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[a习作temp] argument137 互拍。连接。指教。 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Golden Apple

发表于 2006-1-25 12:37:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ARGUMENT 137 - The following appeared in an editorial in the Mason City newspaper.

"At present, Mason City residents seldom use the nearby Mason River for any kind of recreational activity, even though surveys of the region's residents consistently rank water sports (swimming, fishing, and boating) as a favorite form of recreation. Since there have been complaints about the quality of the water in the river, residents must be avoiding the river because they think that it is not clean enough. But that situation is about to change: the agency responsible for rivers in our region has announced plans to clean up Mason River. Therefore, recreational use of the river is likely to increase, so the Mason City council will need to increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the Mason River."

Based on several announced plans, the author suggests that the Mason City council should increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the river. However, since the efficiency of the plans and the prospect of this river are all not open to doubt, the suggestion is not persuasive at all.

First of all, no evidence shows that agency of Mason City is able to handle the problems of the river and make it clean again. We need to know something about the condition of this river, since how bad it is polluted should be first known before being cleaning up. In addition, without providing the detailed contents of these plans, we cannot grant these plans will surly do a good job. The author needs to inform us the measures will be used in the process of cleaning up the river, the people who are in charge of this project and so on. Unless the plans are really fit for the conditions of Mason River, we cannot be so optimist about its good effect. Whether the efficiency of agency is high or not also remains unknown to us. The author needs to offer us some credible information, which may prove the work ability of this agency. In short, the author should not depend on the agency without consideration.

Furthermore, the author should not grant that the recreational use of the river is likely to increase even if it can possibly be recovered to the original status. First, the survey just tells us that residents preferred water sports, while it does not mean that people chose Mason River as the place where they did sports. Whether Mason River is suitable for the water sports remains doubtful, and therefore the author needs to provide more detailed information. For swimming, the author should provide information about the width and depth of this river. For fishing, we need to know the amount of fish in this river. For boating, we need to know the overall climate of this city and the appearance along the river. Also, the author should conduct a representative and scientific survey in order to acknowledge the attitudes of the residents towards Mason River. Since whether they are willing to rank water sports in this river is completely suspect. In short, whether the recreational use of Mason River will increase or not depends on myriads of factors besides the condition of water.

Moreover, no evidence shows that the publicly owned lands need improvements. The author should provide us information about the condition of the publicly owned lands along the Mason River in the present, including the facilities they offer, how many people they may admit and the services provided by the shops near the river. In addition, the author needs to tell us how much should the government put into the improvements, since the ability of economic ability cannot be out of consideration. Then, how much will the cleaned Mason River bring to us? The author needs to compare the receiving and the expending before giving suggestion.

In sum, without taking consideration of the situations of Mason River, the prospect of recreational activity on the river, and the work efficiency of the agency, the author should not making suggestion to government just relying on his or her own assumptions. Instead, the author needs to provide more information about the conditions of the past and the present.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-1-25 13:30:05 |只看该作者

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Golden Apple

发表于 2006-1-25 13:35:35 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-1-25 14:58:16 |只看该作者
First of all, no evidence shows that agency of Mason City is able to handle the problems of the river and make it clean again. We need to know something about the condition of this river, since how bad it is polluted (the situation of pollution) should be first known before being cleaning up. In addition, without providing the detailed contents(多余) of these plans, we cannot grant these plans will surly(surely) do a good job. The author needs to inform us the measures will be used in the process of cleaning up the river, the people who are in charge of this project and so on. Unless the plans are really fit for the conditions of Mason River, we cannot be so optimist(拼错,去掉so, 后面good effect 改成outcome or conseq) about its good effect. Whether the efficiency of agency is high or not (The efficiency of the agency) also remains unknown to us. The author needs to offer us some credible information, which may prove the work ability of this agency. In short, the author should not depend on the agency without consideration.
(整段有点太罗嗦了,看起来不太舒服。另一方面,你提出什么方面会出现问题的时候,加一个 if, provided that 出现什么situation 就会无法达到什么后果,这样会看起来完整一点。比如你说这个机构的效率也可能不高,后面加上如果一年半载水质都没有明显改善,去那游玩的人也不大可能增加。下同,只略改语言了 )

Furthermore, the author should not grant(第二次出现) that the recreational use of the river is likely to increase even if it  can possibly be recovered to the original status. First, the survey just tells us that residents preferred water sports (the only information the survey provided is that...), while it does not mean that people chose Mason River as the place where they did sports. (Whether 放头第二次, It is still doubtful whether)Whether Mason River is suitable for the water sports remains doubtful, and therefore the author needs to provide more detailed information. For swimming, the author should provide information about the width and depth of this river. For fishing, we need to know the amount of fish in this river. For boating, we need to know the overall climate of this city and the appearance along the river. Also, the author should conduct a representative and scientific survey in order to acknowledge the attitudes of the residents towards Mason River. Since whether they are willing to rank water sports in this river is completely suspect(able). In short, whether the recreational use of Mason River will increase or not(or not 第二次) depends on myriads of factors besides the condition of water.

