Occupation | ASCO Code |
Managers and Administrators (50 points. Require a degree) |
Company Secretary | 1212-11 |
Construction Project Manager | 1191-11 |
Education Managers (not elsewhere classified) | 1293-79 |
Environment, Parks and Land Care Manager | 1299-17 |
Laboratory Manager | 1299-13 |
Medical Administrator | 1292-13 |
Policy and Planning Manager | 1291-11 |
Project Builder | 1191-13 |
Production Manager (Manufacturing) | 1222-11 |
Production Manager (Miner) | 1222-13 |
Regional Education Manager | 1293-15 |
Research and Development Manager | 1299-11 |
Sports Administrator | 1299-19 |
Welfare Centre Manager | 1299-15 |
Professionals (50 points. Require a degree) |
Accountant - Internal Auditor | 2212-13 |
Actuary | 2293-15 |
Acupuncturist | 2394-13 |
Advertising Specialist | 2221-17 |
Agricultural adviser | 2114-21 |
Agricultural Scientist | 2114-19 |
Anatomist or Physiologist | 2113-11 |
Architect - Landscape Architect | 2121-13 |
Archivist | 2299-15 |
Art Teacher (Private) see Teacher - Art (Private) | |
Audiologist | 2399-11 |
Biochemist | 2113-17 |
Botanist | 2113-13 |
Building Surveyor | 2549-79 |
Business and Information Professionals (not elsewhere classified) | 2299-79 |
Careers Counsellor - see Counsellors - Careers Counsellor | |
Cartographer | 2123-11 |
Chemist | 2111-11 |
Community Worker | 2512-13 |
Conservator | 2549-11 |
Copywriter - see Journalist - Copywriter | |
Counsellors (not elsewhere classified) | 2513-79 |
Counsellors - Careers Counsellor | 2513-17 |
Counsellors - Drug and Alcohol Counsellor | 2513-13 |
Counsellors - Family Counsellor | 2513-15 |
Counsellors - Rehabilitation Counsellor | 2513-11 |
Dance Teacher (Private) see Teacher - Dance (Private) | |
Designers and Illustrators - Fashion Designer | 2533-11 |
Designers and Illustrators - Graphic Designer | 2533-13 |
Designers and Illustrators - Illustrator | 2533-19 |
Designers and Illustrators - Industrial Designer | 2533-15 |
Designers and Illustrators - Interior Designer | 2533-17 |
Drama Teacher (Private) | 2491-17 |
Drug and Alcohol Counsellor - see Counsellors - Drug and Alcohol Counsellor | |
Economist | 2522-11 |
Editor - see Journalist - Editor | |
Electorate Officer | 2549-13 |
Environmental Health Officer | 2543-13 |
Environmental research scientist | 2114-11 |
Extractive Metallurgist | 2119-15 |
Family Counsellor - see Counsellors - Family Counsellor | |
Fashion Designer - see Designers and Illustrators - Fashion Designer | |
Forester | 2114-13 |
Geologist | 2112-11 |
Geophysicist | 2112-13 |
Graphic Designer - see Designers and Illustrators - Graphics Designer | |
Health Information Manager | 2299-11 |
Historian | 2529-11 |
Illustrator - see Designers and Illustrators - Illustrator | |
Industrial Designer - see Designers and Illustrators - Industrial Designer | |
Industrial Pharmacist - see Pharmacist - Industrial Pharmacist | |
Industrial Relations Officer | 2291-15 |
Intelligence Officer | 2299-19 |
Interior Designer - see Designers and Illustrators - Interior Designer | |
Internal Auditor - see Accountant - Internal Auditor | |
Journalist - Copywriter | 2534-19 |
Journalist - Editor | 2534-11 |
Journalist - Print Journalist | 2534-13 |
Journalist - Radio Journalist | 2534-17 |
Journalist - Technical Writer | 2534-21 |
Journalist - Television Journalist | 2534-15 |
Journalists and Related Professionals
(not elsewhere classified) | 2534-79 |
Land Economist | 2295-13 |
Landscape Architect - see Architect - Landscape Architect | |
Librarian | 2292-11 |
Life Scientists (not elsewhere classified) | 2113-79 |
Management Consultant | 2294-11 |
Marine Biologist | 2113-19 |
Market Research Analyst | 2221-15 |
Marketing Specialist | 2221-13 |
Master Fisher | 2542-13 |
