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[作文] Maggie‘s daily writing [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-15 21:01:00 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 林水监 于 2011-2-15 21:12 编辑

In the lecture, the professor refuses tosupport the statement in the reading passage. She believes that the harms fromsalvage logging outweigh the benefits and she discusses the points made in thepassage one by one.

First of all, the professor doubts thenecessity of creating right conditions for trees growthCleaning up the forests after athunder or storm do necessarily to create the right condition to trees growth.. Since the natural developmentProcess of wood, as a fact the professorputs, are good for soil to become more suitable for future generations of trees.she gives her first opinion that moving dead trees may damage the situation ofsoil culturing which means the conditions of future generations of trees may beharmed.

Secondly, the professor enumerates adata about insect population’s exiting condition to fight the passage’sassertion of the damage causing by insects.(用从句是不是会更好些) The fact is that the spruce bark beetles have lived in Alaska forest for nearly100 years without causing major damage. On the other hand, the professor also(与 on the other hand 有点重复) points out the same effectsworkAlso works onother insects and birds… on insects or birds which may bring benefits to the forests. Ifdead trees are moved, not only spruce bark beetles would disappeared, but alsolots of beneficial insects would disappeared.Lecture doesn’t mention disappeared. Salvage logging may do moreharm than harm insects

What’s more, consider form the degree andduration of economic benefits, the professor objects the passage’s assertion.She points out that factories can move dead trees only by complex andinconvenient tools. Thus, this job may spend more money than it can earn. As aresult, moving dead trees would not necessary benefit the forest after fire.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-15 18:32:59 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-15 15:53:48 |只看该作者
It always catches parents’ concerns that should they encourage teenagers to take part-time jobs or not. As population becomes larger and larger(不精练), the challenge of entering societies turns more and more tough(这一句感觉有点别扭). In order to confront this challenge, many parents encourage their children to get part-time jobs(这一句里面,主语是many parents,前面就不能是 confront this challenge,因为是their children confront this challenge). Of course there may come up with some problems(,)but I indeed agree with this allege.

First, as an old saying goes that the early bird gets the worm, teenagers who get in touch with the outside world (应该强调越早接触社会,与前面的early birds 相对应)would adapt to this society much better in the future. For example, as fresh blood in this society(我不知道有没有这种说法,感觉挺吓人的,呵呵), graduated students often suffered(时态一致) setbacks in job-hunting markets for lacking of practice work experiences(赘述). Cause more and more companies pay more and more attentions to realistic experience along with the high pace of modern lives(Cause有点口语化,而且跟下一句好像分不开,之间用分号就可以了。More and more 用得多了,已经3个了). Thus under this situation, those who have accumulated work experiences in part-time jobs would win in the personal market(是人才市场吗?) more possible(possible 应该是修饰win,要用副词). So teenagers should take a part-time job cause it act (单复数) as a warm-up exercise(可以尝试用同位语,更加精练,如……part-time joba warm-up exercise,……) for them to take the full-time job in the future.

Second, students can promote their studies through part-time jobs. For instance, I am a students major in Animation. But the different(名词) between my classmates and me is that I have had a part-time job in a local animation company. Through this experience I have learn that something that doesn’t exist in books but in practice. And because my practice enables me to better understand what I’ve learned from book, I got the opportunity to go beyond my classmates. So I am now(语序) the top student in my class. On the other hand, taking part-time jobs may offer teenagers opportunities to discover their talents in other areas or their self-worth. Because if students who over-emphasis(动词) on formal learning may lose the sense of finding their true interests.(这一段,感觉逻辑不够严密,首先通过part-time job不一定能promote their studie,因为工作浪费比较多的时间,学习时间少了,就算专业内知识可以提升,其他学习不一定。应该有所限定。语法上应该更加严谨。句式上也不灵活,全篇because 太多)

Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieves (主谓一致)students’ financial burden, especially those from poor families. As we all know that colleges fees(学费不是这样吧) has increased in the past decade and our bank system failed to loan students as effectively as it claimed to developed the country. So taking part-time jobs becomes an effectual way for poor students to meet their great expenses in campus lives. Some may argue that taking part-time job may lead teenagers to be so keen on making money that they may neglect their studies. However, every coin has its two sides. It is both parents and children’s duty to teach and learn to reach a balance between working and studying so that disadvantages could be avoided.' (这一段回答了问题吗?问的是part-time jobs是不是一个最好的办法去准备将来的adult life,那能减轻financial burden adult life怎么联系呢,应该说在挣钱过程中学到了如何理财吧,这样才能联系起来。同时,题眼是不是最好的方法,这一点没有得到回答。如果是,就应当说别的方法不能达到什么什么的目的,而这个方法才可以。如果不是,也应回答。如果让步,也应该是这个方法是一个好方法,但不能不加分析的说这是一个最好的方法,因为every coin has its two sides)

All in all, in my opinion, the advantages overweight its disadvantages. Parents should encourage teenagers to take a part-time job cause it would teach them knowledge that they can’t get from school, teach them how to deal with non-school group and finally succeed thin their lives.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-15 13:37:16 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 PsMaggie 于 2011-2-15 18:31 编辑


In the lecture, the professor refuses to support the statement in the reading passage. She believes that the harms from salvage logging outweigh the benefits and she discusses the points made in the passage one by one.

First of all, the professor doubts the necessity of creating right conditions for trees growth. Since the natural development of wood, as a fact the professor puts, are good for soil to become more suitable for future generations of trees, she gives her first opinion that moving dead trees may damage the situation of soil culturing which means the conditions of future generations of trees may be harmed.

