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[i习作temp] issue103 vivien 4月作文小组3月27日第二次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-28 00:01:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
我觉得自己这片文章很烂的。 论点,论据,语言都不好。时间也超了。很郁闷。麻烦修改者忍受一下,并给予帮助了!


1 提纲

According to the title of the statement, the speaker asserts that only when the study of history
related to our daily life, it is valuable. I concede that studing history is benefit for our daily
life, but I insist that this is not the only value of studing history.

In the first place, there are some purposes or valus to study history. First, studing history
make us to realize the facts in the past. That is to say, after studing history, we gain the
information what had happened in the previous time. These facts themselves are valuable knowledges.
Second, we can better realize the society from studing history because things
happened in history all had their reasons and results which are materials of our thinking.
Third, from studing history, we can get moral opinions of human from the behaviors of
ancient people. Finally, studing history also help people to cope with the problems in
the morden world. As discussed above, studing history has several values.

In the second place, when the study of history relevant to our daily life, it is valuable.
Take Dayu (a famous person in the history of china) as an example, who teached the people flood control techniques. His techniques
relevant to our daily life for we now still need to control flood. From studing his techniques,
we learn that forbiding the flood is not a good method to control flood, but digging several artificial rivers to let flood
flow away from these rivers is a good method. Then this techniques can also be used in teaching students. When
students induged in playing computer games, the teacher or parents should not prohibit them
to play that, the better method is to let them play computer games for a modest time and provide more other beneficial
activities to them. So the students will not go aganist teachers and parents.

In the third place, when studing history is not relevant with to our daily life, it also have great values.
For example, war is not relevant to our daily life, but studing wars in the history is quite valuable. Because from studing
the wars, people can understand the nagative influence of war like blooding, killing, the stoping
of the development of economy and so on. Then people will aviod wars in morden world. Another
example is to study people's cultuer and cumtomes in history which also have not relationship with our
daily life. From studing these things, we can get the informations about how people make
funerals and weddings in the history, how people celebrate spring festivals and mid-autumn day,
how people respect their parents and how people find their husbands or wifes. Although these
customes and cultures can not be used in our daily lives, yet they are knowledges which
can help to enlarge our eye sight and increase our understanding of different cultures an respect
different cultures.

To sum up, From what has been discussed above, we can come to the conclusion that the speaker's
assertion is too limited. Whether studing history revelant to our daily lives or not, this
study is valuable.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-3-28 16:48:16 |只看该作者

According to the title of the statement, the speaker asserts that only when the study of history
is related to our daily life, it is valuable. I concede that studing(studying) history is benefit for our daily
life, but I insist that this is not the only value of studying history.

In the first place, there are some purposes or valus
(values) to study history. First, studying history
s us to realize the facts in the past. That is to say, after studying history, we gain the
information what had
has happened in the previous time(这么说有些别扭). These facts themselves are valuable knowledges(可数吗?).
ly, we can better realize the society from studying history because things
happened in history all had their reasons and results which are materials of our thinking.
Third, from studying history, we can get moral opinions of human from the behaviors of
ancient people. Finally, studying history also help people to cope with the problems in
the moden
modern world. As discussed above, studying history has several values.

In the second place, when the study of history
is relevant to our daily life, it is valuable.
Take Dayu (a famous person in the history of china) as an example, who teached the people flood control techniques.(改为 Take Dayu, a famous person in the history of china who teach people techniques of flood control, as an example. His techniques
is relevant to our daily life for we now still need to control flood. From studying his techniques,
we learn that
forbidding(forbidding) the flood is not a good method to control flood, but digging several artificial rivers to let flood
flow away from these rivers is a good method
(改为 a good method to control flood is not forbidding the flood but digging several artificial rivers to let flood flow away from these rivers ). Then this techniques can also be used in teaching students. When
students induged
(indulged) in playing computer games, the teacher or parents should not prohibit them
to play that,
the(改为 a) better method is to let them play computer games for a modest time and the teachers or parents provide more other beneficial
activities to them. So the students will not go against teachers and parents.

In the third place, when studying history is not relevant
with(删掉) to our daily life, it also have(改为has great values.
For example, war is not relevant to our daily life, but studying wars in
the(删掉)  history is quite valuable. Because from studying
the wars, people can understand the negative influence of war like blooding, killing, the stoping
of the development of economy and so on. Then people will avoid wars in modern world. Another
example is to study people's
culture and customs in history which also have not relationship with our
daily life. From studying these things, we can get the informations about how people make
funerals and weddings in
the(删掉)  history, how people celebrate spring festivals and mid-autumn day,
how people respect their parents and how people find their husbands or wifes. Although these
customes and cultures can not be used in our daily lives, yet they are knowledges which
can help to enlarge our eye sight and increase our understanding of different cultures
an respect
different cultures

To sum up,
from what has been discussed above, we can come to the conclusion that the speaker's
assertion is too limited. Whether studding history
is relevant to our daily lives or not, this
study is valuable.


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