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[活动] 〖TOEFL 2009上半年-Dark_Tournament听力组〗lovephl的听力备考日志贴 [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-3-11 22:44:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

\& @
1楼 --------- 目录  V* ^) S" D9 K+ Q& j% K4 O
2楼 --------- 经验总结

3楼 --------- 311日听写日志(2000-01-p3p41 \( R+ K- u# R! ~
4楼 --------- 312日听写日志(1989-01-p21989-05-p3
5楼 --------- 313日听写日志(1990-05-p31990-08-p3" _" w( ^5 [( R2 l3 G
n楼 --------- 314日听写日志(4 o# V/ a, c  b% _  t* C: f. N

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发表于 2009-3-11 22:45:46 |只看该作者

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发表于 2009-3-11 22:46:32 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lovephl 于 2009-3-11 22:50 编辑

we are rupply near the end of the course --history of classical music,
we've cover several centuries ,that's a very short time,much too short to do the music
justice of the course,but then this is a subey course,     end of term ,we will be    talking about the listening two --elctronic music,you probably already know     the 1950's   a music computer      for the period of the universities,the first commercial     is sold about this time too,the phycication and complexity instruments has now increased to the point of they can produce almost  any kinds of sound,some              leads instruments to bring new kind of classical mucic,or    have.you know I don't share this use,do i agree we are miss revolution of instruments to design,this is ,however,not the first such a revoltution in musical history,probably     leader,we remember we have studied  the similar case in the early nineteenth cenrury,when the paino replaced the hapei cord,and master press when the instruments come into being,one of the most important reasons for great popularity of l        is of course their relatively cheap price,just look at it,only about four hundred dollars for the electronic keyboard ,compare to nearly 3000 dollars piano,naturally this a large increase sale for electronic instruments,but i don't think even the most urgent supporter like the electronic instruments expectively completely replaced the coose instruments


let's look back in history to earlier way of life,at one time ,children didn't have to learn anymore than how to cope with their phycial environment,they had to learn to be careful around   moving objects to grow back when too close to something dangerous,they intend special school to learn new thing other than the school to learn experiences,  now the school is  necessay for them to learn to how to survive,because their parents always talk to them that all they need to know about how to hunt into the soil,but the society became work on plec,people pretend to more on others relieving far away,thounds      
  became important to children to learn to read and write,when many recreated,they need to learn count and calculate,children can                         in order to survive the new expanded environment,because such skills couldn't be learned simply to fosten experience,school became necessary,where children could be taught ,now  we call where we are waiting,writing,arithmetic

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发表于 2009-3-12 22:46:06 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lovephl 于 2009-3-12 22:49 编辑



today i will be talking about the invention of camera and photography,the camera is often a form of invention but at early 1727,a German physist discovered that light darken sover thought of chemical camper,using the camera a big box with a small hole to let light in,he made the temper in the on the sofe ,several sofe is still basic film today,then the French scientist made the first permanent picture by using the special pieces of mattle sentersize with soversofe a photography is made in 1826,
the painter guyer improve the process by placing the common salt we can eat on the mattle,this is 1879,this facial
date is the begining of photography,the problem with preventing the photograph,
other scientists developed a kind of paper we now use,that good priting was responsible
and photography became truly moter,in 1860's,
was able to take
famous pictures of
Ameican civil war,that's making potures
very popular ,in twentith century,Jodgesmain
of the United States simplified the film developing,and in
so called intant
camera with self-developing film,if we say photography came into exsiting in 1839,it follows that's taken more than one hundred years for camera to reach the present condition of the techrefina


today I would like to talk about the early days of movie making in the late nineteenth century to the
twentieth century,before paring the film Dw graphys,film makers were limited by several missguide convention to the area,according to one,the camera was always fixed at a few points corresponding to that spectalor in the feater,a position is now known
long short,it's another convention that the position of camera never changed
in the middle of scene ,in the last week films,we saw how graphys
limiting conventions
and brought the
camera closer to the actor,the short is now known four short ,was considered
a revolutionary of the damn,for love of the god was the name of film which we thought the first use of the four short,every progressing from long short to the four short, the next logical step for graphys was
bringing camera still closer,in what now called close up,the close up has konwn
befor the only rarely,and merely
at vedio start,as for example in the
porters the green tree robbery ,which's made in 1983,but not until nineteen away in graphys's movie called after many years,was dramatic potential close up for exploided ,in the same after many years,we are about to see pay special attention to close up any leads to worry graphys,as wish
her husband
return,in nineteen away,this close up shocks everyone in the
no time for argument,there's another surprise even
more aritical to offer,immediately following the close up
many,he inserted the picture of the object--her funds,her husband cast away on the dessert dail,this cutting from one thing to another was out finished either of them

