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Rank: 3Rank: 3

·¢±íÓÚ 2011-2-28 18:45:00 |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß |µ¹Ðòä¯ÀÀ

I deeply agree with the speaker that the investment in research is really good because it is generally speaking that many various results of different fields bring us benifit a lot , involving philosophy, mathematics, phychology, biology and so forth, let alone solve enduring problems which will affect human's future life. As to results themselves, however, I challenge that the results of the research could not be determined as controversial or not, instead, it depends on the person who emploies them.
I concede that the speaker stands on the correct side of the contention that whether it is a smart investment to spend money on research.What's the nice definition of the research? Researsh always means a way that scientists or even common people seek for the better solutions to enduring problems or establish a new theory on a controversial thesis. In biology, scientists spent at least a decade on researching genome to find pathogens of some terrible deseases such as AIDS or cancers and try myriad of meatures, experimenting on animals, to help know the efficient approaches to heal the patients.In another respective, research also open up a completely new world of uncharted territory which make us more comfortable and convient to live such as radio-signaling system invented by Guglielmo Marconi who won the Nobel Prize, which is a great invention emploied either in navies or in the daily life.
However, we should be more circumspect while investing in the research whose objectives or results are vague and whose benefits are too speculative because the money spent on research could be used in other exigent programs when many people are enduring femine, air pollution, disasters, etc. throughout the world. A telling example is so-called "Star Wars" defense initiative,championed by the Reagen. He ignored the American current social problems including violance among teenagers and the lack of awareness of AIDS so that the progrom failed at last when the problems are getting heavier and heavier.
The speaker does not give an accurate definition of "controversial" , which amounts to " fail" or "abuse"?First, if the speaker considers controversial results of the research means the failure of the research, no one could affirm that the research will succeed even if Nobel who through hundreds of experiments invented powder. We should to be continuing trying as we know failure is the mother of success .Secondly, maybe the speaker is afraid of the abusing of results of research like nuclear weapon. The speaker begs the question and distort the conception, because the source of abusing does not contribute to results of research themselves. Morphine can be used to save a person and also kill he/her. As long as we utilize these results in good ways, the world would be changed into a better one.
In sum, I agree insofar as money spent on research is smart. After all, research is a vital factor of momentum propelling the world to develop not only in science but also in daily life. In the final analysis, investment in research benefits more than impairs so that we should allocate social resources reasonably to support the research whose objectives are clear and well-conceived.

ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨

Rank: 3Rank: 3

·¢±íÓÚ 2011-3-1 12:48:34 |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß

ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨

Rank: 3Rank: 3

·¢±íÓÚ 2011-3-2 08:52:51 |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß
TOPIC: ISSUE190 - "As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate-and, perhaps, even cruel-when one considers all the potential uses of such money."
WORDS: 522          TIME: 01:32:46          DATE: 2011-3-1 23:38:06

I am in favor of what the speaker claimed that the public resources should be reasonably allocated to the homeless or people who lack the basic survival skills  living in a society full of the hungry or men out of work. Supporting the arts, however, in adverse aspect, is not anappropriate or even cruel, because from before, arts have impelled a lot to the development of human being including theories, career, culture, some of which helped solving the problems like jobs and created invaluable treasure. In my point of view, money spent on arts are a good use which is potential to make the society better.

It is no doubt that the first exigent problems of a society for the government to handle with involved femine, diseases, lack of jobs, in that if these basic problems concerned with citizens' daily life cannot be solved readily, a riot would be aroused. At this time, some people may say this claim sounds far-fetched to some, but the event happened in Egypt in January in 2011 gave us substantial evidence to support the opinion discussed  above. The Egyptian succeeded in putting down the government through nearly one-month struggle for their rights because of whelming young people who do not have jobs and other reasons that the fundemantal needs of people do not meet. The public resorces are so rare that they should be disturbed to where is necessary when supporting the arts seems unnecessary.

Nowadays,in the main, majority of the arts are subsidized by the various funds established by private magnates instead of the government. In Renaissance Italy, artists Michelangelo and Raphael were supported by the Medicis, a powerful banking family, and even tomorrow, cultural support will come from new moguls including the likes of Bill Gates and Ted Turner. Thus, there is no problem existed about whether should the government spends money on the arts or not.

Last but not the least, the use of public resources to support the arts could benefit the society to help the people live better. The prosperity of the arts always amounts to much more occupations left to the people so that more and more people who are out of work. The society then could set into motion a serious of solutions that will be found to primary social problems. When people who already have jobs to feed on are not worried about their lives any more, the society will come into a good circulation that more money and resources will be created to allocate and help others who are in need. In this face of the topic, supporting the arts are sensible for the government to do so.

In the final analysis, government should consider all the potential uses of money and determine how much money should be spent on the exigent projects immediately;at the same time, how to support the arts also would be made into consideration. If we set up espousing the arts after all the problems done, then that day would never approach. As long as the government allocates the public resources reasonably, some social crisis will be worked out in a better way.

ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨

Rank: 3Rank: 3

·¢±íÓÚ 2011-3-2 08:53:44 |Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß

ʹÓõÀ¾ß ¾Ù±¨

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