Moreover, no evidence shows that the publicly owned lands need improvements. The author should provide us information about the condition of the publicly owned lands along the Mason River in the present, including the facilities they offer, how many people they may admit and the services provided by the shops near the river. (In addition 第n 次,furthermore.  Additional attention should also be paid to the government budgets of these improvements, which is ... 稍微变变吧)In addition, the author needs to tell us how much should the government put into the improvements, since the ability of economic ability cannot be (ruled) out of consideration. Then, how much will the cleaned Mason River bring to us? (反问设问不太好,Then 不太好,这个句子删掉都行,有点累赘了) The author needs to compare the receiving and the expending (expense, compare the  receiving and expense 这句子有点怪,就说 should weight the cleaning up carefully, 我也想不出特别好的来) before giving suggestion.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-25 15:33:57 |只看该作者
ARGUMENT 137 - The following appeared in an editorial in the Mason City newspaper.

"At present, Mason City residents seldom use the nearby Mason River for any kind of recreational activity, even though surveys of the region's residents consistently rank water sports (swimming, fishing, and boating) as a favorite form of recreation. Since there have been complaints about the quality of the water in the river, residents must be avoiding the river because they think that it is not clean enough. But that situation is about to change: the agency responsible for rivers in our region has announced plans to clean up Mason River. Therefore, recreational use of the river is likely to increase, so the Mason City council will need to increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the Mason River."



Based on several announced plans, the author suggests that the Mason City council should increase its budget for improvements to the publicly owned lands along the river可以考虑加入对水上活动的那个论断(therefore后面的那个) . However, since the efficiency of the plans and the prospect of this river are all not 啊??? open to doubt, the suggestion is not persuasive at all.

First of all, no evidence shows that agency of Mason City is able to handle the problems of the river and make it clean again. We need to know something about the condition of this river, since how bad it is polluted should be first known before being cleaning up 这里说的这个意思,感觉有些怪,你再读读 . In addition, without providing the detailed contents of these plans, we 前面的provide用的ing,那省略的主语因该和句子一个吧,都是we,要么前面改,要么后面改 cannot grant these plans will surly do a good job. The author needs to inform us the measures will be used in the process of cleaning up the river, the people 赘余 who are in charge of this project and so on. Unless the plans are really fit for the conditions of Mason River, we cannot be so optimist about its good effect. Whether the efficiency of agency is high or not also remains unknown to for比较好 us. The author needs to offer us some credible information, which may prove the work ability of this agency. In short, the author should not depend on 是要表达trust的意思吗?还是就想说依靠,我觉得trust更合适些 the agency without consideration.

Furthermore, the author should not grant that the recreational use of the river is likely to increase even if it can possibly be recovered to the 多余的theoriginal status. First, the survey just tells us that residents preferred water sports, while it does not mean that people chose Mason River as the place where they did sports. Whether Mason River is suitable for the water sports remains doubtful, and therefore the author needs to provide more detailed information. For swimming, the author should provide information about the width and depth of this river. For fishing, we need to know the amount of fish in this river. For boating, we need to know the overall climate of this city and the appearance " scenery " or others may be betteralong the river. Also, the author should conduct a representative and scientific survey in order to acknowledge the attitudes of the residents towards Mason River. Since 是做连词用不?不明白为什么放在这whether they are willing to rank water sports in this river is completely suspect. In short, whether the recreational use of Mason River will increase or not depends on myriads of factors besides the condition of water.

Moreover, no evidence shows that the publicly owned lands need improvements. The author should provide us information about the condition of the publicly owned lands along the Mason River these lands等代一下就行了,前面那句刚说完,而且这个定语还这么长in the present 正确用法题目已给出, including the facilities they offer, how many people they may admit and the services provided by the shops near the river. In addition, the author needs to tell us how much should the government put into the improvements, since the ability of economic ability cannot be out of consideration. Then, how much will the cleaned Mason River bring to us? The author needs to compare the receiving and the expending before giving suggestion.

In sum, without taking consideration of the situations of Mason River, the prospect of recreational activity on the river, and the work efficiency of the agency, the author should not making suggestion to government just relying on his or her own assumptions. Instead, the author needs to provide more information about the conditions of the past and the present.





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