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发表于 2009-3-14 00:03:05 |只看该作者


Mark Twin who wrote the story where
going to read traveled quite a lot .Often because
circumstances,usually financial circumstances forsed him to ,he's born in Flora in 875
and moved to H
with his family when he's about four years old .Most people think that he was born in H
, that isn't true ,after his father died ,when he was about twelve , Twin worked in H for a while ,then left
to earn more money ,he worked for a while as a typist on a
very newspapers ,then got a job at the viver pile of Mississippy , Twin loves his job ,and many his books show it ,the river job didn't last ,however ,because the outbreak of civil war ,Twin withot confight for army ,for just to weep ,and then he and the whole company wander west
to get away from
war of the army ,in the vallen of
California ,Twin processed his
proceever in
goal without much luck ,but in succeed ,he's a writer ,when that happened ,Twin traveled around the country giving lectures and earning enough money to throught the Europe ,Twin didn't travel much
the last ten years in his life ,and he didn't publish much either .somehow his travel even when forsed inspired his writings , like many other popular writers ,Twin
derived much of his material for his writing
from the while and diversity of ownal experiences

today I would like to begin by discussing
earlier European in settlement along where are now well-known rivers ---the Habson ,which inplison to the atlantic to form New York day ,the H river has a

couple of interesting physical features that make it very attractive for the settlements by Europeans .The first,it's that the river is instant from inland to the atlantic ocean for more than

150 miles with no water for osoul or rubbits .Its surfaces viturally flap for that
entire distance

with no obstacles ,second the whole 150 miles strectch influence by tides from Atlantic ocean ,ruffly
6 hours river-river syzderuction ,flowing north when the tides arising ,and soft ocean when the tides going down .Obviously there were no obstacles to prevent settlers from moving further screams to the H river ,and this explain why the douch painory
is so far inland ,they were the first Europeans to settle in H
valley ,of course ,to go up string the dutch settlers need the right kind of boat ,and so to neglout the river ,they design the slowp with only one math but with two sails ,one
front mast
,and one behind ,the mast was very tall , in many cases ,over one hundred feets tall ,so the large sail could catch winds blowing the above short line hills ,H river

slow scary passengers Chicago ,the Chicago ranging from coal number and he to foot
vegetables underlined stock ,traveling only ten miles an hour is a good wind
,the slope is not too speedy by

mader standers ,but it was
suited to the dark settlement ,and in fact when the steeven boat eventually was introduced ,it couldn't keep up to slow it

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发表于 2009-3-16 22:29:14 |只看该作者

listen to a lecture on a music appreciation class ,to play music well ,jazz musicians don't really need to know a lot about roles of hamerney reason .of course ,they might not have the knowledge both hamerney and reserve them ,but the kind of knowledge isn't what makes them good jazz musicians .what does make them good is
having toward feeling
how the music works .for artists mediam of jazz ,the music comes naturally ,it follows almost continues
through them ,their musical performance is not planned advance ,as they play ,they don't wana themselves in term of form of serious performances ,as a result ,jazz is naturally the expression of moves and feelings of the artists ,a moment by
moment expression of self , now infer it ,I brought some recordings of my favor jazz artists ,will stand sometimes listening to some examples of really good jazz


listen to a lecture about history of higher education in
Unite States ,three developments in United States higher education that usual
from today started more than century ago following the civil war ,the first
rapid growth in technological and professional education

urgen the man ,the complex of the industrial urban of the society ,new school of technology ,engineering ,architecture ,law and
medicine ,second was the provison for the graduates study ,such as what has long existed in France and Germaney ,Haward and Johnsp universities quickly took a lead in this field ,but the states universities didn't
leg for behind ,third was increase provision for education of wowan ,this included stepments of new woman colleges,such as wiser ,weathily ,sneese ,and the adoption of co-educations in all new states universities
,as well as the many presidency of istusions ,these developments---the growth in technological and professional education ,the provison for graduate study ,the increase education opportunities for wowan began over century ago continue to this day ,while turn
since the end of civil war

