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[优秀习作] issue128, 教育类之解放思想 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2004-2-24 00:08:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
128 "It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free."

Education is the process that engages the preparation of students for the real world where they will earn the living and realize their ideals. As the commonest form of education, formal education can effectively bring to students knowledge, technology, and humanity that can help them face the competitive society preparedly. While somebody argues that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free, deviating abruptly from the real principle of education, I hold that formal education is something with its own properties, which functions, if not perfectly, well to cultivate erudite and productive people in huge numbers; and it never bond students’ minds and spirits.

Formal education must be of certain conformity that might incur the denouncement that depreciates it as uninteresting or uncreative. Considering that so many students, of different personality, distinct interests, as well as diverse social context, are to be taught at the same time,  there must be conformity that can stipulate average and fair chance for different individuals. For example, a students who likes music will be very happy if the curriculum is full of music, on which occasion he will perhaps set his own minds and spirits free; however, nobody can guarantee Beethoven or Mozart’s coming out , while some students born to be Einstein or Shakespeare will been turned into some two—class trumpets or guitars.
What’s more, conformity does not mean restraint of minds or spirits. Formal education teaches the most basic formulae of science, laws of the nature, and discipline of the society, such act as the basis on which we can truly set free our minds and spirits. In fact, this is much the way handing to different painters the same canvas and brush, with which every individual will draw the glory work of his own and add beauty to the world, without which nobody even the genius can create any beauty.

Another property of formal education that receives the most censure is the examination involved. People castigated that while formal education tends to restrain students’ minds and spirits, examination acts as the gallows of creativity and furthermore causes too much pressure which does great harm to the students’ health, both mentally and physically. However, is there existence of any other methods that can give the students an evaluation that are at first impartial then almost precise? Students remain in their stage of shaping their personality and value system, when they have not enough control of themselves. Without some pressure from examination, they can possibly learn little through their education.

Admittedly, Education had better be a dynamic course rather than a rigid one. General speaking, formal education is also trying to improve itself to better free the mind and the spirit of the students, like the ample electives that can be chosen at every students will, the revise of the old teaching style, and so on. Formal education is involving more new gradients to get more vitality, which can enable it do a better job in setting free students’ minds and spirits.

In sum, formal education does not contradict education’s purpose of freeing students’ minds and spirits. As a effective and fair method of transmitting knowledge, it plays an important role in cultivating students as many as possible. Moreover, students can find in formal education enough space where they can set free their minds and spirits.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2004-2-24 12:30:42 |只看该作者
128 "It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free."

Education is the process that [U]engages the preparation of students for [/U]  (好像有点罗嗦,是不是prepare for就行了?)the real world where they will earn(make a living?) the living and realize their ideals. As the commonest form of education, formal education can effectively bring to students knowledge, technology, and humanity that can help them face (with)the competitive society preparedly. While somebody argues that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free, deviating abruptly from the real principle of education, I hold that formal education is something with its own properties, which functions, if not perfectly, well to cultivate erudite and productive people in huge numbers(numerous people?一个形容词可以概括的好像没必要用短语); and it never bond students’ minds and spirits.

Formal education must be of certain conformity that might incur the [U]denouncement [/U] (这个词是不是用的有点重了) that depreciates it as uninteresting or uncreative. Considering that so many students, of different personality, distinct interests, as well as diverse social [U]context[/U] (是想表达背景的意思嘛?好像有点不恰当), are to be taught at the same time, there must be conformity that can stipulate [U]average [/U]  (应该是平等而不是平均吧)and fair chance for different individuals. For example, a students (单复)who likes music will be very happy if the [U]curriculum is full of music, [/U] (有歧义) on which occasion he will perhaps set his own minds and spirits free; however, nobody can guarantee Beethoven or Mozart’s coming out , while some students [U]born to be Einstein or Shakespeare [/U] (总觉得有中式英语的味道) will been turned into some two—class trumpets or guitars.(这一句没怎么看懂)

What’s more, conformity does not mean restraint of minds or spirits. Formal education teaches the most basic formulae of science, laws of the nature, and discipline of the society, such (which)act as the basis on which we can truly set free our minds and spirits. In fact, this is much the way handing to different painters the same canvas and brush, with which every individual will draw the glory work of his own and [U]add beauty to [/U]  (感觉不地道,是不是换种表达)the world, without [U]which [/U]  (指代什么呢?是不是离先行词太远了)nobody even the genius can create any beauty. 上文的这个比喻还是很贴切和精彩的,8过最好先说明一下,把每个学生比作画匠。

