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[i习作temp] Issue41【0706G-CRUSADE小组】第4次作业 by vanlucker [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-2-24 17:18:39 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.

    According to the statement, I concede that nonmainstream might serve human needs well. On the balance, however, I agree with the notion that such supernatural inquires inevitably provides a disservice to human society contrarily.
        Some nonmainstream areas of inquiry in present-day society, such as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits, have developed to comfort we humans for thousands of years. In ancient time, human practiced such supernatural inquiries as the mainstream to satisfying their needs like predict the destiny and obtain safety lives while the early science was disregarded as nonmainstream one.
        As the time went on, science becomes more and more significant as mainstream to human society and acceptable to human nowadays. Although the supernatural inquiries mostly sound unreasonable by mainstream science, they continue to serve to comfort human spirit. For example, astrology, the study of the astronomical bodies’ positions and movements towards the earth, that many people believe in its prediction of individual character and destiny in either ancient time or present day. It meets the human spiritual needs owing to our self-doubting which involves the doubt of our future. Although such paranormal inquiries are hard to explain by science, we humans need them to assure us comfortably in lives. What is more, it is by instilling in human certain basic principles, such as morality and ethicality, that some nonmainstream studies better not only comfort humans, but also serve to advance human civilization significantly. Consider, for example, the morality and ethicality in I Ching(the book of change) which instruct people to do good and to tear the evil ideas away from their mind.
        Not merely does the nonmainstream meets human needs, but also influences the development of the mainstream science. Astronomy, for example, was bifurcated from astrology during about 1500s. Until being split away, they were considered a complementary science. For that reason, without the development of astrology before 1500s, astronomy might not develop well and therefore will not become the mainstream science. Accordingly, to some extent that some nonmainstream inquiries serve the mainstream science advancing significantly, our society might consequently better develop.
         However, such supernatural inquires might also distort our certain basic principles as human and might, therefore, do we humans harm to the survivals. Consider, for example, the doomsday in some extreme religions’ predictions about the cross composed by the major planets of our solar systems, the sun, and the moon at August 18th, 1999. Such fortune-telling had finally turned out to be a ridiculous false. However, many religious yet innocent followers of such extreme religions killed themselves at that day in order to go to heaven. Or, consider the thousands of human skeletons in Central America’s Maya relics that people were sacrifices for paranormal pursuits such as gods’ protection.
        Moreover, to the extent that such supernatural inquiries distorted the truths upon which both the mainstream science and the present-day society depend, the advancement of human society might be obstructed seriously. Consider, for example, Bruno’s sacrifice at 1600s for solarism –the astronomical truth - because of the oppression by western church and the domination of astrology of his time. Thus, the nonmainstream studies, more often than not, might provide a serious disservice to society far outweigh their superficial benefits which merely meet human spiritual needs.
        In sum, I concede that such nonmainstream inquiries might comfort human spirit and soothe human anguish. However, only when their study base on certain basic principles and truths upon which human society depends, do they play an important role, not a key, to human society.