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发表于 2009-3-17 22:25:34 |只看该作者
listen to a  part of lecture given in a marine biology class .to water ,the environment   to fish while  often seems cold ,dark ,mysteious ,but are there advantages to living in water ?and this played important role in making fish what they are ,one is that the water isn't subject substant temperature changes,therefore make it excellent habitat for cold blood animal ,another advantage is the water's ability to easily support the body weight ,pro   pleasant has the pros   the same density as the water ,so fish in water is almost weightless ,this weightless    means two things ,one--a fish can get along with lifewight and simple bone stucture ,two--limitations to fishsize  practically removed ,yet  is one basic the difficulty to live in water ,the fact is inpressable ,for fish to move through the water ,it must actually shelf the side ,most can do this by wagging like motion ,the fish push the water aside ,by forward motion of its head ,and waves the curve of its body ,and it likes a botel ,next the water flows by along the fish's narrowing size ,closing the inner detail and helping the fish preparing forward .
listen to a lecture given on a dance theory class,so why did what's now called mother in   dance begin in the United States .to begin to answer this question ,only to back track little bit           and talk about basical bulle ,by the late eighteen hundred ,bulle has lost  lots of popularity ,most bulle dancers who performed in the Unite States were broad over from the Europe ,they performed using the rich technic ,but   pass down     through the centuries .audiences ,dancers in the United States were eager for the round of contemporary dance form .so around nineteen hundred ,the dancers created one .so how was this mother in dance so diffrent from classical bulle , what  most  know the bulle is wasn't carefully career graphed ,instead ,the dancers depended on     and free presonal expression of dancers .music and theory were of little importance to the mother in dance ,and like   movement wasn't important either .in fact ,mother dancers made no attempt at all to consume  the effort to involve the  dance step ,even if     appeal to the audiences ,many dance            
   were less     do other aspects of perfomances ,they question they are      ,and the dancers were not professionally trained ,and they are    value works but had no formal structure ,Loui forwar ,after preforming fair dance ,was described he's doing a little more than turning     ,yet the personal expression of     dancers ,is the basis controled freedom of modern dance

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发表于 2009-3-17 22:25:45 |只看该作者
listen to a  part of lecture given in a marine biology class .to water ,the environment   to fish while  often seems cold ,dark ,mysteious ,but are there advantages to living in water ?and this played important role in making fish what they are ,one is that the water isn't subject substant temperature changes,therefore make it excellent habitat for cold blood animal ,another advantage is the water's ability to easily support the body weight ,pro   pleasant has the pros   the same density as the water ,so fish in water is almost weightless ,this weightless    means two things ,one--a fish can get along with lifewight and simple bone stucture ,two--limitations to fishsize  practically removed ,yet  is one basic the difficulty to live in water ,the fact is inpressable ,for fish to move through the water ,it must actually shelf the side ,most can do this by wagging like motion ,the fish push the water aside ,by forward motion of its head ,and waves the curve of its body ,and it likes a botel ,next the water flows by along the fish's narrowing size ,closing the inner detail and helping the fish preparing forward .
listen to a lecture given on a dance theory class,so why did what's now called mother in   dance begin in the United States .to begin to answer this question ,only to back track little bit           and talk about basical bulle ,by the late eighteen hundred ,bulle has lost  lots of popularity ,most bulle dancers who performed in the Unite States were broad over from the Europe ,they performed using the rich technic ,but   pass down     through the centuries .audiences ,dancers in the United States were eager for the round of contemporary dance form .so around nineteen hundred ,the dancers created one .so how was this mother in dance so diffrent from classical bulle , what  most  know the bulle is wasn't carefully career graphed ,instead ,the dancers depended on     and free presonal expression of dancers .music and theory were of little importance to the mother in dance ,and like   movement wasn't important either .in fact ,mother dancers made no attempt at all to consume  the effort to involve the  dance step ,even if     appeal to the audiences ,many dance            
   were less     do other aspects of perfomances ,they question they are      ,and the dancers were not professionally trained ,and they are    value works but had no formal structure ,Loui forwar ,after preforming fair dance ,was described he's doing a little more than turning     ,yet the personal expression of     dancers ,is the basis controled freedom of modern dance

