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发表于 2010-7-20 22:01:07 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
本帖最后由 liuxiaoyin 于 2010-7-20 22:03 编辑

Businessmen are only motivated by desire of money
In recent years, it has become a common phenonmena that businessmen are exposed to offer bribe to officials and produce low-quality product. Consequently, some people draw the conclusion that businessmen are only motivatied by the desire of money. In my view, however, I don't agree with this opinion. I would like to list several reasons to support my viewpoint.

In the first place, the fact that businessmen bear greater pressure and more fierce competition throw them into cut-throat competition.
It seems unfire to attribute all the blames and criticisms to the businessmen. To take the case of SanLu Companyas, one of the most famous factory which produce dried milk in China, as an example, this company went bankrupt since some children got food potsioning after drinking its product. In fact, it's a potential priciple for companies to add these poisonous additives in the Chinese dried milk industory, SanLu Company just add too much since Sanlu sell its products in a very low price and consequently in order to survive it had no choice.

What's more, it's natural for companies to try their best to struggle to survive and make profit. Since the persons who runthe company burden a high risk and spend a lot of time and money in their career, these businessmen are motivated by the willingness to earn their livings and need for self accomplishment. What's more, many businessmen have a strong sense that they should be responsible for their employees' life. The trend that increasing benefit level and better employer-employee relationship is a sound evidence to warrant this sense of


All in all, the opinion that businessmen are merely motivated by desire of money is unreasonable and unfair because the bad performance to some extent due to the unhealthy market conditions; Moreover, businessmen are just want to survive and burden the obligation to their empolyees.
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荣誉版主 枫华正茂 枫情万种

发表于 2010-9-1 23:52:43 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-9-1 23:03:08 |只看该作者
32# liuxiaoyin

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发表于 2010-9-1 19:19:59 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 liuxiaoyin 于 2010-9-1 19:21 编辑

It is a complicated issue that whether students should be required to study art and music besides their major courses or not. People with different background hold various opinions on it. Some claim that art and music courses are waste of time for students, while others refute that these course can bring students tremendous benefits which they can not obtain from main courses. In my point of view, I agree with the later one for several reasons.

First and foremost, I concede that art and music courses contribute to broadening our friend circles, which are of great significance to our work and life. As a Chinese proverb says, interest gathers friends. In my University, there are about one hundreds associations, including more than 50 clubs which are built up based on the same interest. These clubs provide opportunity to acknowledge fellows in various majors from different cities make friends with them and attend many interesting activities and games. Take me as an example. I attended music club and met one of my best friends. Music provided us common topics, leaded to easier communication, and thus, it strengthened our friendship. In a word, music makes my college more colorful. If I haven't had music classes before, I will lose much fun and pass the chances to meet many pretty persons.

What's more, music and art courses lead to a healthy lifestyle and help to develop a positive attitude towards difficulties. In modern society, people pay their attention mainly on earning money and leave less leisure time for their families and themselves. As a result, the rates of some physical and mental diseases, such as obesity, hypertension and depression increase dramatically. Under this circumstance, music and art play an important role in improving our life quality. According to a report published by Chinese Science, people who always enjoy music, paintings or opera are less likely to get depression and insomnia. The art and music classes guide us how to evaluate perfect products and even how to compose them, tutoring us how to enjoy ourselves and keep in good mood.

From what has been discussed, we can come to conclude that music and art courses definitely beneficial to our work and life, because it broadens our friend circles, leads to a healthy lifestyle and encourages a positive attitude to stress. For this reason, music and art classes should be promoted rather than avoided.

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Rank: 4


2015 US-applicant 美版2016offer达人

发表于 2010-9-1 18:00:17 |只看该作者

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2015 US-applicant 美版2016offer达人

发表于 2010-9-1 17:42:46 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 雲靉玥 于 2010-9-1 17:54 编辑


It is a complicated issue that whether students should be required to study art and music besides their major courses or not. People with different background hold various opinions on it. Some claim that art and music courses are waste of time for students, while others refute that these course can bring tremendous benefits to students (放句尾比较好吧) which we(注意人称,应该是they) can't (cannot) obtain from main courses. In my point of view, I agree with the later one for several reasons.

