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Rank: 1

发表于 2007-9-23 20:14:25 |只看该作者
求改哈~~ 嘿嘿~~ 先谢谢啦~

No.165 In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.
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As the development of the modern technology, the way of study becomes much more various. TV sets, computers, cell phones are all the tools of which would be made use for study. So students may have the choice of studying at home by using these technologies. However, as far as I’m concerned, it is better for students to study at traditional schools, where they can study efficiently and learn skills of communication.

Traditional schools provide excellent teachers, numerous educational equipments and good sport facilities for students, which enable students to study more efficiently. With teachers, whenever students have questions, they can ask about it and get a reliable answer directly. Furthermore, teachers are always of patience to explain the problem for students till them totally understand it, which may greatly contributes to the students’ study. With educational equipments, take the   chemical labs for instance, students can grip knowledge impressively by their own hands through doing experiments. With sport facilities, students can relax themselves and relief the pressure from study.

I believe it is equally important for them to learn to deal with the interpersonal ship besides study. In schools, students will make friends with their classmates. They may study and play together, sharing their snacks, talking their experiences, discussing the assignments and so on. Each time I look back into my past 20 year’s life, I appreciate the time in school with my friends most and it really has influence on my future interpersonal ability.

It is undeniable that the traditional schools may have some disadvantages: the knowledge taught there may not update so rapidly and the students have the possibility to make some bad friends. But as what have been discussed, the advantages of the traditional school are far beyond its disadvantages, so we may safely draw a conclusion that traditional schools are better for students to study.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-9-23 21:02:49 |只看该作者



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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-9-23 21:18:27 |只看该作者


No.165 In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.

As the development of the modern technology, the way of study becomes much more various. (This beginning is so common, change it!) TV sets, computers, cell phones are all the tools of which would be made use for study. So students may have the choice of studying at home by using these technologies. However, as far as I’m (在英文写作中任何形式的缩略语全部要全写! 这是常识, 要记住!) concerned, it is better for students to study at traditional schools, where they can study efficiently and learn skills of communication (as well).
(This is a highly developed age, and indeed the booming the modern technology benefits us modern residents in various ways, including the promotion of the modern education. Currently, enormous numbers of electric instruments have been utilized in order to improve the education quality. However, recently a discussion has been the center of a widespread controversy engaging public attention: which is better? Traditional education or highly-developed education based on modern technology? To be frank, in the point of my view, the traditional one seems much better.)
Traditional schools provide (possess/ boast) excellent teachers, numerous educational equipments and good sport facilities for students, which enable students to study more efficiently (语法错误, 句子成分残缺!). With teachers, whenever students have questions, they can ask about it and get a reliable (comprehensive) answer directly. Furthermore, teachers are always of patience to explain the problem for students till them totally understand it, which may greatly contributes to the students’ study. With educational equipments, take the   chemical labs for instance, students can grip knowledge impressively by their own hands through doing experiments. With sport facilities, students can relax themselves and relief the pressure from study.
(The first point I would like to emphasize is that for the process of education, teachers are of first-rate importance. It proves to be of high efficiency to have face-to-face class. Perhaps it would suffice to mention my brother Timmy, who is now attending the local high school and who loves the traditional education. “ I used to take classes on the Internet,” one day when we happened to talk about this topic, he said to me,” but, you know, it is really hard time. Although you could see a teacher standing in front of you, and you have the textbook nearby…. But, they are on the screen! And after a history e-class I learned little, or nothing! Cause I… really find it hard to catch up with the teacher…Besides, I cannot ask questions! That is awful!” Thus now you know why I do not like using technology to take courses?)
I believe it is equally important (crucial= significant= ) for them to learn to deal with the interpersonal ship besides study. In schools, students will make friends with their classmates. They may study and play together, sharing their snacks, talking their experiences, discussing the assignments and so on. Each time I look back into my past 20 year’s life, I appreciate the time in school with my friends most and it really has influence on my future interpersonal ability.

It is undeniable that the traditional schools may have some disadvantages: the knowledge taught there may not update so rapidly and the students have the possibility to make some bad friends. But as what have been discussed, the advantages of the traditional school are far beyond its disadvantages, so we may safely draw a conclusion that traditional schools are better for students to study.

[ 本帖最后由 破海沧澜 于 2007-11-4 12:29 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-9-25 11:42:52 |只看该作者
我有时间改, 现在!

