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[未归类] 花花回归作文专版 [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-1-23 23:06:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1.23 不同兴趣,人格的人能不能做朋友?

When it comes to friends, different people show diverse inclinations on their friends’ styles. As the old saying goes, “people can have true friendship only with those who speak the same language with them”, many people hold the idea to make friends with the same interests and personalities. However, more and more people today tend to think whether we can build a friendship with those whose interests and personalities are totally different from ours. Based on my abundant experience, I agree that people with distinct interests and personalities can make friends with each other, and they can even make the friendship everlasting.

To begin with, friends with various interests and personalities can enrich your life. For people with different interests, they are good at things that you are not interested in, so when necessary they can use their unique ability to help you. For instance, as I know little about cooking, when I get a friend who cooks well and live together, it makes my life more comfortable as I always have the chance to enjoy her palatable dishes and at the same time, learn cooking from her. So a friend with diverse interests really helps your life and also let you learn more. For people with different personalities, they view things in various viewpoints, so they can help you understand facts more comprehensively. When one thing occurs, we used to judge it due to our own point, if you are with a friend who differs from you, s/he can bring a brand new way to handle the case, and it more or less influences you and extends your thinking.

On the other hand, as people with diverse interests and personalities tend to make frictions more easily, it is a good chance to train ourselves in such a friendship. When we enter in schools, we meet with various kinds of people and make friends with them. We all have to tolerate those days when we know each other better and have frictions more often, but if we really want to continue our relationships, we have to train ourselves some abilities. We should learn to listen, think on friends’ viewpoint, and also learn to tolerate and accept our friends’ weak points. By the time we are in good command of these, we can not only make the friendship ever last, but also be able to handle any person and situation.

To sum up, based on these points I mentioned above, I do think it is good for people to make friends with different interests and personalities. It can broaden your eyes since they know things you don’t know, it can also help you to build a better personality as you have to learn to deal with various people and situations. So don’t hesitate to make friends with various kinds of people.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2010-1-24 00:30:40 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-1-24 09:55:05 |只看该作者
2# 我是chineselady
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-24 12:46:23 |只看该作者
1.23 不同兴趣,人格的人能不能做朋友?  

When it comes to friends, different people show diverse inclinations on their friends’ styles. As the old saying goes, “people can have true friendship only with those who speak the same language with them”, many people hold the idea to make friends with the same interests and personalities. However, more and more people today tend to think whether we can build a friendship with those whose interests and personalities are totally different from ours. Based on my abundant experience, I agree that people with distinct interests and personalities can make friends with each other, and they can even make the friendship everlasting.(第一段写得很好,我就不说了,用词很diverse,呵呵学习了)
To begin with, friends with various interests and personalities can enrich your life. For people with different interests, they are good at things that you are not interested in, so when necessary they can use their unique ability to help you.(这句有点笼统) For instance, as I know little about cooking, when I get a friend who cooks well and (we)live together, (加个fortunately 那么能生动点)it makes my life more comfortable as(since感觉舒服点) I always have the chance to enjoy her palatable dishes and at the same time,(to,逗号去掉,那么才能和前面的chance to 平行)learn cooking from her. (个人感觉句子有点长 尝试一下用更加简洁的方式表达)So a friend with diverse interests really helps(give us favor) your life(这个表达怪怪的) and also let you learn more. For people with different personalities, they view things in various viewpoints, so they can help you understand facts(感觉这个词怪怪的要不用world) more comprehensively. When one thing occurs, we used to judge it due to our own point, if you are with a friend who differs from you, s/he can bring a brand new way to handle the case, and it more or less influences you and extends your thinking. (感觉这里可以分成两段。一段时你们兴趣不同,导致skill不同,第二段写:世界观不同,这样写就好很多了)