First and foremost, I concede that art and music courses contribute to broadening our friend circles, which are of great significance to our work and life. As a Chinese proverb says, interest gathers friends. In my University, there are about one hundreds associations, including more than 50 clubs which are built up based on the same interest. These clubs provide opportunity to acknowledge fellows with(in) various majors from different provinces in our country(放在后面them那里) make friends with them and attend many interesting activities and games. To(删) take me as an example, I attend music club and meet(过去式) one of my best friends. Music provides us common topics, leads to easier communication, and thus, it strengthens our friendship. In a word, music makes my college more colorful. If I haven't had music classes before, I will lose much fun and pass the chances to meet many pretty persons.

What's more, music and art courses lead to a healthy lifestyle and help to develop a positive attitude towards difficulties. In modern society, people pay their attention mainly on earning money and leave less leisure time(删) for their families and themselves. As a result, the rates of some physical and mental diseases, such as obesity, hypertension and depression increase dramatically. Under this circumstance, music and art play an important role in improving our life quality. According to a report published by Chinese Science, people who always enjoy music, paintings or opera are less likely to get depression and insomnia. The art and music classes guide us how to judge evalue(?还是删掉吧…) perfect products and even how to compose them, tutoring us how to enjoy ourselves and keep in good mood.

From what has been discussed, we may(can) come to conclude(a conclusion) that music and art courses definitely beneficial to our work and life, because it broadens our friend circles and(,) leads to a healthy lifestyle and encourages a positive attitude to stress. For this reason, music and art classes should be promoted rather than avoided.

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发表于 2010-8-31 13:44:34 |只看该作者
09.05.30NA  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children (ages five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language.

It is a complicated issue weather students should be required to study art and music besides their major courses. People with different background hold various opinions on it. Some claim that art and music courses are waste of time to students, while others refute that these course can bring tremendous benefits to students which we can't obtain from main courses. In my point of view, I agree with the later one for several reasons.

First and foremost, I concede that art and music courses contribute to broadening our friend circles, which are of great significance to our work and life. As a Chinese proverb says, interest gathers friends. In my University, there are about one hundreds associations, including more than 50 clubs which are built up based on the same interest. These clubs provide opportunity to acknowledge fellows with various majors from different provinces in our country make friends with them and attend many interesting activities and games. To take me as an example, I attend music club and meet one of my best friends. Music provides us common topics, leads to easier communication and thus strengthens our friendship. In a word, music makes my college more colorful. If I haven't had music classes before, I will lose much fun and pass the chances to meet many pretty persons.

What's more, music and art courses lead to a healthy lifestyle and help to develop positive attitude towards difficulties. In modern society, people pay their attention mainly on earning money and leave less leisure time for their families and themselves. As a result, the rates of some physical and mental diseases, such as obesity, hypertension and depression increase dramatically. Under this circumstance, music and art play an important role in improving our life quality. According to a report published by Chinese Science, people who always enjoy music, paintings or opera are less likely to get depression and insomnia. The art and music classes guide us how to judge evalue perfect products and even how to compose them, tutoring us how to enjoy ourselves and keep in good mood.

