
标题: Daily Writing——【Carol】作文帖 求批改 求进步! [打印本页]

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-14 00:51:54     标题: Daily Writing——【Carol】作文帖 求批改 求进步!

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-7-17 22:59 编辑

8.27 上考场的妹子 开始跟进小组  努力中……


Which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future?

Everyone makes plan for their own life, there are various plans accompany with our grow up such as: work planexercise plandiet plan and career planning. Each of this motivates us to do better. And making a plan is just like to set up a ruler in order to estimate whether we have a great progress or not. Therefore, it is scientific to make a rational plan in future. You should set a clearly goal and you know you can get it. The plan which is suit for you is a practical plan.

Many students have makes several plans for their dream. There is no denying that it is good habit. However, to make a useful plan is important. You should work out schedule base on your practical situation. Then hold the opportunity to enhance yourself. You want to be a doctor, or a teacher, or a police officer? You want to be an architect, or a lawyer, or a member of our military? You should practice yourself in every single one of those careers. Practical plans can help you. Because it can solve problems of what you meet in short-term stage. You can choice a university that you want to go in the future when you at senior high school. Then, work hard to make a success. When you are in the college, you want to get a wonderful job in the future. Then, set a goal and proceed in a planned way.

In addition, make practical plans come true can bring us sense of satisfaction. When you accomplish you plans, you will have particular feeling that you are winner. It will increase your confidence when you overcome all kinds of difficulties. For example, people who want to change a job and make salary from 20,000 dollars increase to 35,000 dollars one year. If he get to train for it and work for it and learn for it, he will achieved it. And then, it brings him more motivation and confidence to make a next plan to do it. However, challenging plans are disadvantage. It full of unknown situation in the future. The more difficulties appear the more possible to fail.

In light of these, I would like to say that I personally agree with the statement that is better for one’s future to make a practical plans. To set up rational plan enable us recognize real situation and condition so that do it more easily.

唉 越到后面越词穷了……
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-14 17:00:07

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-14 23:46:42

7.14   TPO 1  综合


The professor provides sufficient evidence which contradicts the conclusion of the passage. In his view, many company willing to hire full-time employee than four-day worker.

First, the professor opposes the point in the passage that the shortened workweek would increase company profits. This indicates that company will train them in order to enhance their ability and give more welfare benefits so that the fees of management will increase. which is opposite to the claim in the passage. What’s more, the more staff needs more equipment and space. Thus, Company spent lots of money to buy computers or desk or chair even rent office which cut down the profits.

Second, the professor mentions that four-day worker should do same works as other common employees as do. They were suffering high pressure which will make some mistakes when do their work. Therefore, the point in the passage that four-day staff would make fewer costly errors in their work is seriously attacked.

Finally, the professor address that the quality of full-time job are better than four-day workweek. Because, the employee of four-day workweek will decrease their job ability, also some of them will first loss their job when economy downturn. The company may incline to choice employee who works five days because they are more stable . Therefore, the conclusion in the passage that the option of a four-day workweek would be better for individual employees is objected by the professor.

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-14 23:48:17

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-7-14 23:49 编辑

7.14 独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Working at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the office 10,5,22

新手,没按规定时间,举的例子也比较生活化 想不出太牛逼的~

Within several decades, with rapid development of society, the more advance technologies to be use in work such as teleconference or online management system. These technology enable us to work more convenience, also it can increase working efficiency. Therefore, people can do their work access to the internet or use telephone at home. The environment of working is indispensable factors to determine whether they have good performance or not. Thus, I prefer working at home to use telephone or computers rather than working in the office.

At first glance, working at office seems more professional, but it has lots of limitation which does not occur at home. Using computers or telephones at home provide more flexibility. People can arrange their schedule for personal situation under the premise of work well. My mother is typical example. When I was child, I always fall sick and my mother don’t always have time to look after me due to she have to work everyday in company. So, she considers changing a job which has less amount of work in order to take care of me. Then, she got a new job which can stay at home to deal with all work tasks. She can use spare time to feed me medicine and save time in rush hour so that she got more opportunities to look after me very well. The phenomenon of working at home is more prevalent. Especially in the international company. The employer do work in their home will feel more comfortable. So that they have good mood and put in more energy in working, it will increase efficiency obviously.

What’ more, working at home will help company save a lot of money. The traditional way needs many types of equipment to support working such as computer, printer, and other office supplies. Aldo need to rent wide space to woke in. There is no doubt that to cut down the huge profits for company. Manager can save this money to invest other important project which can support the company turn around. Staff can use teleconference to have meeting, they just need to share materials online or send E-mail to hand in report without print it out or scan it. It also can save many charges. In my opinion, the way working at home not only simple but also economical.

In sum, although working in the office has advantage such as people can get more opportunities to communicate with each others. However, I still insist on working at home. What’s the most important is that working at home will produce less carbon dioxide than in the office which do harm for the environment. Above all of these, I totally agree with working at home.
作者: 应小呆    时间: 2011-7-15 17:21:41


Everyone makes plan for their own life, there are various plans accompany(accompanied) with our grow up such as: work planexercise plandiet plan and career planning. (我觉得这种开头很好~)Each of this motivates us to do better. And making a plan is just like to set up a ruler in order to estimate whether we have a great progress or not. Therefore, it is scientific to make a rational plan in future. You should set a clearly goal and you know you can get it. The plan which is suit for you is a practical plan.- F9 j0 V$ D. Q) a7 [& _- \3 o

9 I
, l- ^2 G( ~! E. }/ Q
Many students have makes(made) several plans for their dream. There is no denying that it is good habit. However, to make a useful plan is important. You should work out schedule based on your practical situation. Then hold the opportunity to enhance yourself. You want to be a doctor, or a teacher, or a police officer? You want to be an architect, or a lawyer, or a member of our military? You should practice yourself in every single one of those careers. Practical plans can help you. Because it can solve problems of what you meet in short-term stage. You can choice(choose) a university that you want to go in the future when you at senior high school. Then, work hard to make a success. When you are in the college, you want to get a wonderful job in the future. Then, set a goal and proceed in a planned way.(但是这并不能说明practical比challenging好吖)9 ^5 O4 J! X% ~- H% s

