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[备考日记] 【独立写作】thankgod2016备战5月7日作业帖 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-3-26 10:01:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-4-8 14:13 编辑





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发表于 2016-3-27 23:05:06 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-3-30 09:52:12 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-4-3 14:01 编辑

从秋雨大神的帖子里粘出来的精彩习作 学习一下
3.29  110304NA   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime.
Thousands years of human history being through reflect the trail, from our ancestors to we generation,从句前面加插入语 that how we revolutionized and addressed numerous difficulties especially those toughest and crucial objects recurring every period. That is to say, the most essential issues defined in societal and natural aspects facing us nowadays won’t be genuinely handled across our life span. Here’s my performance.
      Variety of emergent but unsettled societal phenomenon---- that is, starvations, inferior sanitary conditions, unrighteousness wars, even terrorisms又是一个插入语, are all continuously disturbing our society and minimizing our living quality both mentally and physically. Even though the endeavors have been making主动变被动, the issues of starvation and terrible sanitary facilities in impoverished高级词汇 spheres and regions such as South Africa, where always necessitate常用词性形容词但使用动词 substantial international rescuing foods and medical treatments, seem eternal and permanent. Further, one 1930’s sentence just flashed back into my mind引用名言:” Even I had said it already, to all the mothers and fathers here, I shall say it again and again and again, your boys would never been sent into any foreign war---FDR”, which is itself so ridiculous whenever you read it since unrighteousness wars would never stop its steps as long as the interests exist. By the same token出于同样原因, terrorisms boom and bust for the sake of its benefits and, therefore, make a vicious circle.
     Apart from human community affairs, environmental circumstances we confronted with are equally unbearable. As a student majoring in Environmental Science, it’s sorrowful to be bombarded with severe topics whose spectra are from over output greenhouse gases as carbon dioxide resulting in global warming and extreme climates to sources of drinking water contaminated by reckless emissions of effluent with hazardous elements leading to human and fauna diseases. Doesn’t the international community acknowledge the very situation? Sarcastically, it does.自问自答 Interests being the core of the world determine that, no matter what we will pay in return, the development of economy and arms are the priority thereby topping at the peak and leading other countries. Thus, who cares so much about the result of irreversible deterioration of environment?
      Granted, we are informed that battles are taken for going green and peace, as the Copenhagen UN Climate Change Conference 2009 and the coming Nuclear Security Summit 2012. Yet, disappointed obviously, the Copenhagen one genuinely was a failure only reaching meaningless framework agreement. In contrast, let us censor whether the Nuclear Security Summit can be a consolation. "
    Without saying, only if we humanity reach a consensus of the sustainable methodology in settling these unavoidable problems and with our great intellects, endeavors, perseverance, and integrity, can we minimize, but not solve thoroughly, the adverse side of these issues within our life span.

这文章也就只能看看膜拜一下了 o(╯□╰)o

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-3 14:02:19 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-4-3 14:11 编辑

自己写的 花了3小时 omg 字数400
Throughout the course of development of human civilization,the ways to prepare food have been improving and enriching all the time, from boiling or grilling merely by fire in the wild , to using a range of electronic cooking machines such as microwave ovens in a modern kitchen. All those machines and techniques ,through what food preparing  becomes  faster and more convenient, make it possible for our human beings to spend more time in other productive or creative activities such as researching or manufacturing. That is to say, the simplification of cooking actually plays an important role in the development of human society. It improves the quality of our lives tremendously.

The most distinct benefit of the shortened cooking process is that it enfranchises human being from meeting basic needs, allowing us to spend more energy exploring the boundaries of our creativity and imagination. Thanks to modern cooking technology, not only can we spend more time working or studying, but we can also have more leisure time to enjoy the bountiful fruits of civilization. Imagine that if you have to kill an animal by hunting or start a fire by drilling woods, you might never have time to do anything other than keep yourself from starving.
Moreover,with the help of convenient cooking techniques, women used to be tied to the kitchen sink are emancipated and begin to show their impact on fields long been dominated by men.The social status, as well as live quality of women, therefore, has been largely improved.

