Lost a Handphone 寻手机
(email:M110050@e.ntu.edu.sg, QQ:233711479)
Dear Friends:
I lost a handphone (Samsung Galaxy Note2 LTE, white colour with green leather cover, HP:9776XX89) on shuttle bus (MRT to Campus) during the travel from HALL 1 to Administration Building on 30/07/2013. I got onto the bus at HALL 1 and found it was lost 2 minutes after alighting at Administration Building station. Please contact me if you found the abovementioned item. Monetary rewards will be presented. Email: M110050@e.ntu.edu.sg .
Thank you very much!
我于30/07/2013在MRT 到学校的校车上掉了一部三星手Note2, 其手机号9776XX89. 小弟在HALL 1 上车,在STUDENT SERVICE CENTER 下过车,然继续乘车到Administration Building 站下车,2分钟后,我发现手机不见了。
望发现的朋友与我联系. 我将与以物质重谢!邮箱:M110050@e.ntu.edu.sg, QQ:233711479.