In addition, make practical plans come true can bring us sense of satisfaction(也许challenging 会给你更大的满足感,你没有说明为什么challenging不能给予满足感). When you accomplish you plans, you will have particular feeling that you are (加一个the?)winner. It will increase your confidence when you overcome all kinds of difficulties. For example, people who want to change a job and make salary from 20,000 dollars increase(语义重复,两个数字本就可以表达这个意思,在GMAT里这已经算是语法错误了呢) to 35,000 dollars one year. If he get to train(be trained) for it and work for it and learn for it, he will achieved it. And then, it brings him more motivation and confidence to make a next plan to do it. However, challenging plans are(是have?因为plan和优缺点之间没有可比性吖) disadvantage. It full of unknown situation in the future. The more difficulties appear the more possible to fail. 7 B; [' m( O) m+ N9 C6 Z" R/ z4 j
/ ?7 ^& {5 I9 [0 d+ K
In light of these, I would like to say that I personally agree with the statement that is better for one’s future to make a practical plans. To set up rational plan enable us recognize real situation and condition so that do it more easily.


1 H9 A' U1 S/ J0 p# [/ e$ e, S
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-15 23:27:00

恩恩  我也发现 我在论证这个环节比较薄弱

作者: cherrycarrie    时间: 2011-7-16 12:14:35

Within several decades, with rapid development of society, the more advance technologies to be use (are used) in work such as teleconference or online management system. These technology enable us to work more convenience, also it can increase working efficiency. Therefore, people can do their work access to the internet or use telephone at home. The environment of working is indispensable factors to determine whether they have good performance or not. Thus, I prefer working at home to use telephone or computers rather than working in the office.

At first glance,(好词~撒花~) working at office seems more professional, but it has lots of limitation which does not occur at home. Using computers or telephones at home provide more flexibility. People can arrange their schedule for personal situation under the premise of work well. My mother is typical example. When I was child, I always fall sick and my mother don’t always have time to look after me due to she have to work everyday in company. So, she considers changing a job which has less amount of work in order to take care of me. Then, she got a new job which can stay at home to deal with all work tasks. She can use spare time to feed me medicine and save time in rush hour so that she got more opportunities to look after me very well. The phenomenon of working at home is more prevalent. Especially in the international company. The employer do work in their home will feel more comfortable. So that they have good mood and put in more energy in working, it will increase efficiency obviously.

What’ more, working at home will help company save a lot of money. The traditional way needs many types of equipment to support working (delete) such as computer, printer, and other office supplies. Aldo(?) need to rent wide space to woke(?) in. (if people work at home, money used for renting space and buying printers and computers can be saved) There is no doubt that to (this can) cut down the huge profits for company. Manager can save this money to invest other important project which can support the company turn around. Staff can use teleconference to have meeting, they just need to share materials online or send E-mail to hand in report without print it out or scan it. It also can save many charges. In my opinion, the way working at home not only simple but also economical.(顺序有点混乱,可以在公司里还要花钱,在家里不用since computers...are easily accessible, we can use... to hold meetings,剩下的钱可以干别的,所以好)

In sum, although working in the office has advantage such as people can get more opportunities to communicate with each others.(although然后就句号了?另,although,but不要同时哟。) However, I still insist on working at home. What’s the most important is that working at home will produce less carbon dioxide than in the office which do harm for the environment.(这句是新的论点啊= =?最好在结尾段前简单说两句,独立成段吧。) Above all of these, I totally agree with working at home.
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-16 17:30:37

啊  我尽犯些低级错误…… 掩面……
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-17 01:19:49

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-7-17 01:22 编辑


这之前你们都写过的话题 我给补上

Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there’s no practical use?

The government pay a high price to manage country,  many aspects including health care、education、scientific researches、environmental issues and so on. For the past decades, the government has been working for the scientific researches which cost a plenty of money. There is no denying that the invention of our live even of our country is indispensable. It pays for researches in order to make a great contribution. But a lot of researches have no results. It is conceivable that to waste too much time and fees in useless scientific research are not a wise move.

In the first place, a lab needs a group of people to do research together. Therefore, the government hires scientists from the best university or invites famous scholars from aboard. Also, due to the experiment needs precious instruments, the government should buy some advanced equipments. Thus, we need spent much money to afford it. We will spare no effort to support it if the scientific researches are successful. However, there are many researches are in process which is inefficient and no practice use. It is affecting our life indirectly. Because we pay tax to the government in order to make our nation more prosperity and the life more comfortable. Nevertheless, there is nothing render us that the scientific researches of the government is useless.

What’ more, as we all know, people do research will produces some dirty liquid or gas or something else which is harmful to the environment. These wastes may have poison, it will affect our live. Poisonous diffuses in the air that people breath. The pollution of water flew into the river which is harm for the ecology. And year after year, those poisonous elements will accumulate around our live circumstance, which tend to cause diseases like cancer or other fatal sickness.Thus, the researches of no practice use have nothing to gain especially have those disadvantages.

Finally, the government should improve other aspect better than support the no practice use of research. The government can save this money to invest other valuable scientific researches. Also, focus on high education is equal importance, because is can bring up more creativity scientists to explore new energy. Thus, the government should not spent a plenty money and lots of time in scientific researches which is no practice use.
作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-7-17 21:13:28

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作者: cherrycarrie    时间: 2011-7-17 21:26:06

The government pay a high price to manage country,  many aspects including health care、education、scientific researches、environmental issues and so on.(这是什么结构?干脆省略many aspects直接说including.) For the past decades, the government has been working for the scientific researches which cost a plenty of money. There is no denying that the invention of our live even of our country is indispensable. It pays for researches in order to make a great contribution. But a lot of researches have no results. It is conceivable that to waste too much time and fees in (on) useless scientific research are not a wise move.

