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[未归类] 花花回归作文专版 [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-2-8 19:41:49 |只看该作者
2.8 综合写作TPO3
In the reading material, the writer lists three aspects to announce that the portrait of an Elderly woman in a White Bonnet couldn't be a work by Rembrandt. Although the professor in the lecture agrees with those discoveries, she uses a group of researchers' explanation to prove that painting was actually painted by Rembrandt.

Firstly, the author presents that there’s something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed, as Rembrandt was known for his attention to the details of his subjects’ clothing, this kind of inconsistency wouldn’t be appeared in his work. However, as the lecturer claims, X-rays and analysis show that the fur collar of the portrait today is not part of the original. The fur collar may be painted and covered the original 100 years after Rembrandt finished the work, aiming to increase the painting’s value by someone.

Secondly, the writer thinks as Rembrandt was a master of painting light and shadow, there would never have errors like the unfit elements in this painting from all his works. The speaker corrects it by describing the original painting’s light and shadow. When the fur color is removed, the original shows the woman was wearing a simple collar of light colored cloth, and it reflects light that illuminates the woman’s face. In the original portrait, the light and shadow are very realistic.

Finally, the author points out this painting was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together, as no painting known to be by Rembrandt uses such a panel, it’s sure this work is not Rembrandt’s. With the lecturer’s explanation, as the fur collar was added, the panel was enlarged with extra wood glued to the original, to make the painting more grand and more valuable. What’s more, researchers also have found that the original panel of this painting is from the very same tree as the wood panel used for another portrait painted by Rembrandt, which is called Self Portrait with a Hat.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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发表于 2010-2-9 23:39:12 |只看该作者
2.9        私人收藏化石的优缺

Almost in every period of China’s history, private collection has long been a popular interest for Chinese. Our ancestors enjoyed collecting a lot. Portraits painted by famous painters, ancient containers which were perfectly made, all this kind of artworks are regarded as things worth collecting. As till today, there is a considerable number of people have developed the habit of housing fossils. They think fossils are created by natural for thousands of years, and fossils are valuable both for private collection and for scientific research. In another word, fossils are much more meaningful than those famous portraits or ancient containers for those collectors. As even a coin has two sides, this trend cannot simply be treated as a personal behavior. For fossils, the collectors’ doings may cause good and harm to either themselves or the society.

To begin with, collecting fossils is just like one kind of investment that can help people enrich themselves. We know that fossils are usually antiques, they are the witness of some certain historical period. As those collections become older, their value on the antique market enhances. Thus, if the owner thinks the price is reasonable, s/he can decide whether to sell the collection for the current profit. Also, the collector can choose not to sell the fossil, s/he is also able to wait for a higher bid. However, in the antique market, there are also things collectors should be concerned. News like announcing that a certain kind of fossils is related to the royalty would significantly raise the fossils’ value and lead to an increasing demand for them. On the contrary, news such as reporting that a high rate of certain fossils in the antique market is fake would certainly drop their value as no one tends to buy them. Hence, collecting fossils is like an adventure in life, to gain or to lose, it all depend on the collectors themselves.

On the other hand, the whole society may lose the way back to the ancient times by private collection. Generally, fossil research is the main way that helps researchers tracing the history. The fossil of a wolf-like creature’s skull shows its ear area has the characteristic only seen in aquatic mammals, thus helps professors to draw the conclusion that this creature is actually the ancestor of modern whales. Various types of fossils are needed in archaeology studies, as researchers are engaged in solving such a big puzzle. If most of the fossils are collected by individuals in private, or are selling in the antique market for money, they would never have a chance to be exploited the real value in archaeology and other related aspects. Obviously, it does harm to the whole world, preventing people to understand the world and themselves further by studying fossils.

To sum up, we can draw the conclusion that private collection on fossils has both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand it enriches person’s life by acting as one kind of investment. On the other hand it blocks scientists’ research on both the nature and we human beings. When it comes to whether we should do the collection, we must take both the good and harm aspects into account.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-10 11:06:32 |只看该作者
15# arimidy
Nowadays we live a life which is almost surrounded by various types of advertisements. Whenever we switch on the TV or open a newspaper, we would find ads introducing different products consciously or unconsciously. Gradually, those advertisements seem to become one part of our living, regarded as a way to get information. Recently, an essay published on China Daily draws people’s attention as it strongly punches certain ads which are specially aimed at children ranged from 2 to 5.(要写成英文的形式) The author lists examples to point out those ads would mislead children and their parents to some extent and call for the prohibition on this kind of TV ads. However, as far as I am concerned, I would choose to support showing those ads as its helpfulness outweighs its disadvantages. : `. F, @4 m8 f
To begin with, this kind of ads can help parents to get some useful information. For parents who are raising children around 2 to 5, they would always get confused about various children products. When they stand in front of numerous kinds of products, they find it’s difficult for them to choose one which would be suitable for children of their own. Instead of visiting an authority, TV ads provide a much more convenient method to offer help (offer help=> help)to(去掉) those young parents. Simply by sitting on the coach and watching a seconds-long advertisement, parents are able to know what they should pay attention to when select goods. Take(taking) ads introducing milk powder as an example, almost every ads of this kind would list a chart of nutrients (which the product contains and去掉) are good for children’s growth. After seeing those advertisements, parents are capable to be familiar with those helpful nutrients and it would save their time with (on)choosing the milk powder whose nutrients’ index is higher.