Materials Scientist | 2119-19 |
Mathematician | 2293-11 |
Meteorologist | 2119-13 |
Museum or Gallery Curator | 2549-21 |
Music Teacher (Private) | 2491-13 |
Natural and Physical Science Professionals
(not elsewhere classified) | 2119-79 |
Naturopath | 2394-11 |
Occupational Health and Safety Officer | 2543-11 |
Oenologist | 2549-17 |
Organisation and Methods Analyst | 2294-13 |
Orthoptist | 2399-13 |
Orthotist | 2399-15 |
Patents Examiner | 2549-15 |
Park Ranger | 2114-15 |
Personnel Consultant | 2291-13 |
Personnel Officer | 2291-11 |
Pharmacist - Industrial Pharmacist | 2382-13 |
Physical Metallurgist | 2119-17 |
Physicist | 2119-11 |
Policy Analyst | 2299-17 |
Print Journalist - see Journalist - Print Journalist | |
Public Relations Officer | 2221-11 |
Quality Assurance Manager | 2294-15 |
Radio Journalist - see Journalist - Radio Journalist | |
Records Manager | 2299-13 |
Recreation Officer | 2549-19 |
Rehabilitation Counsellor - see Counsellors - Rehabilitation Counsellor | |
Sales Representative (Industrial Products) | 2222-11 |
Sales Representative
(Information and Communication Products) | 2222-13 |
Sales Representative
(Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) | 2222-15 |
Sales Representatives (Technical) (not elsewhere classified) | 2222-79 |
Social Professionals
(not elsewhere classified) | 2529-79 |
Soil scientist | 2114-17 |
Statistician | 2293-13 |
Teacher - Art Teacher (Private) | 2491-11 |
Teacher - Dance Teacher (Private) | 2491-15 |
Teacher - Education Officer | 2493-11 |
Teacher - Vocational Education Teacher (non trades) | 2422-11 |
Technical Sales Representatives (not elsewhere classified) - see Sales Representative (Technical) (not elsewhere classified) | |
Technical Writer - see Journalist - Technical Writer | |
Television Journalist - see Journalist - Television Journalist | |
Training Officer | 2291-17 |
Urban and Regional Planner | 2523-11 |
Valuer | 2295-11 |
Zoologist | 2113-15 |
Associate Professionals (40 ponts. Require an AQF Diploma or above) |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Health Worker | 3493-11 |
Ambulance Officer | 3491-11 |
Architectural Associate | 3121-13 |
Branch Accountant (Financial Institution) | 3211-11 |
Building Associate Professionals (nec) | 3129-79 |
Building Associate | 3121-11 |
Building Inspector | 3121-17 |
Chemistry Technical Officer | 3112-11 |
Civil Engineering Technician | 3122-13 |
Commodities Trader | 3212-17 |
Dental Hygienist | 3492-13 |
Dental Therapist | 3492-11 |
Disabilities Services Officer | 3421-17 |
Family Support Worker | 3421-19 |
Financial Dealers and Brokers (not elsewhere classified) | 3212-79 |
Financial Institution Branch Manager | 3211-13 |
Financial Investment Adviser | 3213-11 |
Financial Market Dealer | 3212-15 |
Futures Trader | 3212-13 |
Hotel or Motel Manager (Degree Level) | 3323-11 |
Hotel or Motel Manager (Diploma Level) | 3323-11 |
Insurance Broker | 3212-19 |
Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic | 3491-13 |
Interior Decorator | 3999-11 |
Library Technician | 3997-11 |
Massage Therapist | 3494-11 |
Metallurgical and Materials Technician | 3129-13 |
Mine Deputy | 3129-15 |
Museum or Art Gallery Technician | 3999-13 |
Office Manager | 3291-11 |
Parole or Probation Officer | 3421-11 |
Plumbing Engineering Associate | 3121-21 |
Plumbing Inspector | 3121-19 |
Primary Products Inspector | 3991-11 |
Project or Program Administrator | 3292-11 |
Property Manager | 3293-13 |
Real Estate Agency Manager | 3293-11 |
Real Estate Salesperson | 3293-15 |
Residential Care Officer | 3421-15 |
Safety Inspector | 3992-11 |
Stockbroking Dealer | 3212-11 |
Surveying and Cartographic Associate | 3121-15 |
Youth Worker | 3421-13 |