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[习作点评] 【NINE小组】第十四次作业-by oyxj1551 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-16 00:59:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
I agree with the former claimthat society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite theexpense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being. In my point ofview, every species, concluding human, are equal. We human should treat otherspecies the same way as human and do our best to make sure their away ofextinction.

Unfortunately, since 1600s we human have rapidlyaccelerated the extinction of other species because of the growth of populationand resource consumption. According to the World Conservation Union, in thepast 500 years there are 844 plant and animal species have died out from earth.For example, in 1600s Mauritius Island is the only habitant for the famous dodobird. However, because it's fat and unable to fly, it has soon become the idealprey of hunters that came from Europe. Soon, it has died out from earth. Today,most of the world's habitats are changing faster than most species can adaptto. The current global extinction rate is estimated at about 20,000 species peryear, exponentially greater than the background extinction rate. Manybiologists believe that we are in the middle of the greatest mass extinctionepisode since the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Hence,facing the serious situation, it's our responsibility to save every species andreverse the increasing rate of extinction.

Besides, we human will be badly influenced by theextinction of species. For one thing, each species can be the study sample forscience research. Biologists study different species to find out therelationship between them and to figure out the evolution process. Forinstance, by studying ape, biologist has discovered lots of valuableinformation about the evolution of human. So, any extinction of one specieswill be a great loss to science research. For another, we human are not wellaware of the specific function of every species in the whole food chain. It ison the cards that human which at the top of the chain dies out due todisappearance of one species in the long run. In consideration of the twocases, we have to protect the endangered species.

Actually, many people are making great efforts tosave endangered animals and plants all over the world. For example, researchersin the Giant Panda Protection Base in China are taking care of giant pandasevery day. With their effort, we have gladly seen more and more pandas living underprotection. Although the effort we have made, many species are becoming extincteach year. It proves that the current effort we made is limited. More peopleare expected to join in the protection of other species and more effort is need.Only in this way can we develop sustainably in the long way.

By presenting all the factors above, I stronglybuttress the idea that efforts for saving species is in great need.It is true that by keeping other species from becoming extinct, we are helpingourselves.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-9-16 12:26:42 |只看该作者
1# oyxj1551
I agree with the former claim that societyshould try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense tohumans in effort, time, and financial well-being. In my point of view, everyspecies, concluding human, are equal (这段话有些独立。表面上和题目没有密切联系,上下文也没有相应的承接,说明等。我觉得换成和上下文贴得比较近的句子比较好。事实上,我觉得你这个陈述本身已经可以成为一个issue的题目了,因为这个equalpoor definition -_-). We human should treat other species the sameway as human and do our best to make sure their away of extinction.

Unfortunately, since 1600s we human haverapidly accelerated the extinction of other species because of the growth ofpopulation and resource consumption. According to the World Conservation Union,in the past 500 years there are 844 plant and animal species have diedout from earth. For example, in 1600s Mauritius Island is the only habitant(habitat?) for the famous dodo bird. However, because it's fat and unable tofly, it has soon become the ideal prey of hunters that came from Europe. Soon,it has died out from earth. Today, most of the world's habitats are changingfaster than most species can adapt to. The current global extinction rate isestimated at about 20,000 species per year, exponentially greater than thebackground extinction rate. Many biologists believe that we are in the middleof the greatest mass extinction episode since the disappearance of thedinosaurs 65 million years ago. Hence, facing the serious situation, it's ourresponsibility to save every species and reverse the increasing rate ofextinction.

Besides, we human will be badly influencedby the extinction of species. For one thing, each species can be the studysample for science research. Biologists study different species to find out therelationship between them and to figure out the evolution process. For instance,by studying ape, biologist has discovered lots of valuable information aboutthe evolution of human. So, any extinction of one species will be a great lossto science research. For another, we human are not well aware of the specificfunction of every species in the whole food chain. It is on the cards thathuman which at the top of the chain dies out due to disappearance of onespecies in the long run. In consideration of the two cases, we have to protectthe endangered species.
1. 前一部分,一个studing ape的例子无法支持你的“anyextinction of one species will …”中的any。事实上多少例子都无法支持你的any。我觉得你这个论点很不好论证,因为太绝对。
2. 后一部分,只有论述没有例子,略显单薄。

Actually, many people are making greatefforts to save endangered animals and plants all over the world. For example,researchers in the Giant Panda Protection Base in China are taking care ofgiant pandas every day. With their effort, we have gladly seen more and morepandas living under protection. Although the effort we have made, many speciesare becoming extinct each year. It proves that the current effort we made islimited. More people are expected to join in the protection of other speciesand more effort is need. Only in this way can we develop sustainably in thelong way.
(这一段…… 你那个panda的例子证明了什么?你真正想要论述的应该是后面那部分“目前的努力还不够”吧。你在前面不着重强调部分举例,后面真正要论述的部分不举例,让人觉得这个例子可有可无,无法支持论点。)

By presenting all the factors above, Istrongly buttress the idea that efforts for saving species is in great need. Itis true that by keeping other species from becoming extinct, we are helping ourselves.


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