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[i习作temp] ISSUE208 勇往直前小组第六次作业 BYnashiong [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 17:16:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE208 - "The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."
WORDS: 617          TIME: 上午 12:44:43          DATE: 2007-8-3

This issue mainly focus on the two relationships ,one is between individual characteristic and individual attitudes  ,  the other is between individual attitudes and society values .
First of all . let us concentrate on the first relationship, Can outward things ,like looking ,dressing ,and action really could imply one's attitudes and value? in my view , I think the answer to this question depends partly on the ideology and productivity of his or her country ,and partly depends on local circumstance, like climate ,diet consistence and so on .for example , if a people live in a free country, where people could express their attitude and life style freely as they want , then a majority of his or her interest could be indicated from the outward things ,take America, a country with a free ideology and high productivity, as a example , if one in American always wear a colorful close and cut a strange fair , maybe we could infer that the person want to attract others' attention eagerly ,on the contrary , if another one always dress in formal suit and act respectively , we could indicate that this person is serious about his life and care his impression to the others .however when it comes to some Latin countries ,which always be ruled by strict religious regulations and low productivities, we may found that women there all wear nearly the same clothes and make their face unseen according to their oppressed culture ,in this situation ,we could not know the attitude of these women from appearance only .
also this relationship between appearance and attitudes partly depends on local circumstance , imagine that if a person live in a place with terrible weather all the year , maybe he or she will bundle up for all time ,once coming to a country or place with high temperature , we may find people usually wear little . this difference also not imply the attitudes of people but just is a result of situation .

Secondly , I strongly agree that people's personal attitudes ,once known clearly ,could inform us the society ideas and values surely . to prove this point , it is necessary to get aware of the definition of "society" , in my experience , when a large group of people ,work together , live together with a distinct culture , then they will form a society , in other words , person is the smallest unit which society is consisted of  , surely if we could know each unit's attitude , then undeniable we could deduct the society's value system, which also amount to mainstream value . however , obstacle usually on the road to valid recognition of society's value involves that we could not know individuals 'attitudes only through appearance ,dressing ,and action .for example ,when it comes to a agrarian country , all the people wear similar clothes ,with a weather-beaten skin ,we may know this country is poor ,but we could not know the value of this society .

Admittedly , sometimes we could know the value and ideas of a society even we know nothing about the attitudes of individuals : like women in Latin ,we might no know their attitudes but the dressing style could infer Latin countries is conservative ,especial for women .the reason is that society's value and individuals attitudes are mutually exclusive in this situation .

In conclusion , we could not conclude that people's attitudes could be revealed from their appearance all the time , but once we know the attitudes of individuals ,we could know the values system of society , in some cases, we even could deduct society 's attitudes without knowing individuals' .

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-4 00:57:03 |只看该作者
This issue mainly focus on the two relationships, one is between individual characteristic and individual attitudes  ,  the other is between individual attitudes and society values .
First of all . let us concentrate on the first relationship, Can outward things ,like looking ,dressing ,and action really could imply one's attitudes and value? in my view , I think the answer to this question depends partly on the ideology and productivity of his or her country ,and partly depends on local circumstance, like climate ,diet consistence and so on .for example , if a people(不能说 a people吧 改成a person) lives in a free country, where people could express their attitude and life style freely as they want , then a majority of his or her interest could be indicated from the outward things ,take America, a country with a free ideology and high productivity, as a example , if one in American always wear a colorful close and cut a strange fair(这是什么意思) , maybe we could infer that the person want to attract others' attention eagerly ,on the contrary , if another one always dress in formal suit and act respectively , we could indicate that this person is serious about his life and care his impression to the others .however when it comes to some Latin countries ,which always be ruled by strict religious regulations and low productivities, we may found that women there all wear nearly the same clothes and make their face unseen according to their oppressed culture ,in this situation ,we could not know the attitude of these women from appearance only .
also this relationship between appearance and attitudes partly depends on local circumstance , imagine that if a person live in a place with terrible weather all the year , maybe he or she will bundle up for all time ,once coming to a country or place with high temperature , we may find people usually wear little . this difference also not imply the attitudes of people but just is a result of situation .