Some people may argue that convenient food always sacrifice flavor and nutrition in order to save time, thus the enjoyment delicous food brought to us is vanished. However, they ignored the fact that food technology is developing rapidly. By improving our preservation techniques such as quick-frozen or dehydration, we are more capable at keeping the nutrition of the food while making them into convenient food. Can we do better in the future? My answer is yes.

In a word, modern food technology plays an important role in improving our life quality.The shorted cooking process reduces our time spend in the kitchen, especially for women, allowing us to work for longer hours as well as spend more time enjoying life. Even though some convenient foods are unhealthy or taste badly, but as long as the food technology keeps developing,the quality of convenient food will be improved in the future.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-3 14:06:02 |只看该作者
再贴一篇范文 也是来自秋雨大神的贴
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic for politics is to accept responsibility for mistake. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Do you agree or disagree?

Trivial mistakes such as take the wrong bus, forget keys can affect people in tiny issues, however, huge mistakes like developing the local economics at the cost of pollution in rivers and lakes can influence individuals' life considerably【程度副词】. Hence it is undeniable that politics should take responsibility for mistakes, However, I believe that it is more sensible to say that accepting responsibility for mistake is important character instead of most important one.【让步否定】

To begin with, when it comes to environmental issues, politics plays a significant role on the industry-building process as it establishes the standards of rules. If politicians are aware of the heavy pollution of the river caused by the pollutants such as heavy metals and chemical particles released by those factories, they may change the policy to call for protection and initiate strict legislation to regulate the acts of companies. The most typical example is the restriction of producing plastic bags. A myriad of companies in China have been fined because of violation of this rule. Apparently, taking responsibility for mistakes for politics is crucial as statesmen can make adjustments of the policies before which are too late to repair.

However, it doesn't follow that this character is the most important one. Of equal importance character is 【这么高级的写法】making right decisions in the first place. In many occasions, mistakes are forbidden, once occurred, the government must pay a heavy price. More specifically, taking the relationship between China and Japan for example, from thousands of years, the two countries undergo virtually fluctuations in their relationships. So the politics must pay great attention to deal with the folk conflicts. Imagine if the politics claimed something negatively about Japan, frictions are in the air, another serious diplomatic problem might be caused. Therefore, statesmen are supposed to make correct statements in any circumstance.

In a nutshell, I firmly believe that politics should be responsibility for mistakes. Meanwhile, it should consciously make right decisions at the first brush. Consequently, as for me, accepting responsibilities for mistakes are not the most important characteristic comparing to other equal important ones.这种让步否定的写法令人惊叹

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-3 14:06:24 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-4-3 14:11 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the ability of

adapting to new environment is more important than excellent knowledge

for job


With more and more people involved in the competitive job hunting market, it becomes quite heated debated in recent years that the ability of adapting to new environment outweighs excellent knowledge for a job. In my opinion, adapting ability to a new working place comes first while a thorough understanding of a job should never be ignored.

I guess no one could deny the significance of knowledge to our career since it offers basic technique when dealing with specific issues. Nowadays dominating corporations like Google, Glencore and even ordinary companies are greatly focused on training new employees, based on the fact that most of them are not qualified for the relative knowledge for the position. According to the latest innovations in college curricula, more and more compulsory lessons, both theoretical and practical, are designed to equip graduates with sufficient knowledge for future jobs so as to satisfy the demand from companies. It seems certain that employees with enough knowledge will have a better chance to be favored by companies.

Admittedly, knowledge in relative fields does help people handle tough situations. However, reliance merely on knowledge appears not a wise choice because a good capability to adapt is of at least the same importance. Due to the noticeable breakthroughs in industry, teamwork becomes increasingly in need because of the common scene today that hundreds of people have to work together for the same project. Everyone has to make adjustments considering the project process and schedule of workmates. No wonder that people unable to make adaptations and find his role in a new environment will get replaced sooner or later.  

