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[a习作temp] 不限时写作 ARGUMENT 200 求狂拍!!! [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-2-26 15:17:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 qibei1988 于 2011-2-26 15:20 编辑

TOPIC: ARGUMENT200 - Statistics collected from dentists indicate that three times more men than women faint while visiting the dentist. This evidence suggests that men are more likely to be distressed about having dental work done than women are. Thus, dentists who advertise to attract patients should target the male consumer and emphasize both the effectiveness of their anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity of their staff to nervous or suffering patients. WORDS: 469 TIME: 01:48:59 DATE: 2011/2/26 14:43:47

In this argument, the author concludes that dentists should target male patients by advertisements and emphasize their successful anesthetic techniques and the staff's acute insight to the nervous or suffering patients. To support this argument the author cites the statistics indicating that men faint's number are three times than women's. To solidify this conclusion, the author also claims that men are more easily distressed than women when having dental work. But the argument involves several unsubstantiated assumptions, making it not convincing. To begin with, the author fails to provide evidence to assure me that the statistics on which the argument relies on is reliable.Perhaps the sample is very small or it contains unapproporational numbers of men and women,such as men are just more than women by three times.Moreover, perhaps the dentists fabricate the statistics to illure male patients' coming by ensuring the patients comfortable. Lacking sufficient information about these factors, the author can not draw any persuasive conclusion.

In additiion, even if the statistics truly reflect that men are more easily faint than women, the author concludes that the fact emerges because these men are more likely to be distressd when having dental work.Yet it is not the case.It is entirely possible that men are prone to meet dentists when they are not able to continue to stand the torment by bad teeth, while female might frequently go there only when tiny problems appears.Unless the author can convince me the possiblity is unlikely it is unfairly to conclude that men are more vulnerable than women when having dental work.

Furthermore, even if men are more likely to be destressed, the author can not overlooks the other consumers-the female who might be consitute a large crowed primarily. That female's distress is not more than male's might be possiblly mean that they also suffer pains which just can not be compared to male's. It would be a fausful statregy if the dentists only target male patients.

Finally, the author assumes that emphasizing both the anesthetic 's effctiveness and the staff's sensitivity to specific patients, it is equally possible that some other conditions would be more significant,such as dentist's experience ,clinic or hospital's medical equipments and other possible factors.Without ruling out these and other possilities, the author can not assure me that dentist can attract patients by making these steps.

To sum up, the argument is not persuasive as it stands.To be more convincing, the author would have to ensure the validity of the statistics collected from dentists. To better evaluate the argument, the author should offer more information about that men actually more likely to be distressed when having dental work. I need to know more about the number of female consumer cannot decrease if dentists attract male primarily.I need also know it have only two requirements-rather than other factors-to emphasize.
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