From what has been discussed, we may come to conclude that music and art courses definitely beneficial to our work and life, because it broadens our friend circles and leads to a healthy lifestyle and encourages a positive attitude to stress. For this reason, music and art classes should be promoted rather than avoided.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-8-23 09:16:50 |只看该作者
In modern society, many people surfer from obesity, hypertension or heart diseases because of unhealthy eating habits. This phenomenon has become more and more serious and should be resolved as soon as possible.(表达很好) But why people develop this harmful eating habit? People with diverse background hold different ideas. As for me, I claim that advertising is the most significant factor for this phenomenon.2 }" ?5 M) a: ]2

l" v( G
( K! W. s4 h. x8 ]5 g- i$ W
First and foremost, as we all know, most of advertisers are likely to publicize and advocate unhealthy food only if they are paid enough money. Lacking of strong sense of moral and legal constraints, advertisers who pursue profit maximization tend not to select advertising targets. They can introduce new kind of ice cream or chips on television to children without warning the high calorie of these food. As a result, children will buy their product and gradually develop the unhealthy eating habit. Besides children, many adults are inevitably influenced by advertising in their eating habit. For example, there are many win or bill commercials in China. These advertisements have enhanced and worsened alcoholism problem since they always claim that the more a person drink, more sincere he or she is. (表达的层次感好)

k  R& i* Y; n6 }/ o: e
What's more, as one of important media tools, advertisement has undoubtedly tremendous impacts on public. In fact, a commercial can lead a trend. For example, KFC, who mainly sell unhealthy fast, have entered China and spread throughout country within 10 years. Maybe its popularity results from many factors, but successful and skillful advertising is the first reason.(这句转折的不好,前半句貌似没有说清楚,就转折了。) KFC advertises its product in main channels and frequently introduces its new food. Consequently, many children form a preference to it and eat there together. As a Chinese proverb says, if six out of ten go fishing, three of the rest will follow to fish too. Advertisement brings such effect so that it makes unhealthy food more popular and accelerates formation of unhealthy eating habit.

All in all, after the detailed analysis above, I can safely draw the conclusion (safely )that advertising is the most significant factor for unhealthy eating habit for two reasons. Firstly, most of advertisers publicize and advocate junk food as long as they have received enough payment. Secondly, advertisement has undoubtedly tremendous impacts on public and enhancing prevalence of unhealthy food.

写的很好,学习了,文章中仅有一些小的问题 good

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-8-22 04:12:28 |只看该作者
(09.01.17 NA )Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits

In modern society, many people surfer from obesity, hypertension or heart diseases because of unhealthy eating habits. This phenomenon has become more and more serious and should be resolved as soon as possible. But why people develop this harmful eating habit? People with diverse background hold different ideas. As for me, I claim that advertising is the most significant factor for this phenomenon.

First and foremost, as we all know, most of advertisers are likely to publicize and advocate unhealthy food only if they are paid enough money. Lacking of strong sense of moral and legal constraints, advertisers who pursue profit maximization tend not to select advertising targets. They can introduce new kind of ice cream or chips on television to children without warning the high calorie of these food. As a result, children will buy their product and gradually develop the unhealthy eating habit. Besides children, many adults are inevitably influenced by advertising in their eating habit. For example, there are many win or bill commercials in China. These advertisements have enhanced and worsened alcoholism problem since they always claim that the more a person drink, more sincere he or she is.

What's more, as one of important media tools, advertisement has undoubtedly tremendous impacts on public. In fact, a commercial can lead a trend. For example, KFC, who mainly sell unhealthy fast, have entered China and spread throughout country within 10 years. Maybe its popularity results from many factors, but successful and skillful advertising is the first reason. KFC advertises its product in main channels and frequently introduces its new food. Consequently, many children form a preference to it and eat there together. As a Chinese proverb says, if six out of ten go fishing, three of the rest will follow to fish too. Advertisement brings such effect so that it makes unhealthy food more popular and accelerates formation of unhealthy eating habit.

All in all, after the detailed analysis above, I can draw the conclusion safely that advertising is the most significant factor for unhealthy eating habit for two reasons. Firstly, most of advertisers publicize and advocate junk food as long as they have received enough payment. Secondly, advertisement has undoubtedly tremendous impacts on public and enhancing prevalence of unhealthy food.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-8-18 19:50:56 |只看该作者
K- k3 T& ]0 R
As we all know, telephone and television which have brought tremendous benefits to public are meaningful and significant inventions. However, it is a complicated issue (少宾语,意思就没有说完)which one is more important and influential to society. In my view, it is unreasonable to figure out a better one since their functions and positive influences are showed in different aspects.