Furthermore, the ability to adapt to a new environment is more precious. It seems specious that a person without working knowledge will fail in his/her job. After all, these knowledge can be learned from books, sometimes the Internet more conveniently. On contrary, making oneself accepted, even welcomed, is such an ability that none can acquire easily. It helps people merge into a group, obtain useful knowledge and valuable experience from senior workers, and eventually these employees good at adapting become qualified for the position. It is a clear picture that a greenhand, with wide knowledge but narrow intelligence to communicate with others, will not do a good job in his career.

In a word, I agree that the ability to get oneself adapted to a new environment weighs more than the knowledge of job.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-3 14:06:58 |只看该作者

With the advent of computer technology, especially the internet, more and more students choose to take their courses online for a brand-new learning experience. On the other hand, the traditional classroom learning seems to be facing more challenges. 【介绍背景】Is online education feasible? Yes. And probably good as well. Will classroom learning be displaced? I believe not.【用自问自答方式引出观点】

To be frank, online education provides fresh learning experience unheard of before. The most distinct benefit comes from a flexible schedule. 【A好处1】Students, especially adults with part-time jobs or even full-time jobs, take full advantage of this point. They are now free to choose any program that fits into their daily schedule. 【举students 和 adults的例子】Compared with the traditional idea of “going to school”, this is better illustrated as “the school is going to you”. 【对比】Another obvious advantage is the multi-media learning platform. 【A好处2】Computer technology promises vivid short plays, detailed lectures and even games designed for the course, all of which appeal to students a great deal.【展开陈述】

However, it is clear to me that online education has certain innate setbacks which render it unable to compete with the traditional classroom learning. 【但是A不好】Firstly, communication is very limited online. 【A坏处1】The opponent may argue chat-rooms are great tools. However, face-to-face communication can never be replaced, because it conveys information besides the words that form a sentence, but also intonations and body language. Facial expressions and gestures all facilitate understanding during a conversation. 【让步展开陈述】Suppose a student finds part of the lecture baffling, he can directly ask the professor in the classroom and probably they will communicate with the help of notes, pictures, blackboards and their body language. These tools are simply impossible to combine during an online course.【用if扩充陈述例子】

Yet another important downside of online education is that it has the potential of turning students into negative learners, because they do not and cannot participate in classroom activities.【A坏处2】 Since everyone is learning by his or her own on a computer, chances are slim that they can form real-life study groups, which in a traditional setting do projects and researches together. 【展开陈述】For example, if a student enrolls in an online drama class, it’s natural to play a part in the drama to gain in-depth perspectives on this topic. However, the student is unable to join the activity online, simply because it is not feasible. Gradually, the drama topic seems to be drifting away from the student because he is not actively involved in the learning process. A traditional classroom setting, on the other hand, provides a lot more opportunities for students to take an active role in the learning process.【举例子+对比陈述】

To sum up, online education is fascinating in some ways and does offer different learning experience. However, it cannot and should not replace traditional classroom learning, due to the lack of communication and participation. A classroom always remains the best place to learn.【总结观点:A这点好,但是因为A那点不好,所以B还是好】

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-3 14:08:06 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-4-3 14:12 编辑

003 Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
With the development of new technologies, food has become easier to prepare than ever before. In my opinion, it brings both positive and negative influences on people’s lives.中立

In the first place, food that is easier to prepare has an obvious advantage for new generations, who are leading their lives in a more rapid pace.【好处1】 Fast-food restaurants such as McDonald’s exactly cater to our needs for a faster life. 【例子】When I feel really hungry, traditional cooking is just too slowly. However, fast food can instantly improve my situation.【对比展开例子】 As we save a large quantity of time previously used to prepare food, we can spend our time performing more important tasks, and therefore focus better on our work.【总结】