Secondly, the professor enumerates a data about insect population’s exiting condition to fight the passage’s assertion of the damage causing by insects. The fact is that the spruce bark beetles have lived in Alaska forest for nearly 100 years without causing major damage. On the other hand, the professor also points out the same effects work on insects or birds which may bring benefits to the forests. If dead trees are moved, not only spruce bark beetles would disappeared, but also lots of beneficial insects would disappeared.

What’s more, consider form the degree and duration of economic benefits, the professor objects the passage’s assertion. She points out that factories can move dead trees only by complex and inconvenient tools. Thus, this job may spend more money than it can earn. As a result, moving dead trees would not necessary benefit the forest after fire.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-15 11:47:48 |只看该作者

It always catches parents’ concerns that should they encourage teenagers to take part-time jobs or not. As population becomes larger and larger, the challenge of entering societies turns more and more tough. In order to confront this challenge, many parents encourage their children to get part-time jobs. Of course there may come up with some problems but I indeed agree with this allege.

First, as an old saying goes that the early bird gets the worm, teenagers who get in touch with the outside world would adapt to this society much better in the future. For example, as fresh blood in this society, graduated students often suffered setbacks in job-hunting markets for lacking of practice work experiences. Cause more and more companies pay more and more attentions to realistic experience along with the high pace of modern lives. Thus under this situation, those who have accumulated work experiences in part-time jobs would win in the personal market more possible. So teenagers should take a part-time job cause it act as a warm-up exercise for them to take the full-time job in the future.

Second, students can promote their studies through part-time jobs. For instance, I am a students major in Animation. But the different between my classmates and me is that I have had a part-time job in a local animation company. Through this experience I have learn that something that doesn’t exist in books but in practice. And because my practice enables me to better understand what I’ve learned from book, I got the opportunity to go beyond my classmates. So I am now the top student in my class. On the other hand, taking part-time jobs may offer teenagers opportunities to discover their talents in other areas or their self-worth. Because if students who over-emphasis on formal learning may lose the sense of finding their true interests.

Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieves students’ financial burden, especially those from poor families. As we all know that colleges fees has increased in the past decade and our bank system failed to loan students as effectively as it claimed to developed the country. So taking part-time jobs becomes an effectual way for poor students to meet their great expenses in campus lives. Some may argue that taking part-time job may lead teenagers to be so keen on making money that they may neglect their studies. However, every coin has its two sides. It is both parents and children’s duty to teach and learn to reach a balance between working and studying so that disadvantages could be avoided.

All in all, in my opinion, the advantages overweight its disadvantages. Parents should encourage teenagers to take a part-time job cause it would teach them knowledge that they can’t get from school, teach them how to deal with non-school group and finally succeed thin their lives.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-14 09:48:44 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-2-13 23:57:21 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-13 18:25:35 |只看该作者
It always catches parents or educators’ concerns that for what kind of intentions they choose (是不是应该有个as )an activity for children. For example parents take kids to attend piano classes to culture their perceptions of music, give kids pastels to let them catch the feelings of color. And sports play a significant role in this case. As children plays sports in their daily lives it can’t be ignored to think about the intentions of doing sports. Some emphasize that children should play sports just for fun and no competitions and contests for them. There is probably some truth to this argument, but I take opposite opinion which as far as I concerned, competitions and contests are truly important for children.

First, it should be noticed that sports without other playmates would hardly for children to accept. Companions make activities more fun and children need a growing-up environment full of companions. Just as it is a normal thing to see a group of kids playing football game but it is rare to see one child take(s) a long-distance running as an outdoor sport. When(Where) there are people, there are competitions, it is competition that make(s) sports more attractive and fun. For instance, image there are two groups of children playing football, since the opposing sides exist, competition cannot be avoided because a natural impulse of winning that the children all have. Thus scramble, sweat and whoop begin and all above bring exciting emotion. Higher scores make winning team excited, lower scores make losing team swear to fight back and what is (去掉)the result is the next time of football game is decided. So if grown-ups don’t allow children attend sports with the factor of competition, I’m afraid it would induce a consequence that children no longer love sports.
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Second, it would contribute children’s success in their futures to let them know what is failure and how to deal with failure. The earlier children face the failure----no matter big or small----the earlier they would get sober when failure happens again. When time comes they would appreciate their parents has(who having) already let them experience it. What’s more, it is widely known that the youngs(yuouth) are gaining more and more pressures, some of those pressures are brought by losing in daily lives. And as we all know that sooner or later these children have to integrate into the community, it would never be late to teach them how to survive under pressure. (这个……你的意思好像没表达对)So it is a good and more accepted way to culture children the sense of failure through sports contests. In the long run, they would not being(be) nerves, losing(lose) themselves in front of failure and would perform better in their stressed lives.6 ?' o' V' l9 P0 h6 \

Some may argue that it would bring bad effects to let children be in touch with competitions so early, such as they may develop an ill attitude of treating matches or they may overplay the situation between winning and losing. However, winning is not the most vital thing in sports. The most significant thing children should learn is how to be with their companions and what kind of attitude they should hold to treat their competitors. There is no better way for one child to understand friendship than the way of putting them fighting for the same goal with his or her teammates. They work (with) each other, help each other, laugh together and cry together and in the end they know what makes a friend and how to treasure friends. On the other hand, they would also see the efforts the other team has made which would let them know that they should respect their competitors as well because everyone tries their best to approach their goals.


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