In the first place, a lab needs a group of people to do research together. Therefore, (有因果关系么?)the government hires scientists from the best university or invites famous scholars from aboard.(是政府招募工作人员么?政府不是只投资么?) Also, due to the experiment needs precious instruments, the government should buy some advanced equipments. Thus, we need spent much money to afford it. We will spare no effort to support it if the scientific researches are successful. However, there are many researches are in process which is inefficient and no practice use.(= =你要这么说也可以。我觉得这之前的我可能不太同意,或者你可以把这句观点多解释一下,说明在研究过程中会有人力资源的浪费,而对于这部分资源的投资,政府是不需要也不应该支持的,这些资源应该用于更广泛的工作,例如。。。) It is affecting our life indirectly. Because we pay tax to the government in order to make our nation more prosperity and the life more comfortable. Nevertheless, there is nothing render us that the scientific researches of the government is useless. & a' c5 V. U! W
对于tax可以说,在纳税人看来,政府花他们的钱做一些没办法被常人理解的事和没有对他们有实际好处的科研是不能理解的。因此,政府应该吧这部分更多的用于你一开头说的health care之类的。

What’ more, as we all know, people do research will produces some dirty liquid or gas(专业点= =用pollute之类的吧) or something else which is harmful to the environment. These wastes may have poison, it will affect our live(grammar). Poisonous diffuses in the air that people breath. The pollution of water flew into the river which is harm for the ecology. And year after year, those poisonous elements will accumulate around our live circumstance, which tend to cause diseases like cancer or other fatal sickness.Thus, the researches of no practice use have nothing to gain especially have those disadvantages.= =不如说,the researches which have no practical uses have nothing to gain but do harm to our environment.最好再说一句,政府投资不正是鼓励他们破坏环境么?/或者说不能投资鼓励。

R1 |
Finally, the government should improve other aspect better than support the no practice use of research. The government can save this money to invest other valuable scientific researches. Also, focus(focusing) on high education is equal importance(t), because is can bring up more creativity(creative) scientists to explore new energy. Thus, the government should not spent a plenty money and lots of time in scientific researches which is no practice use.


作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-17 22:07:58

TPO2  285
The professor provides sufficient evidences which contradict the conclusion of the passage. In his view, in many organizations, to approach certain new projects is not the best way to assemble a group of people into a team.

First, the professor opposes the point in the passage that a group can work more quickly in response to the task assigned to it and come up with highly creative solutions to problems and issue. She says that, individuals in the group have disadvantage because individuals can move to many meeting or projects very quickly which the group can not do it. This indicates that the efficiency of individuals is better than a group, which is opposes to the claim in the passage.

Second, the single individual is more flexible, this confirmed by the professor via offering more evidences. For one thing, individuals are freedom so that they can express their idea completely. What’s more, individuals can get a lot of benefits when they make a great contribution. By contrast, there is no rewarding for a person in a group when someone makes a great decision.   Therefore, the point in the passage that individuals’ contributions and ideas will be recognized as highly significant is seriously attacked.

Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating a group of people have disadvantage. Because management will influence they makes decision. Someone may have a good idea but it can not be work until have a discussion which is reduces their creativity. What is most important is that if the project of group fails, all members will be blame. This evidence clearly shows that having a team of people have lots of disadvantages, it not a best way to do the projects.
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-17 22:12:53

10# fyxloveu

你的批改太让我汗颜了  太专业了

让我想起了 我导师给我批改论文……

谢谢你啊   提的意见很宝贵!!!!
作者: nankaichem    时间: 2011-7-18 07:45:52

作者: nankaichem    时间: 2011-7-18 07:46:07

作者: nankaichem    时间: 2011-7-18 07:46:27

作者: nankaichem    时间: 2011-7-18 07:46:43

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-18 10:37:03

17# nankaichem

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-19 20:35:09

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-7-19 20:39 编辑


杯具的我耗了2天练车、考试 结果还没考过……唉  各位我才回家 改作文我得慢慢来……

In a cooperation of team, the people who cannot accept criticize couldn’t be successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.10,2,13$

“Talent is God given. Be humble; Fame is man given. Be thankful; Conceit is self given. Be careful.” A proverb said by John Wooden. It obviously that modesty helps one to go forward. People who are more humble will easy to get along with each others, also easy to be recognized by their colleagues or bosses. Especially in a cooperation of team, every single one of you have some thing are good at, similarly, every single one of you have some thing are lacking in. what your responsibility is to find out what that is, then, discover it and correct it. You should learn from others and accept criticize in order to enhance yourself, and then you will close to success. Therefore, I disagree that people could be successful without accept criticize from others.

In the first place, the people who cannot accept criticize always complacent. Those people will be hard to communicate with others, there will have some conflicts between them. As we all know, the good interpersonal skills are indispensable particularly in the teamwork. Thus, if people don’t accept criticize from other members of the team, it will had bad effect with them communication. Furthermore, the people who cannot accept criticize will had bad attitude in the work, because they cannot recognize their fault and once somebody point it out, they may have bias. Therefore, it will affect them work attitude, as a result, the efficiency of work will be reduced. In comparison, the people who humble will easy to get along with others. They learned from others and also they don’t mind to ask questions to colleagues. The people who accept advice will find right direction soon.

What’s more, the people who always insist of their own opinion cannot aware of their faults when they did something wrong, then it direct effects the benefits of company. On the other hand, if the project fails due to someone don’t accept other advices and correct it. Not only he or she but also all members of the team will undertake the responsibility for one’s mistake. The honor of the group will lose. The credit of the company will lose too. So there is no denying that the people be humble is benefits for the teamwork. To create a harmonious atmosphere is similarly important. And how to create a harmonious atmosphere is that willing accepts criticize. We can imagine that if everyone in the group is learned from each others and find out what they are lacking in. They may have great progress and makes more contributions to company.