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发表于 2009-3-17 22:26:45 |只看该作者
第十一篇 ----3.17
listen to a part of lecture in architecture design course ,in 1871 , the first passenger elevator for using office building ,a lot of architecture build hire than people can considerbly work ,another innervasion was building technique ,in 1885 , the still skeliton was introduced ,a lot of construction tall building that could  withstand the high wind ,we take for granted that some another invention that enable people to live and work in sky skireper ,for example ,huge people realized that telephone was necessary in vertical commucation ,   make ways so possible ,now was the end age of super sky skireper ,some was more than 200 floors ,we see the need for more technological innervasion ,in area heating and cooling systems ,for example.for  all the benefits ,the super tall building cause problems themselves ,for one thing ,they place in normal street   parking,in traffic flown  area,let lease behind techniqueal concern ,and move on to consider some degign of element ,the contracharacter I see is the age of sky skireper

listen to a lecture in a geology class ,if you flew over certain parts of blask or Texas    by plane ,you might know some ge appearing by green surple  ,many hundred feet across ,this green is on usually high plane ,and the climate was very dry ,these green paches are the results of new techniques for manning underground water ,in this technique ,manners of deep hole in the ground telling the richness of geological formation called ocrapha ,the water which is collected in ocraphas for hundreds of years called bussel water or ground water , if    through the    and spray over the land to irragate the crops   ,   crops such as cotton ,    water in this way creating the   
green area contrasted    the naturally brown of plane ,       ,however ,they created a serious environmental problem ,the problem is the water was being removed from many ocraphas faster than they can be repli    naturally ,the ground water level     drap ,it's becoming more difficult and expensive to get these water ,in some parts of Texas ,water levels in some oraphas declined by more than 400 feet in twenty five years ,this procees using water faster   than it can be replaced    widespread and serious

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发表于 2009-3-18 22:58:52 |只看该作者
listen to a part of talk in an art history class ,you may remember that few weeks ago we discussed the question of what for photography is ,is it art or is it mixed reproducing images ,do photographs belong museums or just in our homes ,today I want to talk about a person who try to make it professional life and answer to such questions ,    the United States to Germany to such a engieneering ,while is there he became interested in photography and began to be an experienced man with camera ,he took pictures on a condition that most photographers consider too difficult ,he took them at night ,in the rain ,and people or objects reflected the windows ,when he returned to the United States ,he continued this revolution  area effort ,Cig was the first person to photograph the sky skirepers ,clouds and b    for the airplane ,what Cig was trying to do in photographs was what he try to do throughout his life ,--make photography in art ,he thought that for photography could be justice beautiful forms in soft appreciation as painting or drying ,while Cig , his camera was his brash ,for many photographers in lately eighteen hundred or early nineteen hundred ,   reproduction by identical images ,Cig  ,his creative art form ,he understood the power of camera ,and catch the moment ,in fact ,he never retouched to his preens or made copies of them ,if you were in classroom today ,I'm sure you'd say while painters don't normaly make exc copies of his painting,do you say ?

listen to a part of lecture in geology class , I am glad you brother for the question over the investagation into the make-up of the earth interier ,in fact ,since this topic of your reading assignment for next time ,let's spend the last few minutes of class talking about it .There were several important discoveries in early part of this century that help the geologists develop more acute picture of the earth interier .the first   discovery had to do with the excessive waves ,we remember they are the vabrations caused by earthquakes .while sicentists found they traveled thousands of miles through the earth interier ,this founding enable geologists to study the  inner part of the earth ,you see this study reviewed these vabrations were two taps ,compresssion or pewaves ,and sheer ,or ice waves ,the reasearchers found that the pewaves traveled through both liquds and solids ,while ice waves travel only through the solid marine ,in 1906 ,British geologist discovered that pewaves slow down at certain depth ,but kept traveling deeper ,on the on the other hand ,ice waves either just disappeared or were reflected back ,so he concluded that the depth mark the boundary between solid m  and liqud coal ,three years later ,another boundary was discovered that's between the m  and the earthcrust .There is still a lot to be learned about the earth ,orien ,geologists know the coal is heart ,evidence of this most     flow vocanos ,but we are still not sure what  the source of it is
listen to a part of lecture in a composition class ,by the end of the term ,I hope you can  
events as I am,that formal writing requires r  ,sometimes the require   major the writing of the paper ,some students have mistaken ideas in r  that means simply making correction then spelling in grammar ,I call that prove-reading ,what I expect you to do is with revise ,is to evaluate and approve the overall effectness of your paper ,but how can you tell your paper is effective ?while
for example ,start by asking yourself this question ,is the topic restricted enough to be followed  discuss given in lank ,are the main idea clear ?are the supported by specific detail than example ?
do they move smoothly from one idea to the next ?you need enough time for possible major overhow ,that is you may have to make a lot of changes before your paper becomes really clear to the reader .so I let    each paper two weeks before final date ,that is why I can create    ,and get vacan time for you to revise it ,then you can submit final draft for grading ,this process missing in like a great deal trouble at first ,but I think you can find it valuable ,in fact ,after you finish this course ,I doubt you will ever turn in the turn paper without first reversing carefully