Another property of formal education that receives the most censure is the examination involved. People castigated that while formal education tends to restrain students’ minds and spirits, examination acts as the gallows of creativity and furthermore causes too much pressure which does great harm to the students’ health, both mentally and physically. However, is there existence of any other methods that can give the students an evaluation that are at first impartial then almost precise? Students remain in their stage of shaping their personality and value system, when they have not enough control of themselves. Without some pressure from examination, they can possibly learn little through their education.这一段讲考试也能有效督促学生学习,但最好还是要把重点放在解放思想上。似乎有点偏。

Admittedly, Education had better be a dynamic course rather than a rigid one(为了和dynamic对应,是不是fixed更好些). General speaking, formal education is also trying to improve itself to better free the mind and the spirit of the students, like the ample electives that can be chosen at every students will, the revise of the old teaching style, and so on. Formal education is involving more new gradients to get more vitality, which can enable it do a better job in setting free students’ minds and spirits.

In sum, formal education does not contradict education’s purpose of freeing students’ minds and spirits. As a effective and fair method of transmitting knowledge, it plays an important role in cultivating students as many as possible. Moreover, students can [U]find in formal education enough space [/U]  (有这种表达?find in sthA sthB? )where they can set free their minds and spirits.

总的来说写的不错了,但是不是一上来要给formal education下个定义?通篇说的很起劲但到底什么是formal education还是不清楚,那什么又是informal education捏? 还有就是似乎chinenglish似乎多了点,读起来不是那么流畅。
我的水平so so,见笑了

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


荣誉版主 GRE斩浪之魂 Golden Apple

发表于 2004-2-24 12:39:31 |只看该作者
128 "It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free."

Education is the process that engages the preparation of students for the real world where they will earn the living and realize their ideals. As the commonest form of education, formal education can effectively bring toto去掉 students knowledge, technology, and humanity that can help them face the competitive society preparedly放到FACE前面. While somebody argues that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free, deviating abruptly from the real principle of education, I hold that formal education is something with its own properties, which functions, if not perfectly, wellwell什么意思?好?井? to cultivate erudite and productive people in huge numbers; and it never这个词太绝对了吧。想想《侠客行》里,在最后那个岛上看石刻的武工秘籍的情形 bond students’ minds and spirits.

Formal education must be of certain conformity that might incur the denouncement that depreciates it as uninteresting or uncreative.这句嵌套的THAT读起来很别扭。改一下:Since education must be of certain conformity, it might be depreciated as uninteresting or uncreative. Considering that so many students, ofwith different personality, distinct interests, as well as diverse social context, are to be taught at the same time, there must be conformity that can stipulate average and fair chance for different individuals. For example, a students who likes music will be very happy if the curriculum is full of music, on which occasion he will perhaps set his own minds and spirits free; however, nobody can guarantee Beethoven or Mozart’s coming out , while some students born to be Einstein or Shakespeare will been turned into some two—class trumpets or guitars.只是通过上同样的课就限制了学生的自由?这个理解肤浅了一点吧
What’s more, conformity does not mean restraint of minds or spirits. Formal education teaches the most basic formulae of science, laws of the nature, and discipline of the society, such act as the basis到底是个啥东东有这么大的作用,可以让我们FREE on which we can truly set free our minds and spirits. In fact, this is much the way handing to different painters the same canvas and brush, with which every individual will draw the glory work of his own and add beauty to the world, without which nobody even the genius can create any beauty.

Another property of formal education that receives the most censure is the examination involved. People castigated时态 that while formal education tends to restrain students’ minds and spirits, examination acts as the gallows of creativity and furthermore causes too much pressure which does great harm to the students’ health, both mentally and physically. However, is there existence of any other methods that can give the students an evaluation that are at first impartial then almost precise? 用booth ,and好了Students remain in their stage of shaping their personality and value system, when they have not enough control of themselves. Without some pressure from examination, they can possibly learn little through their education.

Admittedly, Education had better be a dynamic course rather than a rigid one. General speaking, formal education is also trying to improve itself to better free the mind and the spirit of the students, like the ample electives that can be chosen at every students will, the reviserevision of the old teaching style, and so on. Formal education is involving more new gradients to get more vitality, which can enable和前面的CAN重复了 it do a better job in setting free students’ minds and spirits.

In sum, formal education does not contradict education’s purpose of freeing students’ minds and spirits. As a an effective and fair method of transmitting knowledge, it plays an important role in cultivating students as manymuch as possible. Moreover, students can find in formal education enough space where they can set free their minds and spirits.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2004-2-24 13:47:46 |只看该作者

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