To sum up, the people who accept criticize could get more successful job future in his or her life than other people who couldn’t. What is most important, everyone should make themselves have progress, without humble, they may conceited. Thus, I totally agree with the author’s statement.
作者: 应小呆    时间: 2011-7-19 21:46:38

In a cooperation of team, the people who cannot accept criticize couldn’t be successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.10,2,13$   |( |1 |/ |/ h- a$ g% \+ l
( C0 p5 H( [5 K5 E, w
Talent is God given. Be humble; Fame is man given. Be thankful; Conceit is self given. Be careful.” A proverb said by John Wooden. (学习了~)It obviously(obvious) that modesty helps one to go forward. People who are more humble will easy to get along with each others(other), also easy to be recognized by their colleagues or bosses. Especially in a cooperation of team, every single one of you have some thing are(去掉?) good at, similarly, every single one of you have some thing are lacking in. what your responsibility is to find out what that is, then, discover it and correct it. You should learn from others and accept criticize in order to enhance yourself, and then you will close(加一个yourself?因为close是及物动词) to success. Therefore, I disagree that people could be successful without accept criticize from others.2 k  j* p2 S6 X; s3 c
, @- v8 _. V2 Z- {
In the first place, the people who cannot accept criticize is always complacent(自满的、得意的). Those people will be hard to communicate with others(这句话的主语有问题), there will have some conflicts between them. As we all know, the good interpersonal skills are indispensable particularly in the teamwork. Thus, if people don’t accept criticize from other members of the team, it will had bad effect with(on) them communication. Furthermore, the people who cannot accept criticize will had bad attitude in the work, because they cannot recognize their fault and once somebody point it out, they may have bias. Therefore, it will affect them(their) work attitude, as a result, the efficiency of work will be reduced. In comparison, the people who humble will be easy to get along with others. They learned from others and also they don’t mind to ask questions to colleagues. The people who accept advice will find right direction soon.
What’s more, the people who always insist of their own opinion cannot aware of their faults when they did something wrong(这一点之前已经讲过了吖), then it direct effects the benefits of company. On the other hand, if the project fails due to someone don’t accept others' advices and correct it. Not (not )only he or she but also all members of the team will undertake the responsibility for one’s mistake. The honor of the group will lose. The credit of the company will lose too. So there is no denying that the people be humble is benefits for the teamwork(不太明白这句话的意思). To create a harmonious atmosphere is similarly important. And how to create a harmonious atmosphere is that willing accepts criticize(没有等价关系). We can imagine that if everyone in the group is learned(为什么要用被动呢?主动不好吗?) from each others and find out what they are lacking in. They may have great progress and makes more contributions to company.
To sum up, the people who accept criticize could get more successful job future in his or her life than other people who couldn’t. What is most important, everyone should make themselves have progress, without humble, they may conceited.(不懂这句话什么意思==) Thus, I totally agree with the author’s statement.

作者: lyn7981    时间: 2011-7-19 21:53:25

本帖最后由 lyn7981 于 2011-7-20 10:06 编辑

“Talent is God given. Be humble; Fame is man given. Be thankful; Conceit is self given. Be careful.” A proverb said by John Wooden. It obviously(is obvious) that modesty helps one to go forward. People who are more humble will easy to get along with each others(other), also easy to be recognized by their colleagues or bosses. Especially in a cooperation of team, every single one of you have some thing are good at, similarly, every single one of you have some thing are lacking in(every single one/each one must both have something good at and lacking/short of你看可以吗?). what your responsibility is to find out what that is, then, discover it and correct it. You should learn from others and accept criticize in order to enhance yourself, and then you will close to success. Therefore, I disagree that people could be successful without accept criticize from others.(这两句一气呵成,漂亮!读起来很爽)% \( t1 S1 z9 i

In the first place, the people(the one表泛指,可以吗?) who cannot accept criticize is always complacent. Those people will be hard to communicate with others, there will have some conflicts between them. As we all know, the good interpersonal skills are indispensable particularly in the teamwork. Thus, if people don’t accept criticize from other members of the team, it will had bad effect with them (their)communication. Furthermore, the people who cannot accept criticize will had bad(negative) attitude in the work, because they cannot recognize their fault and once somebody point it out, they may have bias. Therefore, it will affect them work attitude, as a result, the efficiency of work will be reduced. In comparison, the people who humble will easy to get along with others. They learned from others and also they don’t mind to ask questions to colleagues. The people who accept advice will find right direction soon." h0 x9 q* u* q, ?1 t( t; y
, |' d/ j% c4 C2 q: h. x# J
What’s more, the people who always insist of their own opinion cannot aware of their faults when they did something wrong, then it direct effects the benefits of company. On the other hand, if the project fails due to someone don’t accept other advices and correct it. Not only he or she but also all members of the team will undertake the responsibility for one’s mistake. The honor of the group will lose(be tarnished). The credit of the company will lose too(as well会不会更多用于文章里?个人意见哦). So there is no denying that the people be humble is benefits(benefits也可以,还能用beneficial试试,你说呢?) for the teamwork. To create a harmonious atmosphere is similarly(用equally吧,similarly你上文用到过了哟~亲) important. And how to create a harmonious atmosphere is that willing accepts criticize(没看懂,是不是 to creat a harmonious atomosphere largely depends on the willingness of accepting criticize?). We can imagine that if everyone in the group is learned(不用被动) from each others and find out what they are lacking in. They may have great progress and makes more contributions to company.' {% @+ F3 B ^+ G/ B" F7 b% b- Z
. r& t$ v: q# L" }
To sum up, the people who accepts criticize could get more successful job future in his or her life than other people who couldn’t(doesn't). What is most important, everyone should make themselves have progress, without humble, they may conceited. Thus, I totally agree with the author’s statement.

作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-19 22:01:21

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作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-20 00:46:00

20# 应小呆

你的语法学的好好哦  我就是底子太差了

羡慕你G720  果然很有逻辑啊!

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-20 21:35:46

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-20 23:01:38

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-7-20 23:03 编辑

7.20 综合
The professor provides sufficient evidences which contradict the conclusion of the passage. In her view, the long memoir wrote by Chevalier is real. Thus, he did not distort or invented many events in the memoir.

First, the professor argues that the Chevalier had seems not really been very rich. According to her, Chevalier borrowed money does not means he is poor. Because, every businessman know that you should loan enough money to go around while you are selling something. So before Chevalier’s money arrived, he has to borrow money from Swiss merchant.

Second, the professor opposes the point in the passage that the memoir cannot possibly capture these conversations accurately about Chevalier had met with Voltaire. The professor explaining that Chevalier wrote down exact details after the conversations end up. Therefore, the point in the passage that it is impossible to remember exact phrases from extended conversations held many years earlier is seriously attacked.

Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating the Chevalier’s escape from Venetian prison. She says that other prisoner in that prison has a lot of powerful friends than he did. However, those people were not able to bribe jailers in order to have freedom. What’s more, the old government documents indicated that the event of having escape from Venetian prison is true. Because the ceiling in the room has been repaired, it confirm that Chevalier prepare to escape.

作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-7-21 15:41:46

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: april0515    时间: 2011-7-21 20:32:46

25# carol0607 TPO8
2344 e( s: [* d6 @( N0 V, `- j
The professor provides sufficient evidences which contradict the conclusion of the passage. In her view, the long memoir wrote by Chevalier is real. Thus, he did not distort or invented(invent) many events in the memoir(觉得这句话表达的意思有点偏哦,这句话我可以理解为他没有曲解很多,但是是有曲解滴,你说累亲).- D# s: }( Y. ^& V( D
5 g1 X, T. P! f
First, the professor argues that the Chevalier had seems not
really been (to be)very rich. According to her, Chevalier borrowed money does not means he is poor. Because, every businessman know that you should loan enough money to go around while you are selling something. So before Chevalier’s money arrived, he has to borrow money from Swiss merchant.
5 T( a7 S6 D2 w) _7 p+ u- l- L
Second, the professor opposes the point in the passage that the memoir cannot possibly capture these conversations accurately
(about Chevalier had met with Voltaire)可以表述成between Chevalier and Voltaire. The professor explaining(explains) that Chevalier wrote down exact details after the conversations ended up. Therefore, the point in the passage that it is impossible to remember exact phrases from extended conversations held many years earlier is seriously attacked.(attack这个词用滴好!)
  p# \$ j5 l6 M
Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating the Chevalier’s escape from Venetian prison. She says that other prisoner in that prison has a lot of powerful friends than he did. However, those people were not able to bribe jailers in order to have freedom. What’s more, the old government documents indicated that the event of having escape from Venetian prison is true. Because the ceiling in the room has been repaired, it confirm that Chevalier prepare to escape.
作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-7-26 17:38:26

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-7 21:24:30

荒废了一些时日   补起!

It's better to use own knowledge and experience to solve questions, or ask other for advice

There are many difficulties and problems in our live which will be hard to overcome it or solve it. Some of these can solve by own knowledge and experience and others may not. We should ask other for help or advice, because they may have mature experiences than we have. Also we can learn a lot from it. Therefore, in light of this statement, ask other for advice is a better choice.

First and foremost, people can find a better way to solve problem if they ask for advice from older people who have much more knowledge and experiences. My best friend, Shelley, who had go aboard for a trip. She is very lucky that she met a older who is a successful businessmen and they get alone well with each other. Shelly talked about some problems in her company and she doesn't know how to solve it. Fortunately, the older tell her lots of experiences that he has. Shelly learned many skills about interpersonal skills and negotiation abilities. Finally she makes a great progress in her company and makes more contributions. There is no denying that ask other for advice can obtain more methods to solve our problems.

What's more, people can learn something new if they ask for help from others. Don't be afraid to ask questions, don't be afraid to ask help. Even Obama do it everyday. Asking for advice is not a sign of weakness it a sign of strength because it shows you have courage to admit when you do not know something and then that allows you to know something new. So find an adult that you trust——a parent, a grandparent or teacher, a counselor or a coach. And ask them to help you stay on track and meet your goals. When I graduate from my college, I don't know how to adjust myself in society and I was afraid to communicate with others. So I ask my mother for advice, she tell me a lots of things about behavioral science and tell me how to get alone well with others. Then I gradually suit for it. Therefore, ask other for advice can solve questions that we cannot to use own knowledge and experience to solve it.

In sum up, asking for advice is a good virtue. Although to use own knowledge and experience also can solve some questions, it will spend more time and energy to do it. Compare to ask other for advice, not only people can obtains new experience but also get a better choice. Thus, I agree with ask other for advice is better than to use own knowledge and experience to solve questions.
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-9 23:12:03

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-8-9 23:14 编辑

8.9  独立

Do you think success is important, or it is more important to remain happy and optimistic when you fail?
No one born being good at all things, people become success through failures. Remain happy and optimistic is indispensable character when you fail. People won't necessarily succeed at everything the first time they try, so keep good mood and never give up when you meet obstacle, then you will succeed. In light of this statement, I think it is more important to remain happy and optimistic when people fail than being success.

First and foremost, people can obtain precious experience if they remains happy and optimistic when they fail and gain sense of satisfaction from overcome the difficulties. The most successful people in the world are the ones who have had most failure. J.K Rowling, who wrote Harry Porter, her first harry potter book was rejected twelve times before it was finally published. She was not choose give up and hold negative mood, however she is optimistic and insist her dream. That is reason why she succeeds. Michael Jordan, he was cut from his high school basketball team. He missed thousands of games and hundreds of shots, but he once said: I was failed over and over and over again in my life, and that's why I succeed. It is obvious that he remains happy and do not let himself down so that he can get his goals. J.K Rowling and Michael Jordan got lots of special experience from it and they realized that keep confident and remain optimistic is base to achieve success.

What's more, remain happy and optimistic is important because it can help you to set up confidence to fight failure and learn something new. Jazmin Perez, from Texas, she did not speak english when she first started school. Neither of her parents had gone to college but she worked hard, earned good grade and most important is that she remains happy everyday also share optimism with other, so she did not influenced by language and finally got scholarship from Brown University, is now in graduate school, studying public health, on her way to Dr. Jazmin Perez. I also thinking about Andoni, from California, who is fought brain cancer since he was three. He is had to endure all sorts of treatments and surgeries, and one of which affect his memory. So it took him much longer——hundreds of extra hours to do his schoolwork. But he never fell behind. He is headed to college this fall. These people succeed because they understood that you do not let your failures define you, you should let your failures teach you. You should let them show you what to do differently the next time. So if you got into trouble, remain optimism because that does not mean you are troublemaker, it means you need to try harder to act right. If you got bad grade, please remain optimism because that does not mean you are stupid, it just means you need spent more time studying.