On the other hand, as people with diverse interests and personalities tend to make frictions more easily, it is a good chance to train ourselves in such a friendship. (我会as去掉,后面用therefore,只是我感觉啊)When we enter in schools, we meet with various kinds of people and make friends with them. We all have to tolerate those days when we know each other better and have frictions (可以换词了debate)more often, but if we really want to continue our relationships, we have to train ourselves some abilities. We should learn to listen, think on (用from吧?)friends’ viewpoint, and also learn to tolerate and accept our friends’ weak points. By the time we are in good command of these, we can not only make the friendship ever last, but also be able to handle any person and situation. (可以谢谢improve my communication skill)
To sum up, based on these points I mentioned above, I do think it is good for people to make friends with different interests and personalities. It can broaden your eyes since they know things you don’t know, it can also help you to build a better personality as you have to learn to deal with various people and situations. (可以说以后进入社会后会有用)So don’t hesitate to make friends with various kinds of people.(这句很好)


By Fatrui

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


IBT Zeal Cancer巨蟹座

发表于 2010-1-24 17:44:36 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-1-25 10:12:58 |只看该作者
5# 我是chineselady
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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发表于 2010-1-28 21:35:36 |只看该作者
1.28 The telephone has a greater effect on people's lives than the television do.

As asked which invention has changed our life more, people all have hesitations on this topic. In the recent survey from China Daily, the various answers can be generally concluded into two main standpoints. One of the two most influential inventions is the telephone, as it has shortened the interpersonal distance by making it possible for getting in touch with people afar. The other is television, as it has enlarged people’s horizon by showing diverse knowledge on a single screen. Frankly speaking, in my eyes, we can not easily judge whose importance that the two has brought to us is greater, as they all do a significant effect on human’s modernization.

To begin with, the time the telephone was invented, it redefined the meaning of distance, and it made distance not that troublesome. In the earlier years, people use letters to contact with others who live in distant. In ancient China, it would take months for letters to reach to the receiver’s hands, and it would take another months for the sender to get the letter wrote by the receiver. That is to say, if one person wants to invite his friend to enjoy flowers in the summer and writes a letter for invitation, the friends would at least arrive there in autumn, and there no longer has flowers to appreciate. As the widespread of the use of telephone, people are able to get in touch with others simply by dialing his/her numbers on a telephone. Through years, the telephone itself also inspires many other inventions such as the Internet, as it was based on the telephone to connect computers initially.

On the other hand, the television’s emergence opens a brand new world to people. Before its coming, people generally learn news from local newspapers, although there have some daily-published newspapers, the latest news on the paper would be hours before. From the television’s glasslike screen, people can get the latest news both domestic and abroad without the need to buy newspapers everyday. For the youth, the television also brings good to them. Before the invention, children have little entertainment, and live everyday boring. The television shows cartoons and interesting programs, children can get a lot of fun from it. Moreover, television provides a place that can bring everything to everyone, including new cultures, new techniques, etc. That is to say, Chinese can learn to cook Italian dishes by watching certain program on TV rather than flying to Italy to study it particularly. To draw a conclusion, people can gain more knowledge and understand the world better by seating in front of the television.

From what I have mentioned above, people can’t determine either telephone or television has a greater effect on people’s lives. The telephone brings us the convenience of communication, while the television brings a whole new world to us, both the two are deserved to be regard as the inventions changed our lives most.

9.12 上帝保佑~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-30 23:29:43 |只看该作者
1.30 Do you agree or disagree: people should live in the city or country all life instead of moving to another place
In the lately published China Daily, the most hot-debated issue is whether people should live in the city or country all life, as the index of people moving both between cities and from country to city has been dramatically increased during this period. With a further discussion about the topic, people are arguing if people are necessary to do this kind of movement in their lives. As far as I am concerned, I would definitely support and encourage people to live a life more mobile rather than to stay in the city or country all life.

To begin with, to every aspect, moving to another place leads you to a better life. For those people who were born in a small town, as all kinds of facilities are under-developed, they are not able to get regular education, some of them are even forced by their own parents to drop out from school and help the farm work. What’s worse, there also doesn’t have a high-standard hospital to heal people’s various diseases, the locals have to go to the city miles away to visit the authoritative doctors. From above, if people want to perfect their lives, the first step is to move to the city, to a place which is more developed than the town. The city provides various first-class schools to them for education, they can gain knowledge and become more competitive when they graduate. It ensures people to find a certain job, earning a relatively satisfactory salary. Also, as the city is highly developed, it owns more advanced facilities. People are able to watch an IMAX movie in the nearby cinema, to go to work simply by taking a subway. In a word, people could change and improve his/her life by moving to another place.