On the other hand, ads on TV also help children to develop their thinking and cultivate certain abilities. By watching ads, children receive information both visually and aurally. Those moving characters send the image of actions to children’s brain and children may lately imitate those actions and it helps them to get familiar with motions accomplished by their arms and legs. One research shows that music can entertain people including children, making them uplift. In some cases, the songs in those advertisements may even inspire children’s sense of music and make them be interested in music in the future.

Back to the advertisement itself, instead of forbidding showing all ads, it is government’s and TV station’s responsibility to supervise the ads’ content and decide whether they could be shown on TV. It is for sure that there would be advertisements which may mislead parents and do harm to children at some point, but as there are more ads with high quality and are planed(换成aimed是不是好点) to convenient parents(convenient是个形容词,改成facilitate). In this case, TV stations should take the responsibility to check every advertisement’s content to see if it is with quality改成qualified. On the hand, government may pass certain rules to punish ads with negative effects and limit certain doings, and also supervise TV station’s broadcast

To sum up, I see more ads’ advantages than their disadvantages, and as its shortcomings can be forbidden, we certainly should support TV stations to broadcast advertisements which are specially aimed at children ranged from 2 to 5.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-10 21:42:34 |只看该作者
2.10        TPO4 综合写作
In the reading material, the writer lists three evidences to support the idea that dinosaurs are actually endotherms. However, the professor uses scientists’ doubts on those evidences to challenge the conclusion.

Firstly, about the argument of polar dinosaurs, the author suggests as dinosaur fossils have been found in polar regions, dinosaurs can be regarded as endotherms because only endotherms can be active in such cold environment. The speaker claims that when dinosaurs lived, even the polar regions were much warmer than today so that animals which were not endotherms also could be active in those regions. Also, when the polar regions were during cold period, the inhabitants could either migrate to warm places or hibernate to avoid the extreme environment.

Secondly, about the fact that dinosaurs have their legs under the bodies, not at the sides, this enables dinosaurs to run and the writer thinks that proves dinosaurs are endotherms as they have the leg position and movement just like endotherms have. However, the lecturer announces that having legs under the body is a necessity for dinosaurs to grow to a large size. In another word, it ensures the legs to be able to sustain its own weight. As being large has advantages for dinosaurs, this kind of explanation seems to be more convincing.

Finally, about the bone structure, as dinosaur fossils are usually dense with haversian canals which are typical for endotherms, this helps to suggest that dinosaurs are endotherms. On the contrary, the professor in the listening material uses the discovery of growth rings in dinosaur’s bone structure to contradict the author’s opinion. As the growth ring is regarded as evidence which indicates the period dinosaurs weren’t growing rapidly, and it shows that dinosaurs stop growing or grow more slowly during cooler periods. Also this kind of growing pattern is a characteristic for animals that aren’t endotherms.

Based on the three explanations mentioned in the lecture, it still has problems to prove that dinosaurs are endotherms.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-11 21:44:05 |只看该作者
However, the professor uses scientists’ doubts on those evidences to challenges the conclusion.
....weren’t growing rapidly, and it shows that ...

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-19 22:37:35 |只看该作者
2.19 TPO7 综合写作

In the reading material, the writer lists three points to prove that wood companies in the United States may not work on receiving ecocertification. However, the speaker in the lecture use arguments to claim that there's good reasons for those wood companies to do so.

First, the author thinks that American customers would not pay attention to the label as there is so much advertising around them. But the lecturer says the American customers actually do not treat all ads the same. They are able to distinguish which claims by companies themselves and claims by independent agencies, and they are confident about those independent agencies' saying. Thus, the customers would react favorably toward those products labeled "ecocertified".

Second, the writer points out that customers won't buy ecocertified wood because it's more expensive, also companies have to cost more for certain exams. In the lecture, the professor agrees that the price of ecocertified wood would be expensive, but it wouldn't influence the sales. With certain study's result, customers would buy things depending on price alone only when the price is much higher or lower than others. If the difference on price is less than five percent, there's no obvious decrease on sales. On the contrary, costumers would care more about products' value under such situation.