However, easier-to-prepare food also brings about some disadvantages to our lives.【转折】

Firstly, as we save more time focusing on work instead of food, we tend to feel more and more stressed out due to the busy cycle. 【坏处1】Our already-too-fast life pace gets even speedier, which can bring about negative psychological problems in workers. 【展开】On the contrary, traditional cooking style enables us to see the relaxing side of life, to stop and smell the roses. Also, cooking itself is sometimes a relaxing process to relieve pressure from workplaces. 【对比】My mother loves to cook when she’s very tired after work, from which she can retrace the relaxation she needs.【生活例子】

Secondly, as food becomes easier to prepare, we gradually lose the right to enjoy top-class cooking.【坏处2】 Because it does not cater to people’s needs for speed as well as fast foods does, and thus gradually decreases on the market.【展开】 Many young people nowadays craze for Pizza Hut, but they have no idea how traditional home-made pizzas taste differently and wonderfully.【大众例子】

Another drawback of easy-to-prepare food is that in order to prepare food more easily, manufacturers add certain chemicals to the food which are not completely healthy for us. 【坏处3】For instance, McDonald’s contains too much calories and too little vegetation, which will cause unbalance in people’s nutrition.

To sum up, food has become easier to prepare during the past decade or so. The change has brought both positive and negative influences on people’s lives.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-10 16:03:18 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-5-11 12:33 编辑

花了一个半小时 不脱稿的情况下 才写了 347个字
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Throughout the course of human civilization, knowledge has long played an important role. For better or worse, we now living in a world where the exponential growth in human knowledge is forcing people to specialise  in their respective niches. It's undeniable that learning a wider range of subjects do have some merits, yet specializing in a particular subject appears a wiser choice.
To begin with, the most distinct benefit of focusing on one subject is that it allows you to save your time and energy in developing real expertise in one field. College is the place where students find their interest and start to specialize in one area. It takes years of dedicated effort to become an expert in a particular discipline. Irrelative courses would definitly diffuse their time and energy. All too often we observe some young students who have chosen so many courses in different areas, end up with a superficial  understanding for each of them. Focusing in one subject is vital to the students' academic success.
On the flip side, making it compulsory for every student to choose more than one subject will definitely increase the tuition fee , which, virtually, is considerably high already. Forcing students to learning more subjects indicates an increase in the cost of every single student as well as the university itself. It's hard to imagine how struggling those self-financed students or those from underprivileged families would be if they have to pay even more to finish their  college studies. Besides, more money from the taxpayers might need to be spent if the policy is applied, which will inevitablely stirs more complains about the government.
Admittedly, receiving an wider range of knowledge do help students broad their horizon and vision. However, there are several other approaches -reading books, attending lectures, or discussing with professionals-  that can equip students with better understanding about how the world is  running too. Chances are, if students are motivated by their self interest -other than being forced- to learn a different subject, the learning results will be better, just as the saying goes, "interest is the best teacher".
In the light of the above, besides minor merits, requiring students to learn more than one subject will not only increase the tuition fee, but also diffuse their time and energy. I believe it's more worthwhile for college  students to focus on one subject.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-10 16:19:52 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-5-11 14:54 编辑


The whole point of my answer is that it is better for universities to require students to specialize in one subject. It is just what the majors are called for, even though there are a couple of the advantages of students’ taking classes in many subjects.

It is a more sensible decision that universities require students to specialize in one subject. They must have known that the depth of a certain subject is infinite while both the students’ energy and time are limited. It probably tells the truth. Only when a student just specializes in one subject, can he focus on it. Thus it ensures the students more likely to be a kind of expert in some subject when they are given the degrees. That is just the purpose of so-called education.

It does not mean that students have not too many classes to attend even if they just specialize one subject. There are a lot of sub-subjects or divisions of a main subject. The science of journalism, for example, can include the theories of journalism, the histories of journalism both domestic and international, the news writing skills, the interview courses and the editorials writing and so on. The students have to study all of these above course as journalism major. It does mean a lot of work to do even if students just specialize one subject.