Moreover, to some degree, we regard this kind of movement as a re-planning for one person’s life. Although people own steady jobs and live happily with their relatives, some of them are just not satisfied about it. They may pursue for another job, be unpleasant about the place’s environment. In another word, when a person can afford to modify his/her life, moving to another place is the way. Within this kind of movement, people are able to create a new plan for his/her latter life. As everything would have a new start after the movement, people can make choices for themselves all over again. Despite of choosing houses or applying for jobs, it’s a life start over again for people themselves. People may take this chance to correct the mistakes s/he ever made and try to be a better person. Take myself as an example, I used to be an unsociable girl, and didn’t have any contact with my classmates and even do not have any friends. When my family moves to another city, I made up my mind to be open, and finally became a popular girl.

With all what I have mentioned above, I recommend people to move to another place, whether it’s short or long term, it is worthy spending time on it. The movement helps you to broaden your horizon, to see a better world, to be a better person.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-31 04:29:00 |只看该作者


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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-2-1 23:37:26 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lanyouno2 于 2010-2-1 23:38 编辑

In the lately published China Daily, the most hot-debated issue is whether people should live in the city or country all life, as the index of people moving both between cities and from country to city has been dramatically increased during this period(这句让人有点费解). With a further discussion about the topic, people are arguing if people are necessary to do this kind of movement in their lives. As far as I am concerned, I would definitely support and encourage people to live a life more mobile rather than to stay in the(a) city or country all life.
|6 X/ k9 X7 u' c, A! Y, `3 @2 z5 Q
To begin with, to every aspect, moving to another place leads you to a better life. For those people who were born in a small town, as all kinds of facilities are under-developed, they are not able to get regular education, some of them are even forced by their own parents to drop out from school and help the farm work. What’s worse, there also doesn’t have a high-standard hospital to heal people’s various diseases, the locals have to go to the city miles away to visit the authoritative doctors. From above, if people want to perfect their lives, the first step is to move to the city, to a place which is more developed than the town. The city provides various first-class schools to them for education, they can gain knowledge and become more competitive when they graduate. It(
指代?) ensures people to find a certain job, earning(earn) a relatively satisfactory salary. Also, as the city is highly developed, it owns more advanced facilities.(For example,是不是好一点?) People are able to watch an IMAX movie in the nearby cinema, to go to work simply by taking a subway. In a word, people could change and improve his/her life by moving to another place.- Q8 W$ P/ r- }9 S
% X8 x7 n9 A7 U) Z2 |9 K
Moreover, to some degree, we regard this kind of movement as a re-planning for one person’s life. Although people own steady jobs and live happily with their relatives, some of them are just not satisfied about it. They may pursue for another job, be unpleasant about the place’s environment
(翻译:他们可能会寻找另外的工作,不喜欢工作环境。我理解不了意思,呵呵). In another word, when a person can afford to modify his/her life, moving to another place is the waythe way感觉表达过薄,the best way不知好不好?或者其他更好的表达. Within this kind of movement(请教这句可以表达原因还是前提条件?用within 确实少见,我就多怪了,见笑呵呵。), people are able to create a new plan for his/her latter life. As everything would have a new start after the movement, people can make choices for themselves all over again. Despite of choosing houses or applying for jobs, it’s a life start over again for people themselves(与上句表达感觉像转圈). People may take this chance to correct the mistakes s/he ever made and try to be a better person. Take myself as an example, I used to be an unsociable girl, and didn’t have any contact with my classmates and even do not have any friends. When my family moves to another city, I made up my mind to be open, and finally became a popular girl. 1 C: m& O" D+ O% Y

With all what I have mentioned above, I recommend people to move to another place, whether it’s short or long term, it is worthy spending time on it. The movement helps you to broaden your horizon, to see a better world, to be a better person.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-2 22:19:31 |只看该作者
2.2 Printed book have had greater effects on society than television has?

