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大陆各校毕业生当选美国物理学会院士(APS Fellows)
送交者: APS 2003年11月18日12:49:46 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com
大陆各校毕业生当选美国物理学会院士(American Physical Society, APS Fellows)
北京大学 7人
中国科技大学 5人
武汉大学 2人
浙江大学 2人
中科院 2人
复旦大学 1人
清华大学 1人
吉林大学 1人
同济大学 1人
山东大学 1人
盐城师范学院 1人
美国物理学会院士(American Physical Society, APS Fellows)
陈十一(Chen, Shiyi):1981年浙江大学本科毕业,1984年获北京大学力学系硕士学位,1987年获博士学位。
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,现任约翰霍普金斯大学力学工程系系主任、正教授,北京大学教授。
Citation: For outstanding research in lattice gas methods involving creative analysis and massive computations at the frontiers of high performance computing; and for contributing fundamental advances in the theory of turbulence.
Nominated by: Computational Physics
汤超(Tang, Chao):中国科技大学本科毕业
NEC Research Institute,现任NEC Research Institute研究员,北京大学教授。
Citation: For his pioneering contributions to the theory of Self-Organized Criticality, and many other original contributions in statistical and nonlinear physics.
Nominated by: Statistical & Nonlinear Physics
王十庆 (Wang, Shi-Qing) 1982年毕业于武汉大学物理系本科
Case Western Reserve University
Citation: For his seminal contributions to our knowledge of molecular mechanisms for flow instabilities, extrudate distortions and wall slip in capillary extrusion of polymer melts.
Nominated by: High Polymer Physics
柳百新 (Liu, Baixin): 1961年毕业于清华大学工程物理系。中国科学院院士。
Tsinghua University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the understanding of amorphous alloy formation by ion beam mixing.
Nominated by: Forum on International Physics
杨国桢 (Yang, Guozhen): 1962年北京大学物理系毕业。 1965年北京大学物理系基本粒子理论研究生毕业,中国科学院院士。
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Citation: For his achievements in optics computing and laser physics, his outstanding accomplishments in scientific management, and his significant contributions to international exchanges.
Nominated by: Forum on International Physics
张振宇 (Zhang, Zhenyu) 1982年毕业于武汉大学物理系本科
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For original and innovative contributions to the understanding of thin-film growth mechanisms and kinetic/dynamical processes at surfaces.
Nominated by: Materials Physics
陈沪东 (Chen, Hudong) 复旦大学物理系82届本科毕业。
Exa Corporation
Citation: For contributions to fundamental fluid and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence theory, pioneering work in discrete many-body systems and Lattice Boltzmann representations, and industrial applications and practical numerical methods based upon these ideas.
Nominated by: Computational Physics
Lai, Ying-Cheng 浙江大学光学工程系82届本科,85届硕士
Arizona State University
Citation: For his many contributions to the fundamentals of nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
Nominated by: Statistical & Nonlinear Physics
牛谦 (Niu, Qian) 北京大学物理系81届本科
University of Texas, Austin
Citation: For contributions to the theories of quantum transport.
Nominated by: DCMP (Condensed Matter)
Wu, Chi 中国科技大学82届本科
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Citation: For his light scattering study on coil-globule transition of single homopolymer chains, including first observation of the molten globule state.
Nominated by: Polymer Physics
张富春(Zhang, Fu Chun) 中国科技大学研究生院
University of Cincinnati
Citation: For contributions to the theory of strongly-correlated electron systems.
Nominated by: DCMP (Condensed Matter)
季向东(Ji, Xiangdong) 同济大学本科,北京大学硕士
University of Maryland
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the understanding of the structure of the nucleon and the process of deeply virtual Compton scattering.
Nominated by: Nuclear Physics
Ren, Shang-Fen 北京大学物理系80届
Illinois State University
Citation: For her contributions to theoretical understanding of low-dimensional semiconductor systems, especially the vibrational properties in semiconductor superlattices, quantum wires, and quantum dots as well as for her many contributions promoting internationa
王振纲(Wang, Zhen-Gang) 北京大学化学系82届本科
California Institute of Technology
Citation: For theoretical contributions to the understanding of the morphology, fluctuation, metastability and kinetic pathways in microphase ordered block copolymers.
Nominated by: Polymer Physics
Wu, Ruqian 江苏盐城师范学院80届本科,中科院物理所博士。
University of California, Irvine
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of magnetic, electronic, mechanical, chemical and optical properties of compounds, alloys, interfaces, thin films and surfaces using first-principles calculations and for development of the methods and codes for such
Nominated by: Computational Physics
张绳百 (Zhang, Shengbai) 吉林大学电子工程系本科毕业
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of semiconductor defects, impurities, surfaces, interfaces, and high-pressure phases using first-principles calculations.
Nominated by: Computational Physics
Zhou, Bing 中国科技大学82届本科
University of Michigan
Citation: For outstanding contributions and leadership in the development, construction, and exploitation of complex detectors in fundamental particle physics experiments.
Nominated by: Particles & Fields
Jiang, HongWen
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For fundamental experimental studies of the ground-state phases of the two dimensional electron gas, including the first identification of the Hall metal state in a half-filled Landau level.
Nominated by: DCMP (Condensed Matter)
Wang, Xin-Nian 山东大学82届本科,中科院高能物理所85届硕士
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Citation: For his contributions to the understanding of perturbative hard QCD processes in nuclear collisions at very high energies, especially the roles of gluon shadowing, multiple interactions and jet quenching.
Nominated by: Nuclear Physics
文小刚(Wen, Xiao-Gang) 中国科技大学本科毕业
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the physics of the fractional quantum Hall effect, and for novel insights into quantum magnetism and high temperature superconductivity.
Nominated by: DCMP (Condensed Matter)
张希成 (Zhang, Xi-Cheng) 北京大学物理系82届本科, IEEE Fellow。
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York
Citation: For pioneering contributions to free-space terahertz optics, particularly the successful development of terahertz wave generation, sensing and imaging.
Nominated by: Laser Science
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