We are looking for committed PhD studentsstarting Fall 2010. Our research program is multidisciplinary and the maineffort is placed on innovative design and integration of Nano/Micro and OpticalTechnology for new scientific discoveries, as well as practical applications.Current major directions include quantitative label-free molecular sensing andmicroscopy, Nano/Microfluidic systems (lab on a chip), and tunable opticalNano/Micro Electromechanical systems and devices (N/MEMS). The major applicationsare in the biomedical/biological, traditional/alternative energy, andenvironmental fields.
Desired candidate: Undergraduate or master degreein physics, chemistry, or engineering; strong analytical and experimentalbackground. Knowledge of optical physics, imaging science, or spectroscopy is aplus. Hands-on experience in one or more of the following areas is a big plus:microscopy, spectroscopy, optical imaging system, microfluidics, and MEMS.
Briefintroduction about the Electrical Engineering PhD program at the University ofHouston:
TheEE PhD program is among the top 100 US EE programs. Areas of studies include:Nanotechnology, Semiconductor, Nano/Microfabrication, Controls, Sensortechnology, Electromagnetism, Optical and photonic science and technology,Neuroscience & engineering, and Biomedical engineering. The City of Houstonis the 4th largest metropolitan in the US, with many jobopportunities in Energy and Biomedical fields. The cost of living is relativelylow compared to most US metropolitan areas. Houston has one of the bestChinatowns and Chinese food in the country.
Ifyou are interested, please visit the following webpage: http://www.egr.uh.edu/ece/faculty/shih/