As the world has reached a pretty high standard of modernization, many old things are on their way to disappear. We witness the decreasing number of printed books and people’s welcome to the high-technique televisions instead. Despite people’s inclinations, sometimes we would doubt whether it’s the right choice as many authorities announce that printed book have had greater effects on society than television has. Based on my abundant experience, my opinion is just on the opposite, I’d like to claim that it is television which has greater effects on society today.

To begin with, being different from its initiative purpose to entertain, nowadays television has been developed into a utility invention. A television is a medium transmits instant information to its views. Whenever people switch on the television, they are able to get the latest news not only domestic but also abroad. It’s also a platform which can satisfy everyone’s interests, ranging from children to the old. It provides cartoons and talk shows for the youth, with classic dramas and operas for the old. Moreover, the new-released television is even capable of linking computers. With the internal USB, a television can simply find the access to a computer, read its information and display it on television’s screen. This fresh function is now widely used in offices, conferences. For a family, this function also enables people to watch a movie on a bigger screen after they downloaded it on the computer, they only need to copy the file to a USB disk and insert it to the television.

On the other hand, if we put television and printed books together to compare, to we can clarify this debate. Generally speaking, various types of printed books have diverse functions. For instance, one reference book may help you to cook a palatable dish, a guidebook may introduce a tremendous place for you to spend your holiday. However, all of these functions are included in TV programs. With showing a chief cooking the dish step by step, people can understand the procedure more easily. By watching TV programs introducing tourist attractions, we are also able to decide which place we should take a visit to. Thus, television seems to contain much more knowledge than the printed books does. Moreover, the knowledge and information in the television would be updated within minute even second, people can always learn the most developed techniques and the latest news in it. But the content in a printed book rarely changes, only the best sellers may publish a second or third edition years after its first print.

From what I have mention above, it’s pronounced that television do have a greater effect on society than printed books. The television updates information and technology for people, it also facilitates people’s life. I am sure television would play a more significant role in social development.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-3 13:12:15 |只看该作者
2.2 Printed book have had greater effects on society than television has?

As the world has reached a pretty high standard of modernization, many old things are on their way to disappear. We witness the decreasing number of printed books and people’s welcome to the high-technique televisions instead. Despite people’s inclinations, sometimes we would doubt whether it’s the right choice as many authorities announce that printed book have had greater effects on society than television has(这里事态?has是不是应该had?). Based on my abundant experience, my opinion is just on the opposite, I’d like to claim that it is television which has greater effects on society today.

To begin with, being different from its initiative purpose to entertain, nowadays television has been developed into a utility invention. (这个句子用得好啊)A television is a medium transmits instant information to its views(viewers?). Whenever people switch on the television, they are able to get the latest news not only domestic but also abroad. It’s also a platform which can satisfy everyone’s interests, ranging from children to the old. It provides cartoons and talk shows for the youth, with classic dramas and operas for the old. Moreover, the new-released television is even capable of linking computers. With the internal USB, a television can simply find the access to a computer, read its information and display it on television’s screen. This fresh function is now widely used in offices, conferences. For a family, this function also enables people to watch a movie on a bigger screen after they downloaded it on the computer, they only need to copy the file to a USB disk and insert it to the television.(现在电视机有这么牛?)

On the other hand, if we put television and printed books together to compare, to we can clarify this debate. Generally speaking, various types of printed books have diverse functions. For instance, one reference book may help you to cook a palatable dish; a guidebook may introduce a tremendous place for you to spend your holiday. However, all of these functions are included in TV programs. With showing a chief cooking the dish step by step, people can understand the procedure more easily. By watching TV programs introducing tourist attractions, we are also able to decide(know) which (distinguished)place we should take a visit to. Thus, television seems to contain much more knowledge than the printed books does. Moreover, the knowledge and information in the television would be updated within minute even second(这里可以比喻一下新闻); people can always learn the most developed(advanced) techniques and the latest news in it. But the content in a printed book rarely changes, only the best sellers may publish a second or third edition years after its first print. (后面这句话貌似和上面那句话没有形成对比)
From what I have mention above, it’s pronounced that television do have a greater effect on society than printed books. The television updates information and technology for people,(这句话感觉怪怪的TV怎么update technology呢?) it also facilitates people’s life. I am sure television would play a more significant role in social development.