写的很差, 例子都很勉强, 观点也不连贯....
anyway, 总算憋出来了, 先不修改了,头好痛

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-2-25 02:52:29 |只看该作者
According to the statement, I concede that nonmainstream might serve human needs well. On the balance[总而言之?], however, I agree with the notion that such supernatural inquires inevitably provides a disservice to human society contrarily.[建议一二两句连着说,我理解的你是肯定了它的serve human needs的可能性,同时肯定inevitably provides a disservice,建议用however,but表达这种关系]
        Some nonmainstream areas of inquiry in present-day society, such as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits, have developed to comfort we humans for thousands of years. In ancient time, human practiced such supernatural inquiries as the mainstream to satisfying their needs like predict the destiny and obtain safety lives[这句有点混乱。。In ancient times, human practiced such supernatural inquiries which were regard as the mainstream to satisfy their needs, that is—predicting the destiny and obtaining safety lives, for etc.][我不知道在TS句里做这样的例子好不好,因为你下面提到的不仅是这些方面] while the early science was disregarded as nonmainstream one. [这一句在下面的论证里没有出现]
        As the[the去掉] time went on, science becomes[注意时态] more and more significant as [a] mainstream to human society and [has became widely accepted by human beings ]acceptable to human nowadays. [我以为这句是中心句,但是往下看才发现这句放在本段段首有点奇怪。下面在讲非主流的好的例子,而这里在肯定科学成为主流。建议段首这里,把下面的三个关于inquiries有好贡献的例子,分为不同的贡献类别在这里总结一下。]Although the supernatural inquiries mostly[at most time may] sound unreasonable by [a] mainstream science [view], they continue to[continuously] serve to comfort human spirit. For example, astrology, the study of the astronomical bodies’ positions and movements towards the earth,[这一句我也不太确定怎么表达,建议google一下] that many people believe in its prediction of[in] individual character and destiny in either[at both] ancient time or present day. It meets the human [human’s] spiritual needs owing to our self-doubting which involves the doubt of our future [including our doubt for future]. Although such paranormal inquiries are hard to explain by science, we humans [certain people][因为不是所有人信星座]need them to assure us comfortably in lives [to live comfortably].例一:星座性格分析的好处 What is more, it is by instilling in human certain basic principles, such as morality and ethicality, that some nonmainstream studies better not only comfort humans, but also serve to advance human civilization significantly. Consider, for example, the morality and ethicality in I Ching[the book of change] which instruct people to do good and to tear the evil ideas away from their mind.例二:小说,宣扬战胜邪恶势力
        Not merely does the nonmainstream meets human needs, but also influences the development of the mainstream science. Astronomy, for example, was[once]bifurcated from astrology during about 1500s. Until being split away, they were considered a complementary science. [简洁的They were considered a complementary science before they were split away] For that [this] reason, without the development of astrology before 1500s, astronomy might not develop well [be well-developed as it is now] and therefore will not become the mainstream science. Accordingly, to some extent that some nonmainstream inquiries serve the mainstream science advancing significantly, our society might consequently better develop.[这句不太通。。。不大懂] 例三:对科学的贡献,占星术
         However, such supernatural inquires might also distort our certain basic principles as human [human principle] and might, therefore, do we humans harm to the survivals. Consider, for example, the doomsday in some extreme religions’ predictions about the cross composed by the major planets of our solar systems, the sun, and the moon at August 18th, 1999. Such fortune-telling had finally turned out to be a ridiculous false. However, many religious yet innocent followers of such extreme religions killed themselves at that day in order to go to heaven. 例一:末日预言Or, consider the thousands of human skeletons in Central America’s Maya relics that people were sacrifices for paranormal pursuits such as gods’ protection.例二:人祭
        Moreover, to the extent that such supernatural inquiries distorted the truths upon which both the mainstream science and the present-day society depend, the advancement of human society might be obstructed seriously. Consider, for example, Bruno’s sacrifice at 1600s for solarism –the astronomical truth - because of the oppression by western church and the domination of astrology of his time.例三:哥白尼 Thus, the nonmainstream studies, more often than not, might provide a serious disservice to society far outweigh their superficial benefits which merely meet human spiritual needs.
        In sum, I concede that such nonmainstream inquiries might comfort human spirit and soothe human anguish. However, only when their study base on certain basic principles and truths upon which human society depends, do [will] they play an important role, not a key, to human society.

[总的来讲,你的思路是:肯定non-mainstream studies的两面性,从正反两个方面通过举例子来论证。个人觉得,看重“非主流”的概念,而忽略了其后进一步对这个概念的范围限制“inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal”,会容易让人把“非主流”和“主流”对立起来,然后从对比的角度来论证。而实际上,当谈到astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal 限定下的inquiry时,我觉得是指对这个世界运作方式的解释。古时的解释方式是原始宗教,现在是科学,而现在科学解释不了的就是现代宗教。用历史发展的眼光分析会更灵活一点。^ ^

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发表于 2007-2-25 11:48:48 |只看该作者

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发表于 2007-2-25 16:13:31 |只看该作者

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Issue41【0706G-CRUSADE小组】第4次作业 by vanlucker
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