I do not deny there are a couple of advantages for universities to require students to take in many subjects. One thing, the work places require so-called generalist today. Students who take many subjects may probably mean the opportunity of meeting that request. Another is that students who take in many subjects can also help their main subject. Thus probably can help them study what they are majoring better. Whatever the benefit it will be, however, students taking any other subjects should not interfere their main target.

In the whole, I thought that universities could allow students to take subjects as many as possible if their times and energies were available. However, I think that possibility is faint. So I have to say that it is better for universities just to urge students to specialize in one subject. After all, the main subject is already a lot of work to cope with, considering the depth and width of one subject.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-11 15:47:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-5-11 16:13 编辑

题目:which do you prefer? an interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun
无聊的 bore dull drone  insipid demoralized apathetic
有趣 interesting fascinating fun intriguing exciting desirable lethargic
成就感 fulfilment accomplishment satisfaction achievement
工作 job career vocation profession niche

30min 在字典的帮助下写了277w
1h10min 扩充到 477w

For better or worse, we now live in a world where leisure time has been diminished drastically. Mankind in 21st century not only enjoys the bountiful fruits fast-paced life brought to us, but also suffers increasingly anxiety, stress, and pressure.感觉开头像是在论证反面 It's undeniable that a job with more vacation is the ideal job for a bunch of people, yet I still insist that the happiness, fulfilment, as well as higher life quality a challenging and interesting job brings are much more worth pursuing.
To begin with, the most distinct benefit of a career in which I can find challenge and fun is that I can reap happiness in most of my lifetime. Nowadays most of us need to work for no less than eight hours every workday, not counting compulsory or volunteered overtime works. It's hard to imagine how droning a person will be if he or she has to spend that much of his or her time in something boring.Take myself as an example, I used to work as a administration staff and enjoyed long leisure time after work. But I felt so dull during my work hours that even if I came home after work, I still fell depressed and lethargic. After much consideration, I decided to quit the job start a small business with a bunch of my friends. We had very little free time, but we all feel so grateful for doing something that ,we believe, will make the world a better place.
On the flip side, another crucial perspective is that the improvement in  vocational ability is the main source of one's satisfaction and accomplishment. It takes years of dedication to become an expert in a particular area. If you spent more time than others dealing with hard problems and situations, you will end up a more successful person in your niches. All too often we observe some young people , afraid of facing difficulties in their jobs , make no progress after working for several years. Chances are, when they grow older, they might feel regretful for wasting their best years, or fell shameful for not accomplishing anything. Thus, a busy and interesting job outweighs a boring but easy one.
Admittedly, jobs that occupies most of my time do have some negative sides, such as lesser time to spend with family members, fewer chances to do recreational activities, etc. Nevertheless, busier jobs always means higher profits, and higher profits indicates higher life quality. Imagine if I get paid a lot of money for my job, I can afford gorgeous beaches, exquisite cuisine and luxury hotel rooms during my vacation, short though.
In the light of the above, even though doing busy but exciting jobs means a sacrifice in your leisure time, I still believe it's a wiser choice to choose a job that can brings you happiness, fulfilment and higher life quality.