Finally, the text shows as American wood businesses sell most of their products in the United States, pursuing certification wouldn't make any sense. However, the speaker suggests that if domestic wood companies don't get ecocertified, it would increase foreign competition. One day American customers would be interested in ecoceritified products. If American companies are still slow capturing those customers, foreign companies would step into the market and offer products which American companies are lack of.

Based on the lecturer's saying, it's good for American wood companies to receive ecocertification.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-20 00:06:49 |只看该作者
In the reading material, the writer lists three points to prove that wood companies in the United States may not work on receiving ecocertification. However, the speaker in the lecture use arguments to claim that there's good reasons for those wood companies to do so. 第一段简洁明了,很好 y
% W' f' E2 b3 q, r
Firstly, the author thinks that American customers would not pay attention to the label as there is so much advertising around them. But the lecturer says the American customers actually do not treat all ads the same. They are able to distinguish which claims by companies themselves and claims by independent agencies, and they are confident about those independent agencies' saying. Thus, the customers would react favorably toward those products labeled "ecocertified".这个写的好详细,我就没听出来两者的区别,55~
: z5 a; ]: y( d* F
Secondly, the writer points out that customers won't buy ecocertified wood because it's more expensive, also改为because是不是更好? companies have to cost more for certain exams. In the lecture, the professor agrees that the price of ecocertified wood would be expensive, but it wouldn't influence the sales. With certain study's result, customers would buy things depending on price alone only when the price is much higher or lower than others. If the difference on price is less than five percent, there's no obvious decrease on sales. On the contrary, costumers would care more about products' value under such situation.价格部分说的很详细,但是没提到美国人的环保意识在增长.+ i& \(" M4 n& D; P
# G! F( }9 e5 F0 d* I" g
Finally, the text shows as American wood businesses sell most of their products in the United States, pursuing certification wouldn't make any sense. However, the speaker suggests that if domestic wood companies don't get ecocertified, it would increase foreign competition. One day American customers would be interested in ecoceritified products. If American companies are still slow capturing those customers, foreign companies would step into the market and offer products with ecocertified label which American companies are lack of. + e7 t( u/ \& M- f" X: C
4 l, X4 u: }, l0 P
Based on the lecturer's saying, it's good for American wood companies to receive ecocertification.还有总结段,好!功力好强大!语言说得极其恰当,并且细节基本包括,字数也有控制,赞~

by 米

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-23 16:29:38 |只看该作者
2.19 TPO7 综合写作 首先,非常抱歉,我交作业迟了,同时也给你评迟了,非常抱歉╮(╯▽╰)╭
In the reading material, the writer lists three points to prove that wood companies in the United States may not work on receiving ecocertification. However, the speaker in the lecture use arguments to claim that there's good reasons for those wood companies to do so.这个开头段写得太赞了,不愧是花花童鞋。4 U! U; o7 D) \; b. z6 J7 Y
" T9 C( E- A7 e# j: B

First, the author thinks that American customers would not pay attention to the label as there is so much advertising around them. But the lecturer says the American customers actually do not treat all ads the same. They are able to distinguish which claims by companies themselves and claims by independent agencies, and they are confident about those independent agencies' saying. Thus, the customers would react favorably toward those products labeled "ecocertified".  w; i0 U0 Z: Q
Second, the writer points out that customers won't buy ecocertified wood because it's more expensive, also companies have to cost more for certain exams. In the lecture, the professor agrees that the price of ecocertified wood would be expensive, but it wouldn't influence the sales. With certain study's result, customers would buy things depending on price alone only when the price is much higher or lower than others. If the difference on price is less than five percent, there's no obvious decrease on sales. On the contrary, costumers would care more about products' value under such situation.8 O; {就像米说的那样,我又重新听了一遍听力,确实这个地方有说美国人的环保意识在增强,不过我也没有记下来╮(╯▽╰)Z8 w) \4 q; J' \3 c* ]
Finally, the text shows as American wood businesses sell most of their products in the United States, pursuing certification wouldn't make any sense. However, the speaker suggests that if domestic wood companies don't get ecocertified, it would increase foreign competition. One day American customers would be interested in ecoceritified products. 好像听力里面并没有说one day 这个概念吧?( o )If American companies are still slow capturing those customers, foreign companies would step into the market and offer products which American companies are lack of. : E/ B' a- P0 d, C9 O# L& h
: _% @$ ?' A4 C7 c; f0 z4 [
Based on the lecturer's saying, it's good for American wood companies to receive ecocertification.

恩,总之,花花童鞋的作文点很全,听力基础很好。By 紫日

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