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Rank: 1

发表于 2007-9-25 14:23:15 |只看该作者

希望高人指点作文 为感!!!

Topic:::::Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Successful people take new things and take risks rather than the thing that they’ve done well.

Challenges and new things are prevailing in this exponentially developing world. Some people ignore them or fail to take them into

serious consideration but some people, successful people especially, usually courageously step forward, facing them with enough

confidence. In fact, this spirit of risking is one of the important factors to success. I believe that successful people take risks and new things

rather than things they've done well on account of the following resons.

First of all, risks or new things bring not olny challenge but rather, opportunities. It is unpredicable where things are going but it sure leads

to a different world. Bill Gates is a compelling example. He dropped out the prestigious Harvard University which at that moment

numerous people considered insane. but on the other hand, It led Gates to an open market of personal computer and computer

softwares.  How great an opportunity it was! He did take the risk and grasp the chance and finally made his name a household name.

There's no doubt that to take the risk is a wonderful way to success in this case.

Secondly, taking risks not only provides one chances but also help one invokes the potential lies within, therefor  the self-value is

achieved. According to a recent survey conducted by the Pscychology Department of Oxford University, 93% people show amazing

ability when facing extreme adversities. This result can be applied to risk taking. When facing challenges, the situation might elevate your

mind and make you even better than before. For instance, the magician David is always trying new tricks challenging himself and buy

successing from new magic, he's getting more and more recognized.

Last but not least, the higher the risk is the better it will be paid back. In the business world, it is a unspoken rule that the pay back is closely

related to level of risk. A large portion of successful people take risks and new thing because of the future benefits. When businessmen

make risking investments, they're risking their money into the market and looking forward to more than they've paid. Successful people

surely know about this rule and that's why they takes new things and risks.

Of course, there's a fair portion of successful people who chose to focus on the things that they've already done well and gotten to the

place where his or her career is really thriving, but with the reasons I've listed above, I still strongly agree with the statement that successful

people take new things and take risks rather than the things that they've done well.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-9-25 14:27:30 |只看该作者


我总是觉得自己逻辑不好 高手帮我看看好么?29号要考试了艾 烦阿

Topics: Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Successful people take new things and take risks rather than the thing that they've done well.

Challenges and new things are prevailing in this exponentially developing world. Some people ignore them or fail to take them into
serious consideration but some people, successful people especially, usually courageously step forward, facing them with enough
confidence. In fact, this spirit of risking is one of the important factors to success. I believe that successful people take risks and new things
rather than things they've done well on account of the following resons.
First of all, risks or new things bring not olny challenge but rather, opportunities. It is unpredicable where things are going but it sure leads
to a different world. Bill Gates is a compelling example. He dropped out the prestigious Harvard University which at that moment
numerous people considered insane. but on the other hand, It led Gates to an open market of personal computer and computer
softwares.  How great an opportunity it was! He did take the risk and grasp the chance and finally made his name a household name.
There's no doubt that to take the risk is a wonderful way to success in this case.
Secondly, taking risks not only provides one chances but also help one invokes the potential lies within, therefor  the self-value is
achieved. According to a recent survey conducted by the Pscychology Department of Oxford University, 93% people show amazing
ability when facing extreme adversities. This result can be applied to risk taking. When facing challenges, the situation might elevate your
mind and make you even better than before. For instance, the magician David is always trying new tricks challenging himself and buy
successing from new magic, he's getting more and more recognized.
Last but not least, the higher the risk is the better it will be paid back. In the business world, it is a unspoken rule that the pay back is closely
related to level of risk. A large portion of successful people take risks and new thing because of the future benefits. When businessmen
make risking investments, they're risking their money into the market and looking forward to more than they've paid. Successful people
surely know about this rule and that's why they takes new things and risks.
Of course, there's a fair portion of successful people who chose to focus on the things that they've already done well and gotten to the
place where his or her career is really thriving, but with the reasons I've listed above, I still strongly agree with the statement that successful
people take new things and take risks rather than the things that they've done well.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-9-25 14:28:58 |只看该作者


13. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

For all the people in the world, having meals is the most important thing during a day, no matter that he is a common worker, a political leader, or a millionnaire. Having meals is so important that it affects a person's healthy, a person's mental status (happy or sullen) and even a person's working efficiency. So, choosing where to eat, at home or at food stands, becomes an important thing. As a college student, in my opinion, eating at home is my first choice.