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发表于 2009-3-21 09:29:24 |只看该作者
liten to a topic in an American history class ,I am going to introduce two current points of view about motivation for writing United States constitution backen in 1787 ,the first one is called the idealist view ,the idealist basically believe the writers of constitution were motivated by ideas ,which ideas ,the ideas is revolutionary war , such as liberty and democracy ,the idealist remind that the young country has a lot of problems ,economic depression ,a large war d      ,and tree burry is between the states ,they are in representative need to control these problems in order for the United States to survive ,the other point of view would be academic view ,the academic view is that the writers of constitution were concerned about own financial interests ,according to them ,most people were living well ,but the weathy people were afraid of losing their money ,the writer wanted the strong central goverment that would promote trace  protecting their property ,and for most of all ,collect taxes to pay off the United States large war  ,because number of those who wrote  constitution had loaned a lot of money to the government during the revolution ,which view is correct? while considering         1950 ,hundreds of reasons to  believe the idealist view ,though it was during the trouble of 1970s ,thousands support the economic view point ,I'd say neither of the view was incomplete ,both the idealist and economic perspective contribute part to the whole picture

listen to a lecture being given in a college class ,OK ,in the last class ,we talked about the classfication of trees ,and we ended up with basic description of endure forms ,you may remember that those of the plants were true flowers ,and see the develop inside fruits ,but comment broadly trees we have in campus followed discategory ,but the pans don't , now I hope you will follow my advice and walk on comfortable shoes ,because I said today we are going to do a little few study ,to get started ,let me describe a couple of broadly trees we have in front of us ,I am sure you all know that this big tree is next to brown hall ,it's the black worner that must be 80 see  tall ,as a matter of fact ,that's black I dentify  the tallest black worner in the sight ,and we can see beautiful arch waves of trees from common ,they are American I  ,the one belong to common were planted when the college was founded hundred twenty years ago ,they have to   dark green leaves that look up-sided ,because two sides of leaves from anyhow ,I want to know the I right to the Ja hall ,some of the leaves has     turning yellow ,maybe due to  dutch on  diseases ,only a few branches seem fascated so far ,but this tree is sick ,it has to be cut down , well ,but move on ,I will describe what we see as we go

listen to a lecture given in a mass communications class ,it wasn't telling an inventor who created the first wireless device for sending  radio signal in 1895 ,but not until the American inventor ,Lid Forest ,built the first ample fine vaccum too , be in 1906 ,did we get the first radio as we know it ,and the first actual radio broadcast was made on Christmas Eve 1906,that's one someone working from the experimental station in brand rock  mass    ,arranging the programmar too short music selctions ,power made brave holidays greeting ,the broadcast was heard by wireless operators on shelves within radio several hundred miles ,the following year ,the Forest ,began regular radio broadcast in New York ,these programs were similar to much we hear on radio today ,in night the Forest played only music ,but because there were still no home radio receivers ,the Forest's audience can   only wireless operaters on shelves New York harbor ,there is no doubt that the radio broadcast was quote novotin those days ,but took well to catch on commucially ,why ?but the simple fact is only a few people       with wireless telegraphs     a hobby own receivers ,it wasn't until 1920s that someone invison mass appeal for radio ,this was radio pioneer divided sinar ,who predicted one day there would be a receiver in every home

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