To sum up, those people are not any different from any of us. They face challenges in their live just like we do. In some cases they have got it a lot worse off than many of us. But they refuse to give up, they remain happy and optimistic to obtain the precious experience and knowledge which is important than success. Thus, in my opinion, I agree with that remain happy and optimistic is more important than being success.
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-9 23:13:50

综合 TPO4
The lecturer provides sufficient evidence which contradicts to the conclusion of passage that the arguments prove that dinosaurs were endotherms. According to lecturer, dinosaurs can maintain their temperate at 37°C doesn't mean they are endotherms.

First, the professor opposes the point in the passage that the dinosaurs can maintain a temperate well in such clod climates can demonstrate they are endotherms. She say that the climates in the Polar Regions are warmer than today, also the dinosaurs could migrate to warmer place like other modern reptiles do. This indicates that the presence of dinosaur fossils in polar regions doesn’t prove the dinosaurs were endothems which are opposite to the claim in the passage.

Second, the professor mentions that that having legs under the body can supports more weight also can let dinosaurs grow to a very large size. Therefore, the point in the passage that the dinosaurs were high-energy endotherms built for running is seriously attacked.

Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating the dinosaur’s growth slowly and even stops growth because of growth rings. This evidence clearly shows that there is no connection between endothermy and bone structure. Thus the point in the passage that the presence of Haversian canals in bone is a strong indicator that the dinosaurs are an endothern which is objected by the professor.
作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-8-10 00:58:08

本帖最后由 wendy316 于 2011-8-10 01:47 编辑

8月9日综合与独立,BTW, 你的独立不是9日的题目。
作者: qnwh2011    时间: 2011-8-10 01:15:48

31# carol0607
The lecturer provides sufficient evidence which contradicts to the conclusion of the passage that dinosaurs were endotherms. According to the lecturer, dinosaurs can maintain their temperate like people can maintain a body temperature around 37°C doesn't mean they are endotherms.

First, the professor opposes the point in the passage that the dinosaurs can maintain a temperate well in such clod climates can demonstrate they are endotherms. She said that the climates in the Polar Regions were warmer than today, also the dinosaurs could migrate to warmer place( like other modern reptiles do
. This indicates that the presence of dinosaur fossils in polar regions doesn’t prove the dinosaurs are
endothems which are opposite to the claim in the passage.

Second, the professor mentions that
having legs under
neath the body can support more weight and also can let dinosaurs grow to a very large size. Therefore, the point in the passage that the dinosaurs were high-energy endotherms built for running was seriously attacked.
) s# u4 Y/ @1 F
8 C$ L0 H* \1 a7 m* ]9 }

Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating growth rings which indicate that dinosaurs sometimes grow slowly and sometimes stop grow instead of growing steadily like endotherms do. This evidence clearly shows that there is no connection between endothermy and bone structure. Thus the point in the passage that the presence of Haversian canals in bone structure is a strong indicator that the dinosaurs are endotherms
is objected by the professor.

作者: qnwh2011    时间: 2011-8-10 03:37:29

33# qnwh2011
8.9  独立2 e7 {& b7 f/ Y1 C: s
& M) j1 o2 v9 x5 Q" A# \: v
No one
is born being good at all things. People become success through failures. Remaining happy and optimistic is an indispensable character when you fail. People won't necessarily succeed (at everything )the first time they try, so keep a good mood and never give up when you meet obstacles
, then you will succeed. In light of this statement, I think it is more important to remain happy and optimistic when people fail than being success.
-First and foremost, people can obtain precious experience if they remains happy and optimistic when they fail and gain sense of satisfaction from overcom
ing the difficulties. The most successful people in the world are the ones who have had most failures. J.K Rowling, the author of Harry Porter, was rejected twelve times before her first harry potter book
was finally published. She
did not choose to give up and hold negative mood, however she was optimistic and insisted her dream. That is the reason why she succeeds. Michael Jordan(, he) was cut from his high school basketball team. He missed thousands of games and hundreds of shots, but once he said: I was failed over and over and over again in my life, and that's why I succeed. It is obvious that he remains happy and does not let himself down so that he can get his goals. J.K Rowling and Michael Jordan got lots of special experience from it and they realized that keep confident and remain optimistic is very important

to achieve success.
Z( k8 `9 k/ n0 a
What's more, remaining happy and optimistic is important because it can help you to set up confidence to fight(overcome) failure and learn something new. Jazmin Perez, from Texas, she did not speak english when she first started school. Neither of her parents had gone to college but she worked hard, earned good grade. The most important is that she remains happy everyday and also share optimism with others, so she was not influenced by language and finally got scholarship from Brown University. She is now in graduate school, studying public health, on her way to Dr. Jazmin Perez. I also thinking about Andoni, from California, who is fought brain cancer since he was three. He is hard to endure all sorts of treatments and surgeries, and one of which affects his memory. So it took him much longer——hundreds of extra hours to do his schoolwork. But he never fell behind. He is headed to college this fall. These people succeed because they understood that you do not let your failures define you, you should let your failures teach you. You should let them show you what to do differently the next time. So if you get into trouble, remain optimism because that does not mean you are troublemaker, it means you need to try harder to act right. If you got bad grade, please remain optimism because that does not mean you are stupid, it just means you need spent more time studying.
  R  T4 R! U+ j7 k* `  T/ W- D

To sum up, those people are not (any) different from any of us. They face challenges in their lives just like we do. In some cases they have got it a lot worse off than many of us. But they refuse to give up, they remain happy and optimistic to obtain the precious experience and knowledge which is more important than success. Thus, in my opinion, I agree with that remaining happy and optimistic is more important than being success.

Good article! Pay some attention to the tense then it will be perfect. I think you cannot finish the test if you type so much , so get the most important point and good luck.
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-10 21:29:25

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-11 23:14:04


The professor disagrees with the arguments in the passage. She provides more evidence which refuses the problems of the settlements of Chaco Canyon’s function raised by the passage.

First, the professor opposes the point in the passage that the Chaco structures were purely residential, with each housing hundreds of people. He says that if it is true, why people cannot find fire place. Because about hundreds of people need fire in order to cooking and some people just find a few fire place which not enough. This indicates that the settlements of Chaco Canyon were not place for people living   which are opposite to the claim in the passage.

