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[主题活动] issue同主题写作第五类 8月20-21日 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-22 00:01:57 |显示全部楼层
Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve.

In my opinion, government officials must contemplate over the will of people who consists of the society and makes contributions to the community when making the policies and its implementation. Ignoring the will of people and relying on government officials’ own judgement would usually lead to the perfidy to governance. It would be worse if government acts against the will of people for the sake of their own interests and the conflict between government and its people would come up with an unstable economic and political situation. Even when government needs to sacrifice people's short-term interests to secure national security and ensure the nation's long-term goal, it is necessary to negotiate with interest bodies of the society and seek for the common standings.  
T1 The loyalty to government is established on the mutual grounds with its people. Ignoring the will of people but replying on officials’ own judgement would usually result in the perfidy  to the governance. If we look into current Trump government, the citizens in United States are very disappointed to its lacking of common grounds with its people and creating barrier to the nation’s liberal policies such as Mexican Wall. The resentment to the racist and liberalists have been worsened than the previous governments and Trumpism becomes the negative word to its nation and its image as the greatest nation in the world has been deteriorated seriously.   
T2 The disconnection with the people’s wills would come up with unstable economic and political scenario and weaken its sustainability. the cultural revolution in Chinese history is the disaster to the nation’s development.
T3 It is necessary for the people to understand the nation’s long term goal and officials seeking opportunities to talk mutually on the common standings

quoted from AIdaily on August 21

There is a good reason that liberals focus extra attention on minorities, since they are the most likely to be disenfranchised. But the only way in a democracy to meaningfully assist them — and not just make empty gestures of recognition and "celebration" — is to win elections and exercise power in the long run, at every level of government. And the only way to accomplish that is to have a message that appeals to as many people as possible and pulls them together. Identity liberalism does just the opposite, and reinforces the alt-right’s picture of politics as a war of competing identity groups. ( the cohesion of paragraph is centered on the liberals and identity liberalism and clarification on how liberals and identity liberalism work; the coherence is strengthened by the conjunctions such as since, but, and. Specifically to say, it used the repetition of "the only way” to emphasis and elaborate on the way liberals works and make the “opposite" way to “liberalism". )

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Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-22 16:03:32 |显示全部楼层
Angelyyy 发表于 2017-8-20 23:01
The Embargo of Cuba: Time to Go- Becker
The US embargo of Cuba began in 1960, a year af ...

TS: How to maintain a relatively high effect for leaders is a debatable ( and challenging) issue. Especially for the political leaders, they should consider about how to ensure the overall stability of the society. As far as I am concerned,on the cases related close to the happiness and daily lives of people, effective leaders should are persuaded to listen the advice from the public.When it comes to the executives ( execution) of the law,leaders must be solid and impassive and persist to their principles.
( comments: 我觉得该题目的难点是对 principles and objectives的解释,什么是有效领导者在具体工作中应该坚持的原则和追寻的目标。你用了happinesee and daily lives并且在下文做了诠释,公共设施如何考虑残障人士出行 青少年犯罪将不同经济阶层家庭一视同仁 弱势群体的资源保障和创造教育机会;都点题并呼应了你的主题观点,我觉得将happiness改为wellbeing可能更有概括性;另外好的领导者也是创造和引导一个社会正确价值观的重要人物,他所追寻的principles and objectives可以由此定义。) ( 通过改你的文章,好好思考了一下如何写issue, 收获很大,我们继续结伴努力)
ts1: For the first part,let me explain why I think it is dispensable ( dispensable means not essential or necessary; it should be “ why I think it is essentially important )  for the leaders to make compromises to their people. As for the work really close to the people’s daily lives,leaders should listen to them and make promotions.( As for the leaders’ work keeping abreast with people’s daily life, listening to public opinions and making adjustments are very significant.)  
-For example,public equipment is always being revised and the designers tried their best to provide the convenience for the public.( Effective leaders should be open to public utilities’ adaptation to the public convenice.) I remember once at the subway in Beijin,I saw the introduction of the newest lower-path designed especially for the disabled people,which is constructed after a series of suggestions of the citizens,received compliments mostly. ( For instance, Beijing’s subway is a good example. The installation of the most advanced lower-path decker for the disabled is actually an adoption of public opinions)  However,the design before which are condemned for the most time,built only by the isolated purpose.( However , the facilities used to separate the handicapped people but not enable them to move easily as others. It has been criticized by public for a long time and finally leaders adopt the opinion and adjust the utilizes to accommodate the needs and win the compliments from the residents.) Thus,the leaders are persuaded to listen the suggestions from the people when it comes to the decisions related very close to their daily lives. ( As such, effective leaders must listen to the public opinion with regard to their daily life to strengthen the governance and leadership)

ts2 On the other hand,people would challenge if all the things should be discussed with the public,how to ensure the efficiency as well as the stableness of society?( on the other hand, people..challenge how to ensure the efficiency as well as the stableness of society if it is not possible for the leaders to discuss everything with the public. (There no doubt that when it comes to the laws,leader should be as impartial as possible and stick to the principles. ( There is no doubt the effective leaders should be as impartial as possible and stick to the principles when making the policies and implementing the lasws in practice.)  
-Take the case of education of example(Take the case of juvenile delinquence as an example) ,if both children at the same age,but one comes from a decent family with power and pecuniary advantages,the other comes from an totally impoverished family( There are two children at the same age but coming from one decent family with… and one from an impoverished family respectively) .They involved in an crime case and both were arrested,however,as for the venality,the one from the better family received less punishment.If the equality of law reflected like this,I don’t think there is any need to have it.As a result,the leader should persist to their principles and be solid impartial to the executives of the law.
( 这个分析有失焦点,如何体现public opinion,两个家庭是小众个别并非集体意识,也许在这个事情上,公众舆论就是严惩失害者的富贵子弟,议论的焦点就不清晰了;但如果再改动下栗子,就是两个家庭中,家庭优渥的并非是施害者,而是被家庭贫穷的孩子逼迫去做的且自身已受到伤害,即便公众的呼声是对富贵与贫穷阶级的孩子不应当有区分,作为公正的领导者则应深入事件本身,为富贵的孩子酌情处分并安排心理治疗,而不会被社会仇富心态所影响。
ts3 Last but not least,I’d like to qualify my explanation.Even though stick to the principle of law is of advantage of the most time,there are exceptional cases.For example,the resource of people is not always equal,actually,is not equal for most time.To be specific,the chances for people vary a lot.Unfortunately,when the inequality caused a poor boy to defend himself by attacking the one who bullied him.This situation,for the sake of the ethos,we need to give a chance to him,instead of escaping the penalty,but less.
Principle不一定僅限於Law,可以是價值觀可以是信條。比如最近的blockbuster战狼,当华工要撤离非洲时,有限的救援力量只能支持中国公民时,好的政治领袖就会看到中国公民不是单个个体,而是与非洲当地人结婚生子,如果撤离,那么所有的华工及非洲家属同胞都要撤离,这实际上是做出有违常理或公众舆论的判断,但坚持了作为一个领袖的领导原则,反对种族歧视的价值选择。虽然是一步电影,但是被公众大为推崇,領導力的體現。。。。(可以写成英文 但怕我說的不清楚)

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