By Fatrui

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-5 13:28:16 |只看该作者
Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.

As the world has reached such a high standard of modernization, things have been changed and we have to confront a lot of new challenges. Recently, as the case of children indulged in network games is being discussed heatedly, parents start being afraid if their children can grow up in the way they expect. Particularly, people point out that nowadays children tend to relay on technology too much and thus makes them less creative than they were in the past. As far as I am concerned, I would support the idea that technology has made children more creative than they were in the past, as long as children make use of it properly.

To begin with, technology helps children to broaden their thinking by making things which are impracticable happen. With the help of technology, we are now able to do things that dare not be thought of in the past. We won’t believe that we can have a video chat with a friend in the distance simply by software called MSN; we won’t get the chance to visit an island named Saipan which located in the Pacific Ocean after hours of flight. The main source for the emergence of those technologies is creativity, and on the contrary, new technology’s debut is regarded as a stimulus for the creation on others. With witnessing those seemingly impracticable things happen in front of their eyes, children are capable to think out of box. They would no longer be restrained by the fixed thinking patterns of whether one is reasonable to practice. As the technology is to make a miracle come true, it enables children not only to make full use of their creativities, but also to inspire more on them.

Moreover, as certain technology such as the Internet helps to publicize the positive message to people, it makes more parents begin to pay attention to cultivate and stimulate their children’s creativities. With the programs on TV and videos on the Internet showing the youngster get awarded or be accepted by a well-known school for his/her creative doings, parents realize that it would be good for children’s future if they are able to develop a more creative thinking. Thus, parents would take the responsibility to cultivate their children to be creative and in the meanwhile, supervise and correct children’s mistakes. They would on one hand send children to schools to attend various courses which help prefect their creative thinking. On the other hand, they would also keep an eye on children’s doings, always get ready to correct their faults. In this case, technology encourages parents to get involved in making children more creative.

From all what I have mentioned above, I would speak highly of technology’s helpfulness on the development of children’s creativities. It not only plays as tools to make imaginations practicable, but also plays as stimulus, to broaden children’s thinking, to make parents participate in the perfection.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-5 19:38:05 |只看该作者
Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.

As the world has reached such a high standard of modernization, 发现原来是你的模板?)Things have been changed and we have to confront a lot of new challenges. Recently, as the case of children indulged in network games is being discussed heatedly, parents start being afraid if their children cancannot吧?) grow up in the way they expectexpected?). Particularly, people point out that nowadays children tend to relay on technology too much and thus makes them less creative than they(这个代词感觉有点问题,因为前面有childrenparents were in the past. As far as I am concerned, I would support the idea that technology has made children more creative than they were in the past, as long as children make use of it properly.(这个突然来了个转折,不是很习惯,加个连词吧)

To begin with, technology helps children to broaden their thinking by making things which are impracticable happen(这个句子有问题,making things 之后是个定语重句是吧,但是定语重句后面应该加点东西吧?). With the help of technology, we are now able to do things that dare not be thought ofof去掉) in the past. We 应该用children吧,因为别人问你children噢)won’t believe that wethey can have a video chat with a friend in the distance simply by software called MSN; wechildren won’t get the chance to visit an island named Saipan which located in the Pacific Ocean after hours of flight. MSNtravel的论证有点弱,没有回到这个broaden thinking的上面)The main source for the emergence of those technologies is creativity, andand可以不用吧?) on the contrary, new technology’s debut is regarded as a stimulus for the creation on others. With witnessing those seemingly impracticable things happen in front of their eyes, children are capable to think out of box. think out of box 学习了,发现你很喜欢用Ving+句子,主语+句子这种结构噢,常在GMAT那里见到)They would no longer be restrained by the fixed thinking patterns of whether one is reasonable to practice. As the technology is tois to 这里感觉不大对) make a miracle come true, it enables children not only to make full use of their creativities, but also to inspire more on them.(上面文章貌似只稍微的说到HOW inspire了)