Second, the professor mentions that the Chaco structures were not storage, because they cannot maintain the fresh food and some people saws that the maize are spread on the floor which could not be stored for long time. Therefore, the point in the passage that the Chaco structures were used to store food supplies is seriously attacked.

Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating the houses were not used as ceremonial centers. Because there are large quantities of building material including sand, stone and others also the spots beside them. And these probably are trash which thrown away when a house was being built. This evidence clearly shows that the spots were not used as materials for special ceremonies. Thus the point in the passage that the houses were used as ceremonial centers is objected by the professor.
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-11 23:15:40

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-8-11 23:18 编辑

8.11  独立

It's better to use own knowledge and experience to solve questions, or ask other for advice

There are many difficulties and problems in our live which will be hard to overcome it or solve it. Some of these can solve by own knowledge and experience and others may not. We should ask other for help or advice, because they may have mature experiences than we have. Also we can learn a lot from it. Therefore, in light of this statement, ask other for advice is a better choice.

First and foremost, people can find a better way to solve problem if they ask for advice from older people who have much more knowledge and experiences. My best friend, Shelley, who have had gone aboard for a trip. She is very lucky that she met a wise elder who is a successful businessman and they get along well with each other. Shelly talked about some problems in her company and she doesn't know how to solve it. Fortunately, the elder tell her lots of experiences that he has. Shelly learned many skills about interpersonal skills and negotiation abilities. Finally she makes a great progress in her company and makes more contributions. There is no denying that ask other for advice can obtain more methods to solve our problems.

What's more, people can learn something new if they ask for help from others. Don't be afraid to ask questions, don't be afraid to ask help. Even Obama do it everyday. Asking for advice is not a sign of weakness it a sign of strength because it shows you have courage to admit when you do not know something and then that allows you to know something new. So find an adult that you trust——a parent, a grandparent or teacher, a counselor or a coach. And ask them to help you stay on track and meet your goals. When I graduate from my college, I don't know how to adjust myself in society and I was afraid to communicate with others. So I ask my mother for advice, she tell me a lots of things about behavioral science and tell me how to get along well with others. Then I gradually suit for it. Therefore, ask other for advice can solve questions that we cannot to use own knowledge and experience to solve it.

To sum up, asking for advice is a good virtue. Although to use own knowledge and experience also can solve some questions, it will spend more time and energy to do it. Compare to ask other for advice, not only people can obtains new experience but also get a better choice. Thus, I agree with ask other for advice is better than to use own knowledge and experience to solve questions.
作者: paooozhixia163    时间: 2011-8-12 09:47:01

作者: pirateasy    时间: 2011-8-12 10:39:42

It's better to use own knowledge and experience to solve questions, or ask other for advice

There are many difficulties and problems in our live which will be hard to overcome or solve(去掉it, 这里定语从句,which指代了it). Some of these can (be solved 被动) by own knowledge and experience and(用转折语气会更好,比如while) others may (be)not. We should ask other for help or advice, because they may have mature experiences(maturer比较级,不要急。 experience,用单数扣题。) than we have. Also we can learn a lot from it. Therefore, in light of this statement, ask(asking分词做主语) other for advice is a better choice.

First and foremost, people can find a better way to solve problem if they ask for advice from older people who have much more knowledge and experiences(这个experience也是哦). My best friend, Shelley, who have had(这个had不要,现在完成时就够了~) gone aboard for a trip. She is very lucky that she met a wise elder who is a successful businessman and they get along well with each other. Shelly talked about some problems in her company and she doesn't (时态一致didn’t, 据说文中不能出现撇号,还是did not好些)know how to solve it. Fortunately, the elder tell (told) her lots of experiences that he has(had). Shelly learned many skills about interpersonal skills and negotiation abilities. Finally she makes (过去发生,用made较好)a great progress in her company and makes (不要了,或者换个词,比如created)more contributions. There is no denying that ask (同样asking)other for advice can obtain more methods to solve our problems.

What's more, people can learn something new if they ask for help from others. Don't be afraid to ask questions, (and) don't be afraid to ask (for)help. Even Obama do(第3人称does) it everyday (every day 分开表状语). Asking for advice is not a sign of weakness it(转折,但没谓语了。‘,in contrast, it is’) a sign of strength because it shows (that) you have courage to admit when you do not know something and then that allows you to know something new(并列内容有些突兀,最好中间加may表示一种可能性,使意思表达更连贯). So (去掉so,因为所以只许用一个)find an adult that you trust——a parent, a grandparent or teacher, a counselor or a coach. And ask them to help you stay on track and meet your goals. When I graduate from my college, I don't know how to adjust myself in society and I was afraid to communicate with others. So I ask my mother for advice, she tell me a lots of things about behavioral science and tell me how to get along well with others. Then I gradually suit for(suit及物,去掉for吧) it(这一段例子都应用过去时). Therefore, ask (还是asking)other for advice can solve questions that we cannot to (不要to)use own knowledge and experience to solve it(定语从句,that已经指代了这个it).
To sum up, asking for advice is a good virtue(virtue很唐突,建议使用be beneficial). Although to use (用using,to do做主语有表示未来呀计划呀什么的意思) own knowledge and experience also can solve some questions, it will spend (nevertheless it will take (it做主语时,花费时间用take))more time and energy to do it. Compare to ask other for advice, not only people can obtains (用原形)new experience but also get a better choice. Thus, I agree with ask(asking) other for advice is better than to use own knowledge and experience to solve questions.

