me: good morning sir, nice to meet you!
vo: morning, how are u
me: fine, thx, how are u
vo: fine. you are study at BUAA?
me: 声音太小,完全没听清,汗. pardon me?
vo: you are study at BUAA?
me: yes.
vo: what's your major?
me: computer science.
vo: what major will you study at US?
me: computer science. in xxx Univ. do you wanna see my offer letter?
vo: yes
me: 递给他系里,学院和研究生院的录取和奖学金信
vo: 看完之后 ok. give me your resume and research plan.
me: sure, 然后依次给他简历和study plan
vo: 非常仔细地看
me: er...because CS is offered as an area of concentration of phd program in
engineering, so thats way the major on my I-20 is "engineering".这是事先准备好
vo: 不理我,继续看
do you assigned an advisor?
me: yes,his ...被打断
vo:do you have any information about your advisor?
me: yes, here is the homepage of my advisor.掏出,递给他
vo: 看,然后起身离开,好像是去复印我的offer letter。很快就回来了
vo: what's your parents do?
me: well...both of them work in a university....打断
vo: what are their jobs?
me: er..my father is a senior engineer in a lab, and my mother is a professor in school of econ and management. and I have the certificates,you wanna see it?
vo: yes
me: 递入父母收入及工作证明。
vo: 看。。。 what's kind of lab your father works in?
me: CAD lab. 看他不解,貌似想问cad是什么。 遂又加上一句 computer aid design
vo: ok...继续翻看,然后说了面试过程中最让我汗的一句话
wow, you mother makes more money than your father...
me: yes, because she is a professor.
vo: how does you father think?
me: ..............汗如雨下
er....actrually, my father enjoys his life, because he could spend more time at
home and play with me....
vo: 终于笑了起来 haha.然后在我的护照上盖了个章,拿出一张粉纸和一个白条,写了两
笔之后, 对我说ok, there's no problem for your visa, but we need 3 weeks to
me: 知道被check了,微笑回答 sure
vo: 递出我的i20和offer letter,留下了护照,简历,study plan,和教授主页,还有复印的
offer letter。然后对我说:请保存好这些,他们非常重要,拿着这个去外面大厅办理邮
me: ok, 谢谢!
P.S. 刚才忘了说,我的研究方向是theory of algorithm. 导师的主页上也是这么写得,但是最后还写了一个robotics,属于敏感专业之一,不知道和这个有没有关系,还是说只要是cs都可能被check。。。。本来我觉得我的研究方向这么理论,应该是很安全的。。。还有提醒大家,最好还是不要改导师的cv和主页,没准会像我一样被收走。如果最后把删敏感词的事情归为cheating,就太不值得了。