晰地,逻辑很好,层次也很清楚,学习了!!)
(transition 可能要注意下,有点唐突)When it comes to the Economics,which is closely interlated with oureveryday life,faculty in relative field can easily find that ocassionalworking outside the academic researches does do a favor to(用这里有点奇怪。。就用improve 或者其他synonyms就好) normalinstruction.Gregory Mankiw,who is a typical example that can keep abalance between teaching and official working.Mankiw was appointed asthe chairman of the Concil of Economics Advisor from 2003 to 2005.Thenhe has since resume(时态?) teaching in Harvard.Currently,he is a visitingfellow of the American Interprise Institution.Owning suchlikeexperience in both instructing of university and officialworking,Mankiw has demonstrated publicly he benefits a lot(不懂。。) from tryingvarious things,surely what he gets from government job has a positiveeffect on his instruction at university. But on the contravacy, it ishard to imagine the faculty in the field of aeronautics or archeology(这个that能省么?)could find it very helpful to work outside lab,for such subjects arecomparetively divorced from reality and acquire more accurateexperimental data from scientific test and field-work.What should beinstructed to students is mainly the method to do a research or analyserelative data. (例子好新,LZ学这个的?BTW,楼主的逻辑+论证很好,继续学习!!)
Not only the factor of different subjects,but also personalcharacteristics ought to be taken into consideration when decidewhether faculty should be demanded to work outside.Take John Nash,whois unsociable and eccentric,for example.Even in a broadly-speaking samefield of learning with Mankiw,obviously Nash prefer to find his inspireand direction in a sphere of basic academic research.Ignoring therespect to individual traits and make a slapdash requirement blindlymeans ocuppying present time and energy,even disturbing the normalfunctioning of instructing.
All roads lead to Rome.In fact,the quality of instruction can also (be)evaluated and promoted by other factors(加个标点吧,不然句子好长。。) like students' learningactivity and open academic environment provided by college anduniversity.Actions should be taken on the basis of originalintention,any one-sided decision may lead to a unexpected rusultagainst initial intention.
In sum,integrating the academic output and practical experience getfrom course-relevent work outside school is a good way to improve thequality of instruction.But comprehensive factors should be thought ofwhen requiring all faulty to spend time on outside working,includingthe characteristics of different subjects and faculty's personalsituation.In addition,excepting the requirement to faculty,promotion inthe aspect of students and school can also upgrade the quality ofinstruction.
What can convincestudents at large in the course of instruction(个人建议插入语适当加些标点吧) is real and objectiveevidence,especially information getting away from purely academicreasearches and could support what they are taught(好像有点语法问题。。getting away 用这里有点牵强,词性?)
out of purely academic reasearches会好一点吧?
Where can faculty get such gain(没这么说的。。。)?
Where can faculty get such pracitcal experience?
All roads lead to Rome.In fact,the quality of instruction can also (be)evaluated and promoted by other factors(加个标点吧,不然句子好长。。) like students' learningactivity and open academic environment provided by college anduniversity.
In fact,the quality of instruction can also (be)evaluated and promoted by other factors.Such as students' learning activity and open academic environment provided by college and university.作者: rodgood 时间: 2010-1-16 23:03:32
Generally speaking, people would like to accept commonsencecommonsense which is based on their daily life and presents understandings, rather than abstract theories. Such an inclination is same to students. What can convince students at large in the course of instruction is real and objective evidence, especially information getting away from purely academic reasearchesresearches and could support what they are taught(/learning). The need calls for a requirement to the faculty of having plenty of relative practical examples in hand, in order to make what they are instructing effectively and vividly. Where can faculty get such gain? It seems that nothing will be better than getting a profession-releventrelevant job outside the academic world and accumulatinge experience from practices, ultimately, imparting to students. However, considering the various characteristics owed by different subjects and personality of each faculty, it is ill-conceived and unwise to acquire all faculty to spend time on course-releventrelevant jobs outside existing academic work. Furthermore, whether the idea will finally achieve the goal is still questionable, even may cause a negtivenegative disturb (应该用名词吧) to the functioning of daily teaching.
When it comes to the Economics, which is closely interlatedinterrelated with our everyday life, faculty in relative field can easily find that ocassionaloccasional working outside the academic researches does do a favor to normal instruction. Gregory Mankiw ,who is a typical example that can keep a balance between teaching and official working. Mankiw was appointed as the chairman of the ConcilCouncil of Economics Advisor from 2003 to 2005.Then he has since resume teaching in Harvard. Currently, he is a visiting fellow of the American InterpriseEnterprise Institution. Owning such like experience in both instructing of university and official working, Mankiw has demonstrated publicly that he gets benefits a lot from trying various things, and surely what he gets from government job has a positive effect on his instruction at university. But on the contravacy contrary, it is hard to imagine the faculty in the field of aeronautics or archeology could find it very helpful to work outside lab, for such subjects are comparetivelycomparatively divorced from reality and acquire more accurate experimental data from scientific test and field-work. What should be instructed to students is mainly the method to do a research or analyseanalyze relative data.
Not only the factor of different subjects, but also personal characteristics ought to be taken into consideration when decide whether faculty should be demanded to work outside or not. Take John Nash, who is unsociable and eccentric, for example. Even in a broadly-speaking same field of learning with Mankiw, obviously Nash prefer to find his inspire and direction in a sphere of basic academic research. Ignoring the respect to individual traits and make a slapdash requirement blindly means ocuppyingoccupying present time and energy, even disturbing the normal functioning of instructing.
All roads lead to Rome. In fact, the quality of instruction can also be evaluated and promoted by other factors like students' learning activity and open academic environment provided by colleges and universitiesy. Actions should be taken on the basis of original intention, and any one-sided decision may lead to an unexpected rusultresult against initial intention.
In sum,
integrating the academic output and practical experience get from course-releventrelevant work outside school is a good way to improve the quality of instruction. But comprehensive factors should be thought of when requiring all faulty to spend time on outside working, including the characteristics of different subjects and faculty's personal situation. In addition, excepting the requirement to faculty, promotion in the aspect of students and school can also upgrade the quality of instruction.