First of all, eating at home can be much more hygienic. A number of diseases can invade human's body through the mouth. One of the most important things is the food we eat. If we eat at home, we can make sure that the food is in good condition, meat with no deterioration and vegetables with fresh and that the fork, the scoop and the glass we use are through serious disinfection. On the contrary, we do not know whether they keep the food clean and fresh as we do at home.

Secondly, eating at home gives us more nutrition. Human body needs to supple many kinds of vitamine, protein, sugar and mineral composition, especially for those hard-working white- collar workers and students. When we cook at home, we can prepare the food according to the nutrition we need. However, it is not easy to find a restaurant that can cook the food we desire.

Thirdly, eating at home increases the relationship among family members. In the highly developing society, most people keep busy everyday. There is less chance for family members to sit together to watch TV, or to have a deep talk in the sitting room, and so on. Eating at home is just a good chance. For couples, the wife is cooking the food in the pan, while the husband is preparing materials. At last, they cooperate to make out a table of delicious Chinese food. Isn't it romantic? For parents and children, because in China, parents have little time to accompany the children, the children desire the feelings of a home. Then all family members eat food at home, members pass the favorite dishes for each other. It is a typical warm and harmonious family.

To conclude, eating at home can make us much healthier and can provide more chances to communicate with our family members. I strongly feel that eating at home is a good choice.
Word Count: 402
Appication: 10

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-9-25 14:49:11 |只看该作者
Some people may believe that there always exist some chances, so they never plan for anything. Others, including myself, have an opposite opinion. Linkin once said:” I will prepare and some day my chance will come.” Chances do exist, but only those prepare carefully can catch it. Carefully preparing can help you know your destination, work more efficiently, and avoid making big mistakes.

First of all, having an aim and working towards it step by step need a careful plan. After we make a plan, we can know exactly what we should do first and what we should do next. Organizing everything, a plan can ensure that every thing goes right. Comparing careful planning, taking risks only make us wonder all day long. We don’t know when and where the chances will appear. Even if the chances really appear, we also have the doubt whether to take it or not. This is just because we haven’t had any plan and don’t know what we should do next.

Also, carefully planning can make us work more efficiently. Those who only take risks always spend too much time hanging around and “finding the chances”. On the contrast, those who do have a careful plan never waste any minute and work hard towards their goal. For instance, I once make a careful plan for my test preparing,. Through this plan, I know when to study and when to relax. Nothing can distract me. Coupled with saving a lot of times, it also bring me a gorgeous result.

Finally, the most significant advantage of carefully planning is that it can help you avoiding making big mistakes. One can win a fortune through taking risks; one can also lose every thing. Therefore, making a good plan to avoid losing everything is so important. A careful plan can always help us find out the potential catastrophe we may face. Without a careful planning, we may ruin our lives by ourselves.

In a word , every one wants to work more efficiently, keep track on the right way and avoid making big mistakes. Taking all these factors into accounts, we may reach the conclusion that we should make a careful plan in order to be successful.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-9-25 14:50:49 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-9-25 15:35:59 |只看该作者
写了不少作文了 总感觉没啥进步 怎么办啊 lz 帮我看看
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

With the rapid development of computer-produce technology, computers have come into every inch of our daily life. However, there is no consensus of opinion on the affect of computer. Some people believe it has make life more complex and stressful, while others take the view that it has made our life easier and more convenient and that is also my view. My arguments of the point are listed as follows.

     I agree with the statement that computer has made our life easier without reservation since its irreplaceable position status and what it do for us in our daily life. Computers have reduced our workload and made lots of work easier than before. It can be given a concrete example. My father is a architect and he uses professional designing software (its name is CAD) in his computer to draw the draft of his design. Year before he had an computer, he had to complete the boring drafting work with his hand and pencil, that’s so loathsome work and slow down his process of work. With computer he is really free from complex and repeated work and can does better at designing than before.

Another reason account for my view is that computer improves our quality of life with its entertainment functions. Nowadays, computer has become an indispensable recreational tool for us. Every weekend, I would like to open my personal computer and download some melodic music from internet, and listen to with my friends, which can really make me relieve and retrieve my pressure from work and study. Beside, I also watch movies with computer, play online games and chat with my family. Thus it is indispensable that computer bring great convenient and recreation to us.