For better or worse, we now live in a world where the exponential growth in human knowledge is forcing people to work harder in order to qualify a certain job. Mankind in 21st century not only enjoys the bountiful fruits of civilization, but also suffers increasingly anxiety, stress, and tension due to fewer and fewer leisure time after work. It's undeniable that a job with more vacation is the ideal one for a bunch of people, yet I still insist that the happiness, fulfilment, as well as higher life quality a challenging and interesting job brings are(用is还是are) much more worth pursuing.
To begin with, the most distinct benefit of a career in which I can find challenge and fun is that I can reap happiness in (这个in要不要) most of my time. Nowadays people need to work for no less than eight hours every workday, not counting enforced or volunteered overtime. It's hard to imagine how dull a person will be if he or she has to spend that much of his or her time in something boring. Take myself as an example, I used to work as an administration staff and enjoyed long leisure time after work. But I felt so demoralized during my work hours that even if I came back home after work, I still fell depressed and lethargic. After much consideration, I decided to quit the job,  start a small business with a bunch of my friends. We had very little free time, but we all feel so grateful for doing something that, we believe, will make the world a better place.
On the flip side, another crucial perspective is that the improvement in (用in还是of) vocational ability is the main source of personal satisfaction and accomplishment. It takes years of dedication to become an expert in a particular area. If you spent more time than others dealing with hard problems and situations, you will end up a more successful person in your field. All too often we observe some young people, afraid of facing difficulties in their jobs(这个插入语这样用可以吗), make no progress after working for several years. Chances are, when they grow older, they might feel regretful for wasting their best years, or shameful for not accomplishing anything. Thus, a tense and desirable job outweighs a mean and petty one.
Admittedly, jobs that occupies a lot of time do have some negative sides, such as lesser time to spend with family members, fewer chances to do recreational activities, etc. Nevertheless, busier jobs always mean higher profits, and higher profits indicate higher life quality. With a well paid job, I can probably afford gorgeous beaches, exquisite cuisine and luxury hotel rooms during my vacation, short though, but enjoyful.
In the light of the above, even though a busy but exciting job means sacrifice in leisure time, I still believe it's a wiser choice to choose a job that can bring you happiness, fulfilment and higher life quality, rather than one that leads to regret for a plain life when middle-aged.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-11 17:12:04 |只看该作者
题目 历史&文学 vs 科学&数学 哪个更重要?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-11 17:16:37 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-17 16:19:44 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-5-17 16:53 编辑

20150822 Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Internet is as important as other service such as building roads that government should make Internet access to all the citizens at no cost.
20151205 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government, instead of individuals, should cover Internet fees.

答案 1h 356 w
With the remarkable development of human civilization, a large percentage of our daily life, as well as manufacturing and services 制造业服务业  are shifting from offline to online, making the whole society more and more efficient and convient. It's generally accepted that Internet access is as basic to innovation, economic growth, social communication, and the country’s competitiveness as electricity was a century ago. Given that, I approve the idea that government should offer a free internet access to all citizens.
To begin with, a free internet can help improve the living conditions of those who can not afford the costly internet fees. Those people, most of whom are the poorest in the society and live in rural areas where internet accesses are lacked, are cut off from most of the services and informations offfered online. Thus, their abilities to educate themselves on line or expand their selling network through e-commerce are deprived. Chances are, once free internet services are deployed to those areas, the poverty can be eliminated gradually.
Another crucial perspective is that the services provided by local cable companies, most of which are monopolies, are always too expensive and unevenly distributed. Due to the considerable expenditure on network infrastructure, the internet service markets are controled by only a few large local compaines, a common condition around world. And whenever monopoly takes place, the price raises to the ceiling. On the flip side, those profit-driven companies won't help people in rural or remote places to set up network equipments since the input outweighs the output in those areas. Therefore, it's the government's responsbility to help people nationwide to equally enjoy the bountiful fruits internet brings at a lower cost.
Yet the opponent may argue that since not all people use internet in the same way --some only surfs the internet occasionally while others might be obsessed with online videos or games, it seems a breach of fairness principle for the government to ingratiate itself with a bunch of people at the same cost for all taxpayers. However, as long as proper regulations such as limmiting the  amount of free access time are conducted, those negative impact can be diminished heavily.
In the light of the above, with proper regulation, I believe it is worthwhile to build a free internet that everybody, rich or underprivileged, can enjoy the benefits of internet access.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-21 13:54:29 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-5-21 16:46 编辑