D& }! M/ X8 c
On the one hand, saving communication time and reducing communication cost greatly, telephone improves communication efficiency. Through it, we can talk to anybody no matter where he or she is as long as that person has an available one. For example, 500 years ago, we might have to wait 20 days to get letter from our families or friends. During war time, it was a common case that horses ran thousands of miles continuously and finally died just for sending crucial information. In these days, communication cost is so high and contact method is low efficient. While communication difficulty is solved fundamentally since telephone is invented, we just need to press several buttons and can listen voice of others. In some cases, these improvements are of great significance. In 2008, a group of tourists encountered a typhoon in Atlantic Ocean. With the help of telephone, they told rescue team their positions and obtained relief. If they couldn't contact with outside world, 100 hundreds life would be in great danger./ p+ Q: x  }  C  a. u; {

On the other hand, television shows us a vivid world which not only broadens our horizons but also makes our life more colorful. In (the)morning, I will open the television and listen to the news report. At noon, while I am having lunch, I tend to listen to some amusement program. This habit helps me to relax myself and improve the study efficiency at afternoon. After supper, I would like to watch favorite movies or soup opera with my families. We enjoy program together, discuss some hot topics and learn useful knowledge from these program. In my example television plays a so important and indispensable role in my daily life and I believe that many people are dependent on television similarly. $ f:

All in all, through the above analysis, I can draw the conclusion safely that both television and telephone have tremendous effects on human beings. Telephone improves the communication efficiency, while television broadens our horizons and provides us new ways of entertainment.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-8-18 16:05:19 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lxg198607 于 2010-8-18 16:14 编辑

As we all know, telephone and television which have brought tremendous benefits to public are meaningful and significant inventions. However, it is a complicated issue (中间少了点什么吧,to say)which one is more important and influential to society. In my view, it is unreasonable to figure out a better one since their functions and positive influences are showed in different aspects.

On the one hand, saving communication time and reducing communication cost greatly, telephone improves communication efficiency. Through it, we can talk to anybody no matter where he or she is as long as that person has an available one. For example, 500 years ago, we might have to wait 20 days to get letter from our families or friends. During war time, it was a common case that horses ran thousands of miles continuously and finally died just for sending crucial information. In these days, communication cost is so high and contact method is low efficient. While communication difficulty is solved fundamentally since telephone is invented, we just need to press several buttons and can listen (hear)voice of others. In some cases, these improvements are of great significance. In 2008, a group of tourists encountered a typhoon in Atlantic Ocean. With the help of telephone, they told rescue team their positions and obtained relief. If they couldn't contact with outside world, 100 hundreds life would be in great danger.

On the other hand, television shows us a vivid world which not only broadens our horizons but also makes our life more colorful. In (the)morning, I will (去掉)open the television and listen to the news report. At noon, while I am having lunch, I tend to listen to some amusement program. This habit helps me to relax myself and improve the study efficiency at afternoon. After supper, I would like to watch favorite movies or soup opera with my families. We enjoy program together, discuss some hot topics and learn useful knowledge from these program. In my example television plays a so important and indispensable role in my daily life and I believe that many people are dependent on television similarly. $ f:
楼主写得不错, 但关于楼主问的哪个问题本人也不太清楚,看书上说最好要偏向一方,但你这种究竟行不行,谁也不知道啊。。
All in all, through the above analysis, I can draw the conclusion safely that both television and telephone have tremendous effects on human beings. Telephone improves the communication efficiency, while television broadens our horizons and provides us new ways of entertainment.
mlgb,    i am tortured by  ibt

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发表于 2010-8-17 20:39:43 |只看该作者
2008.5.16 NA
independently writing: 是telephone 还是television对人类的有more effects

As we all know, telephone and television which have brought tremendous benefits to public are meaningful and significant inventions. However, it is a complicated issue which one is more important and influential to society. In my view, it is unreasonable to figure out a better one since their functions and positive influences are showed in different aspects.

