me: hi there (smiling)
vo: how are you (seemed smiled, not remember)
me: pretty good. how are you?
vo: I'm___(did not hear)
me: I have a check list, do you wanna see it?
vo: no, I don't wanna see your check list. what are you gonna study?
me: statistics.
vo: statistics. do you have admisson letter?
me: yes.
vo: is this your admission letter?
me: yes, that is the official letter. that is what the graduate college gave to me
vo: how do you know this unversity?
me: I was living there.
vo: who will pay your tuition?
me: my parents.
vo: do you have bank certificate?
me: yes.
vo: what do your parents do?
me: my farther is ...... my mother is a ...... I bought their income certificate.
vo: what's your plan after graduation
me: I choose to go back to china and find a job in an insurance company.
vo: you are married?
me: yes.
vo: what does your husband do?
me: he is a phd students in....
vo: why do you choose statistics?
me: I've been interested in it for a long time.(她已经拿着绿条等我回答完)
vo: have a nice life in statistics.
me: thank you. have a nice day.