今天练习topic 182 Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
先脱稿写然后 照着模板和素材和查字典修改
30 分钟 478w
topic 182 Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer
Through out the course of human civilization, mankind have always have an affinite relationship with many animal species.We now live in a world where more and more people treat pets as their beloved family menbers, while the fact that some people dump their pets when they sick should not be ignored. Admittedly, raising pets consumes large amount of time and energy, yet I still believe the benefits of treating pets as family members outweighs its negative impacts.
To begin with, raising pets require a certain amount of dedication. Daily will instill discipline in to your character, which can them be utilized in many other areas of your life.Take raising dogs as an example, dog owners have to take their dogs out for a walk everyday so as to keep their pet dogs in a healthy and vivid condition. By repeating the same action each day, the owner's life style becomes more regular and healthy, and the owner become more self controlled.
Another distinct benefit is that treating pets as your family members can kill social pains, such as loneyless, especially for those who live alone. Playing with pets, or even taking care of them, can creat a lot of fun. And being accompanied with pets can battle loneliness as well. Numerous scientific report have shown that the synomens of depression, as well as other psychological diseases decreased obviously after the patient raise a pet and develop a good relationship with it.I remember once my roomate have adopted a dog abandoned by its former owner, her overall wellbeing has changed significantly after the dog merged into her mean and petty life.   
Some opponent may argue that spending aboundent time on species that can not communicate with is not worthwhile. However, they totally negelect the truth that sometimes we dont need language to share our feelings. Dogs can wage their tails or jump up and down around you to show their affection towards you. What's more, pets can even show more loyalty than human beings. Remeber the story of a dog waiting for its owner at a railway station for eight years? I bet no friends can even show such degree of loyalty and affairness.
In the light of the above,despite the fact that pets can not speak, it's still benefical to treat them as our family members, since raising pets can help as cultivate our self discipline and help us battle social pains. Yet not all people treat their pets with love and careness, I believe the reasons above can shed a light for those who have abandoned their pets.
Through out the course of human civilization, mankind has always had an intimate relationship with many animal species.We now live in a world where more and more people treat pets as their beloved family members, while the fact that some people abandon their pets should never be ignored. Admittedly, raising pets consumes a large amount of time and energy, yet I still believe the benefits of treating pets as family members outweighs its negative impacts.

To begin with, raising pets requires a certain amount of dedication. For most people it will take a significant amount of work to ensure pets' healthy. Regular pet care each day such as pet walking, bathing and brushing, and pet sitting, will instill discipline in an individual that then be utilized in many other areas of  life. Take raising dogs as an example, dog owners have to walk their dogs everyday so as to keep their pet dogs in a healthy and vibrant condition.Moreover, pet care makes the owner's life style healthier,improving the owner's fitness as well.

Another distinct benefit of treating pets as your family members is that it can kill social pains, such as loneliless, especially for those who live alone. Playing with pets can creat a lot of fun. Numerous scientific reports have shown that the symtoms of depression, as well as other psychological diseases decreased obviously after the patient raised a pet and developed a good relationship with it. I remember once my roomate adopted a dog abandoned by its former owner, her overall mental wellbeing has changed significantly after the dog merged into her daily life.

Some opponent may argue that spending aboundent time on species that can not communicate with is not worthwhile. However, they totally negelect the truth that emotions have universal roots that are shared across all humans and across many animals, that sometimes we don‘t need language to share our feelings. Dogs can wag their tails or jump up and down around you to show their affection towards you. What's more, pets can even show more loyalty towards others than human beings. Remeber the story “The Tale of Hachiko”, which talks about a dog waiting for its owner at a railway station for ten years after its owner died? I bet no human being can show such degree of loyalty comparied with that dog.

In the light of the above, despite the fact that raising pets can laborous, it's still benefical to treat them as our family members, since raising pets can help as cultivate discipline and battle social pains. Yet not all people treat their pets with love and careness, I believe the reasons above can give those people certain amount of inspiration.

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