1:喜欢做的事情,3选1,我选的是visiting friends
2: modern house or old house with history 更喜欢哪个
3:Reading passage: proposal 推荐教师到户外草坪上上课,1有趣,2最近新修了场地,座位,板凳
Listening passage: Men student 不同意, 1分散注意力,有鸟子,朋友路过 2,新修的地方座位不够
4:Reading: cyclic population 动物数量中期性变化
Listening: 用狼和老鼠举例, 1,狼少鼠多 2狼多鼠少 3狼少鼠多 形成循环
5: 钥匙,作业锁在房间里: 1 跟教授推迟交作业 2花钱找工作人员开门
6: Create suspense for movie: 搞悬念,1 what may be the end 2 how to reach the end
独立写作: 是否同意 communication skill is most important for successful politician or leader?