On one hand, saving communication time and reducing communication cost greatly, telephone improves communication efficiency. Through it, we can talk to anybody no matter where he or she is as long as that person has an available one. For example, 500 years ago, we might have to wait 20 days to get letter from our families or friends. During war time, it was a common case that horses ran thousands of miles continuously and finally died just for sending crucial information. In these days, communication cost is so high and contact method is low efficient. While communication difficulty is solved fundamentally since telephone is invented, we just need to press several buttons and can listen voice of others. In some cases, these improvements are of great significance. In 2008, a group of tourists encountered a typhoon in Atlantic Ocean. With the help of telephone, they told rescue team their positions and obtained relief. If they couldn't contact with outside world, 100 hundreds life would be in great danger.

On the other hand, television shows us a vivid world which not only broadens our horizons but also makes our life more colorful. In morning, I will open the television and listen to the news report. At noon, while I am having lunch, I tend to listen to some amusement program. This habit helps me to relax myself and improve the study efficiency at afternoon. After supper, I would like to watch favorite movies or soup opera with my families. We enjoy program together, discuss some hot topics and learn useful knowledge from these program. In my example television plays a so important and indispensable role in my daily life and I believe that many people are dependent on television similarly.

All in all, through the above analysis, I can draw the conclusion safely that both television and telephone have tremendous effects on human beings. Telephone improves the communication efficiency, while television broadens our horizons and provides us new ways of entertainment.

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发表于 2010-8-16 10:10:46 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-8-15 12:21:15 |只看该作者
8.14  改好啦~~
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发表于 2010-8-14 17:17:16 |只看该作者
09.08.07NA      Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children’s future for them.

It is common sense that Chinese parents make full time table and arrange life and study of their children. As a result, many children endure great pressure everyday and lack basic ability to take care of themselves. People with diverse backgrounds hold different opinions towards this phenomenon. In my perspective, parents should communicate with their children more and leave some free space rather than make all decisions for them.

First and foremost, only given enough freedom and authority could children become more sensible and mature. Some people may argue that children lack experience and can't view the problem from all angles, so parents should be the one who make decisions for them. However, as a proverb says, nobody can accompany you all the life. Children will grow to be an adult in future and they need to face difficulties and fierce competitions in society. When they need to counter crucial alternatives or deal with tough problem, they may feel helpless because of lack of experience. According to the Economy Research, one of the most popular Magazine in China,nearly 70 percent employers complain that fresh graduates lack common senses and are short of decision. In my view of point, parents' overprotection is one of vital reasons to bring about this situation.

What's more, parents' decision which comes from a good original intension always can't obtain desired effect since children don't understand the goal and have low passion and motive to perform these plans. I would like to take my little brother Tom as an example. My aunt loves piano very much and thus ordered Tom to attend piano class and practice piano at least two hours everyday. Nevertheless Tom really have no interest in piano even in music, so he lessened time of playing piano as much as he can and finally he quarreled with his mother. My aunt finally compromised to him and agreed not to interfere his interest any more. Afterwards Tom made a decision to play basketball and showed high intelligence in this game. Now Tom has become a key player in his school basketball team. In the case above, I can draw the conclusion safely that children who learn themselves most have right to decide their life and study. In addition, their interests and enthusiasm will also help to improve efficiency greatly.

Admittedly, in some conditions parents should force children to perform something which is necessary and important for children, but parents should spend more time to talk with children and persuade them to accept the arrangement. In other words, parents shouldn't decide something without making it clear to children.

All in all, through the above analysis I can claim safely that parents should give children right to make decision for their own things and leave them free space to arrange their life.

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