Secondly , I strongly agree that people's personal attitudes ,once known clearly ,could inform us the society ideas and values surely . to prove this point , it is necessary to get aware of the definition of "society" , in my experience , when a large group of people ,work together , live together with a distinct culture , then they will form a society , in other words , person is the smallest unit which society is consisted of  , surely if we could know each unit's attitude , then undeniable we could deduct the society's value system, which also amount to mainstream value . however , obstacle usually on the road to valid recognition of society's value involves that we could not know individuals 'attitudes only through appearance ,dressing ,and action .for example ,when it comes to a agrarian country , all the people wear similar clothes ,with a weather-beaten skin ,we may know this country is poor ,but we could not know the value of this society .

Admittedly , sometimes we could know the value and ideas of a society even we know nothing about the attitudes of individuals : like women in Latin ,we might no know their attitudes but the dressing style could infer Latin countries is conservative ,especial for women .the reason is that society's value and individuals attitudes are mutually exclusive in this situation .

In conclusion , we could not conclude that people's attitudes could be revealed from their appearance all the time , but once we know the attitudes of individuals ,we could know the values system of society , in some cases, we even could deduct society 's attitudes without knowing individuals' .
有很多北美范文的影子哦 呵呵 文章层次还是很清楚的 只是总有感觉有些词语用的不是很到位

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-5 01:02:05 |只看该作者

This issue mainly focus on the two relationships ,one is between individual characteristic and individual attitudes  ,  the other is between individual attitudes and society values .

感觉这两组词有点不妥,issue的两层意思是appearance不尽能反映个人的characteristic and attitudes,还能反映society values
First of all . let us concentrate on the first relationship, Can outward things ,like looking ,dressing ,and action really could imply one's attitudes and value? in my view , I think the answer to this question depends partly on the ideology and productivity of his or her country ,and partly depends on local circumstance, like climate ,diet consistence and so on .for example , if a people live in a free country, where people could express their attitude and life style freely as they want , then a majority of his or her interest could be indicated from the outward things ,take America, a country with a free ideology and high productivity, as a example , if one in American always wear a colorful close and cut a strange fair , maybe we could infer that the person want to attract others' attention eagerly ,on the contrary , if another one always dress in formal suit and act respectively , we could indicate that this person is serious about his life and care his impression to the others .however when it comes to some Latin countries ,which always be ruled by strict religious regulations and low productivities, we may found that women there all wear nearly the same clothes and make their face unseen according to their oppressed culture ,in this situation ,we could not know the attitude of these women from appearance only . also this relationship between appearance and attitudes partly depends on local circumstance , imagine that if a person live in a place with terrible weather all the year , maybe he or she will bundle up for all time ,once coming to a country or place with high temperature , we may find people usually wear little . this difference also not imply the attitudes of people but just is a result of situation .
Secondly , I strongly agree that people's personal attitudes ,once known clearly ,could inform us the society ideas and values surely . to prove this point , it is necessary to get aware of the definition of "society" , in my experience , when a large group of people ,work together , live together with a distinct culture , then they will form a society , in other words , person is the smallest unit which society is consisted of  , surely if we could know each unit's attitude , then undeniable we could deduct the society's value system, which also amount to mainstream value . however , obstacle usually on the road to valid recognition of society's value involves that we could not know individuals 'attitudes only through appearance ,dressing ,and action .for example ,when it comes to a agrarian country , all the people wear similar clothes ,with a weather-beaten skin ,we may know this country is poor ,but we could not know the value of this society .
个人的表现可以反映社会但是仅仅通过外在是不能得知整个社会的价值观的Admittedly , sometimes we could know the value and ideas of a society even we know nothing about the attitudes of individuals : like women in Latin ,we might not know their attitudes but the dressing style could infer Latin countries is conservative ,especial for women .the reason is that society's value and individuals attitudes are mutually exclusive in this situation .

In conclusion , we could not conclude that people's attitudes could be revealed from their appearance all the time , but once we know the attitudes of individuals ,we could know the values system of society , in some cases, we even could deduct society 's attitudes without knowing individuals' .




[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-8-5 01:03 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-5 21:37:38 |只看该作者
囧 我这段一写出来 我就知道有点偏了 恩 我写的时候想构架一个逻辑 ,什么时候人们可以推得个人外在和个人态度,什么时候可以推得个人态度和社会态度。
题目中说的是 我们可以从个人外在推测个人态度和社会态度。
个人外在 在特定情况下可以推测个人态度
如果知道个人态度 一定可以推测社会态度
有的时候不知道个人态度 , 也可以推测社会态度 ,那是因为此时社会态度和个人态度不能共存,个人作为了社会的态度反应 的载体
唉 本来想升华下到逻辑的高度 ,但是太难了 只是一次尝试 谢谢二位的意见

使用道具 举报

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