文章还需要在语言方面多加改进,比如一些动词如solve, use,get等,一些名词problem, advice等,第一试着换成别的更高级的托福词汇, 第二试着在后面的句子使用中用同义词变化,因为一个词不宜重复使用。

作者: lyn7981    时间: 2011-8-12 11:17:24

本帖最后由 lyn7981 于 2011-8-12 11:21 编辑

8.11 Annie's 修改稿

The professor disagrees with the arguments in the passage. She provides more evidence which refuses the problems of the settlements of Chaco Canyon’s function【function是落脚点,the function of ....】 raised by the passage.7 o; @- w, V" ^6 o/ O% P% k2 v
+ m/ N( M8 A1 T7 w- H4 B3 v
First, the professor opposes the point in the passage that the Chaco structures were purely residential, with each housing hundreds of people. He says that if it is true, why people cannot find fire place【不是没找到,只是找到的量不够多,这种错误一定不能犯,再去听一下试试】. Because about hundreds of people need fire in order to cooking and some people just find a few fire place which not enough【are not enough/ are insufficient】. This indicates that the settlements of Chaco Canyon were not place for people living which are opposite to the claim in the passage. % N5 d% K6 ]* @% l. w; D) s

Second, the professor mentions【好词,记下了】 that the Chaco structures were not storage, because they cannot maintain the fresh food and some people saws that the maize are spread on the floor which could not be stored for long time【听力里是这么说得吗?还有似乎有提到container吧?我是前天听的这篇听力,记得不是很确定,不过还是建议你再去听一下】. Therefore, the point in the passage that the Chaco structures were used to store food supplies is seriously attacked.4 z1 m; L$ d0 X) h
; B! y8 F# J( d3 F8 d$ o! ]6 P
Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating【陈述的好句法,学习了】 the houses were not used as ceremonial centers. Because there are large quantities of building material including sand, stone and others also the spots beside them【besides the pots】. And these probably are trash which thrown away when a house was being built. This evidence clearly shows that the spots【pots?】 were not used as materials for special ceremonies.【感觉听力中似乎没有直接说不可能是ceremonial center,只是说可能是建筑工人丢弃的,个人感觉应该属于有保留的否定,不是完全否定】 Thus the point in the passage that the houses were used as ceremonial centers is objected by the professor.

P.S.:1. 记得帮我也改一下作文哟,亲~
       2. 你貌似写错题目了,这是8.10的TOPIC哟~
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-12 15:12:21

40# lyn7981


我10号没写tpo 于是就补上了

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-12 15:13:06

paooozhixia163 发表于 2011-8-12 09:47

有些之前我写过了的  我就换着写其他的内容

作者: 阿叶    时间: 2011-8-12 20:51:47

我TPO5 还没做过呢。。。我下次做过了再给改你吧~~~
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-12 21:58:59

8.12    TPO6

The professor provides sufficient evidence which contradicts the point in the passage that the l online encyclopedia has several important problems that make them much less valuable than traditional. In her view, the communal encyclopedia will never be perfect but communal online encyclopedias are also very useful.

First, the professor oppose the point in the passage that communal online encyclopedia often lack academic credentials and also makes some inaccurate information in many cases. She says that the traditional encyclopedia have never been close to accurate or without any mistakes. And the online encyclopedia can correct errors but the traditional encyclopedia will remain the errors for decades This indicate that the traditional encyclopedia are write standard academic rigor that is impossible which is opposite to the claim in the passage.

Second, the professor mentions that the online encyclopedias can protect its articles from hackers and no one can change the format, it makes articles reliable. Therefore, the point in the passage that the information will be corrupt by hackers or vandals is seriously attacked

Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating the online encyclopedias have large space to get various articles and topics but traditional encyclopedia have to decide what's important and what is not. This evidence clearly shows that the online encyclopedia has strong advantages in this field. Thus the point in the passage that the communal encyclopedias do not provides a considered view is objected by the professor.
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-13 11:26:16

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-8-13 11:41 编辑

8.12  独立

It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn fact.

What is the responsibility for student? Obviously, it is to learn knowledge. Knowledge is base of everything, people through study to obtain ideas and concepts and use them in real live. Ideas and concepts just like tools in order to let students understand fact and explore it in the new world. That is the reason why it is important for students. In light of this statement, I agree that to understand ideas and concepts is more important than it is for students to learn fact.

First and foremost, education is indispensable. Everyone should get the education from kindergarten to middle or high school and college so that students can get more ideas and concepts in classes. It is apparent that before they step into society to learn fact they should makes more concentration to enhance the abilities and skills from classes. Maybe they could be a writer, maybe even good enough to write a new book or article in a newspaper, but they might not know its idea until they write that English paper——that English class paper assigned to them. Maybe they could be an innovator or inventor, maybe even good enough to come up with the next Iphone or new medicine of vaccine, but they might not know its concepts until they do their project for their science class. Maybe they could be a mayor or senator or Supreme Court justice, but they might not know that until they learn in law class. There is no doubt that ideas and concepts are foundation enable the students to learn fact and to do what they like.

What’s more, our nation needs every single of students to develop their talents and their skills and their intellects so that they can help our government solve most difficult problems. They’ll need the knowledge and problem solving skills they learn in science and math to cure disease like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. They’ll need insight and critical thinking skills they gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and to make our nation fair and more free. They’ll need creativity and ingenuity they develop all their classes to built new company that will create new jobs and boost out economy. We cannot emphasize the importance of learning ideas and concepts too much. Without it students cannot learn fact more clearly.

To sum up, although learning fact is also very important, it is base on the fact that understands ideas and concepts. Therefore, I totally agree with the author's statement that it is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn fact.
作者: lisq9989    时间: 2011-8-13 19:25:30

作者: 愤怒公爵    时间: 2011-8-13 22:33:16

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-14 13:26:56

8.13  TPO8

The professor provides sufficient evidences which contradict the conclusion of the passage. In her view, the long memoir wrote by Chevalier is real. Thus, he did not distort or invented many events in the memoir.

First, the professor argues that the Chevalier had seems not very rich. According to her, Chevalier borrowed money does not means he is poor. Because every businessman knows that you should loan enough money to go around while you are selling something. So before Chevalier’s money arrived, he has had to borrow money from Swiss merchant.

Second, the professor opposes the point in the passage that the memoir cannot possibly capture these conversations accurately about Chevalier had chat with Voltaire. The professor explains that Chevalier wrote down exact details every night after the conversations end up. Therefore, the point in the passage that it is impossible to remember exact phrases from extended conversations held many years earlier is seriously attacked.

Third, the professor contradicts the passage by demonstrating the Chevalier’s escape from Venetian prison. She says that other prisoner in that prison has more powerful friends than he did. However, those people were not able to bribe jailers to have freedom. What’s more, the old government documents indicated that the event of having escape from Venetian prison is true. Because the ceiling in the room has been repaired, it confirmed that Chevalier preparing escape.

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