What is also worth noticing fact relate to computer is its important role played in transportation. I take subway for example. It is computer that control the subway system that makes subway set off and arrive timely. Hardly could I schedule my daily plan without the timely subway system since subway is the best choice for me to go to my workplace. Not only subway system, but also train, buses all need computer as their controller.

In a nutshell, as the greatest invention in 20th century, computers has made our life easier and more convenient due to its functions at work, recreation and public transportation, and I just name few.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-9-25 16:22:03 |只看该作者


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-9-25 16:32:02 |只看该作者

回复 #1 破海沧澜 的帖子

hi 小超人

it is very nice of you to help others

can you check the essay for me ?? thanx a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Topic :Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.

I totally agree that people should sometimes do things which they do not enjoy doing. Sometimes people do something not for pleasure but because they can gain benefit, responsibility, or just because it is the limit of their abilities.
In certain circumstances, people do something for their own benefit. The latest surveys show that quite a few students have unpleasant associations(experiences) with homework. But should we cancel homework? Of course not. As the old saying says“No pain ,no gain”.By doing homework we can check what we do know about a subject. For instance, we may totally understand the reason of a mathematical problem, but working it out is another thing. Practice is one of the key ways to make progress.
Another reason why I agree with the statement is that people sometimes do thing because it is their responsibility. According to a recent national survey, more than half of the people are not satisfied with their jobs. Take the case of my colleague who worked in the city as a successful businessman for four years. However, after his parents became sick, he moved to his hometown where he had to work as a salesperson so that he could take care of them, because he is the only child in his family. This case is not rare, there are many situations just like this across the nation.
Last but not least, people do something just because the limitations of their abilities. For example, my aunt is a nurse, but I do not think she really enjoys it. All she does all day is to carry plates around and ask the patients how they are feeling, she once told me that she became so nervous and was almost in the despair of ending her life by being merely ordinary. But it is hard for her to get another job with the similar salary, because she is over 50 and without the appropriate (corresponding )degree.
Whatever may have been, or not have been said, (whatever may be or have been said,) most people would hold this as a general truth: people do what they should do, not what they like to do.
As far as I am concerned, I have come to the notion that people should sometimes do things which they do not enjoy, because they can gain benefits, responsibility, or because of the limitations of their abilities. Such is life in the modern world.
change brings life

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-9-25 17:33:34 |只看该作者


115. Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans. Which do you prefer — planning or not planning for your leisure time? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

After a long period of study or work, some leisure time is so precious that we don’t want to waste even one minute of it. To use it to the fullest, some people prefer to make a detailed plan while some others choose to leave everything open and relax themselves to the maximum extend. Although I can see benefits of both ways, personally, I would choose not planning for my leisure time.

The advantage of planning our free time is that we would be prepared for all kinds of situations. For examples, if we planned to go for a trip, we would have done all the jobs before we leave, like booking the tickets, making reservation of hotel rooms, hiring a car, etc. Also, with a guidebook at hand we will never get lost. We know where to visit, which restaurant to eat and what to buy because we had done some research and planned everything carefully.

A trip without any planning may not go smoothly as a planned one, however, in my opinion, that is exact benefit of going spontaneous. Not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow is so exciting and I think, is the essential of a trip. Instead of sticking to a schedule, I could go anywhere and do anything I like. If it is a sunny day and I am in a mood for swimming, I would take my swimming suit at once and go the seaside. I would like to feel totally free in my free time, but not retrained within some plans that made by myself. Also, if we leave everything open, there might be some surprises. We may find ourselves doing something new that we never planed to try or making friend with total strangers that we meet unexpectedly.

Another important reason that I don’t like make plans for leisure time is the tension of
plan-making. Making plans for holidays or vacations could be very stressful because you want to consider every detail and try to make everything both efficient and economic. That is why we often heard the term of “pre-holiday” depression. Leisure time should not be a source of getting nervous, and we should totally relax ourselves and enjoy everything coming.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-10-1 12:38:59 |只看该作者


I am sorry for my absence these days because I had a fever and it cost me three days to recover from it.
Maybe I just not healthy enough.
Anyway, I will do my best to to do it!!! I mean, to upgrade the composition!!!
Good luck! Gters!!!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-10-1 12:58:59 |只看该作者

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