Moreover, as certain technology such as the Internet helps to publicize the positive message to people, it makes more parents begin to pay attention to cultivate and stimulate their children’s creativities. With the programs on TV and videos on the Internet showing the youngster get awarded or be accepted by a well-known school for his/her creative doings, parents realize that it would be good for children’s future if they are able to develop a more creative thinking. Thus, parents would take the responsibility to cultivate their children to be creative and in the meanwhile, supervise and correct children’s mistakes. (这个make mistakecreative没什么关系吧)They would on one hand send children to schoolsto school认为多余) to attend various courses which help prefect their creative thinking. On the other hand, they would also keep an eye on children’s doings, always get ready to correct their faults. In this case, technology encourages parents to get involved in making children more creative.(这个,感觉论证有点弱啊,不过应该说得过去的吧。论坛咱们多讨论)

From all what I have mentioned above, I would speak highly of technology’s helpfulnesshighly of technology’s helpfulness这个用法有问题) on the development of children’s creativities. It not only plays as tools to make imaginations practicable, but also plays as stimulus, to broaden children’s thinking, to(“,”去掉“to去掉”加个and make parents participate in the perfection.perfection用法不对)


By Fatrui

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-6 22:31:03 |只看该作者

Nowadays we live a life which is almost surrounded by various types of advertisements. Whenever we switch on the TV or open a newspaper, we would find ads introducing different products consciously or unconsciously. Gradually, those advertisements seem to become one part of our living, regarded as a way to get information. Recently, an essay published on China Daily draws people’s attention as it strongly punches certain ads which are specially aimed at children ranged from 2 to 5. The author lists examples to point out those ads would mislead children and their parents to some extent and call for the prohibition on this kind of TV ads. However, as far as I am concerned, I would choose to support showing those ads as its helpfulness outweighs its disadvantages.

To begin with, this kind of ads can help parents to get some useful information. For parents who are raising children around 2 to 5, they would always get confused about various children products. When they stand in front of numerous kinds of products, they find it’s difficult for them to choose one which would be suitable for children of their own. Instead of visiting an authority, TV ads provide a much more convenient method to offer help to those young parents. Simply by sitting on the coach and watching a seconds-long advertisement, parents are able to know what they should pay attention to when select goods. Take ads introducing milk powder as an example, almost every ads of this kind would list a chart of nutrients which the product contains and are good for children’s growth. After seeing those advertisements, parents are capable to be familiar with those helpful nutrients and it would save their time with choosing the milk powder whose nutrients’ index is higher.

On the other hand, ads on TV also help children to develop their thinking and cultivate certain abilities. By watching ads, children receive information both visually and aurally. Those moving characters send the image of actions to children’s brain and children may lately imitate those actions and it helps them to get familiar with motions accomplished by their arms and legs. One research shows that music can entertain people including children, making them uplift. In some cases, the songs in those advertisements may even inspire children’s sense of music and make them be interested in music in the future.

Back to the advertisement itself, instead of forbidding showing all ads, it is government’s and TV station’s responsibility to supervise the ads’ content and decide whether they could be shown on TV. It is for sure that there would be advertisements which may mislead parents and do harm to children at some point, but as there are more ads with high quality and are planed to convenient parents. In this case, TV stations should take the responsibility to check every advertisement’s content to see if it is with quality. On the hand, government may pass certain rules to punish ads with negative effects and limit certain doings, and also supervise TV station’s broadcasts.

To sum up, I see more ads’ advantages than their disadvantages, and as its shortcomings can be forbidden, we certainly should support TV stations to broadcast advertisements which are specially aimed at children ranged from 2 to 5.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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