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[未归类] abigail123的作文贴~求监督求拍砖 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-6 23:41:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? There is never a reason for people to be rude (impolite) to another person. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Are there some reasons for people to be impolite to another person?At first glance of this discussion,I should say that it is not appropriate for people to be rude to others.However,a further consideration from me reflects that the attitude we hold should according to the condition and the person we face.I will illustrate my point of view in the fllowing three aspects.

First and foremost,I should admit that it is better for everyone to be polite to the people they communicate,for that it is a basic rule to respect others.If we become polite to others usually,we can not only leave a great impression on others but also make ourself a comfortable feeling.For example, in a business negotiation,to be polite to the client or colleaborator is the base of the fllowing processes.A polite and formal movement make the client or clleaborator feel the sincere purpose,making the negotiation more smooth.In addition,if keeping calm and polite in the negotiation,the corporation will take the initiative role through the cooperation.Not just in formal situation like the business gegotiation,we should be polite in our daily life as well.Imagine that,which person you will choose to be a friend,a polite and gentle person or a rude and impolite person.Actually,I will choose the former one for several reasons.For instance,a polite and gentle person often have a good background of education,so that I can study a lot from him or her,evern just the appropriate attitude to treat others.However,a person who is rude and impolite usually treat things in his or her own points ,so that we can hardly be friends.In turn,there are a crowd of people holding the same opinion as me,so we might be polite to others.

On the other hand,in some extreme conditions,we can sometime be rude to others.The extreme conditions stand that conditiond which can not be solved in by a peaceful method.For example,if we met some one who is rude and impolite and who can not understand the principle or even can not listen to others,what should we do next?In this condition,to be polite make little efforts because the person you face just can not understand why you are so polite.If we be rude to this kind of person,things might be more easily just beause that kind of person can accept the same way by which they sove the problems.Other extreme situations are such as the fact that the angry citizens parade to resist the decayed administration.

To sum up,to be polite is a basic rule in our social relationship,but except some exteme situations.That is to say we should hold a polite and gentle attitude to respect others and this attitude will also benefits us in return.But in the extreme situation,be polite can be a shortage in solving problems.So we should distinguish the situations we face then choose a better attitude.9 X3 J# W+ F8 R* U  L

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-7 04:25:12 |只看该作者
1# abigail123 Are there some reasons for people to be impolite to another person?At first glance of this discussion,I should say that it is not appropriate for people to be rude to others.However,a further consideration from me reflects that the attitude we hold should according to Judged bythe condition and the person we face.I will illustrate my point of view in the fllowing from three aspects.

. i' r; b$ t' n
First and foremost,I should admit that it is better for everyone to be polite to the people they communicate,for that it is a basic rule to respect others.If we become polite to others usually,we can not only leave a great impression on others but also make ourself a comfortable feeling(好句).For example, in a business negotiation,to be polite to the client or colleaborator(这是啥) is the base of the fllowing (拼写错误)processes.A polite and formal movement make the client or clleaborator(这是啥) feel the sincere purpose(sincerity),making the negotiation more smooth.In addition,if(这里可能需要加一个代词) keeping calm and polite in the negotiation,the corporation will take the initiative role through the cooperation.Not just in formal situation like the business gegotiation,we should be polite in our daily life as well.Imagine that,which person you will choose to be a friend,a polite and gentle person or a rude and impolite person.Actually,I will choose the former one for several reasons.For instance,a polite and gentle person often have a good background of education,so that I can study a lot from him or her,evern just the appropriate attitude to treat others.However,a person who is rude and impolite usually treat things in his or her own points ,so that we can hardly be friends.(前面这个例子很好)In turn,there are a crowd of people holding the same opinion as me,so we might be polite to others.1 r6 {- ^7 ^+ V1 x' G

On the other hand,in some extreme conditions,we can sometime be rude to others.The extreme conditions stand that conditiond which can not be solved in by a peaceful method.For example,if we met some one who is rude and impolite and who can not understand the principle or even can not listen to others,what should we do next?In this condition,to be polite make little efforts because the person you face just can not understand why you are so polite.If we be rude to this kind of person,things might be more easily这里应该有个逗号吧 just beause that kind of person can accept the same way by which they sove the problems.Other extreme situations are such as the fact that the angry citizens parade to resist the decayed administration(这个例子貌似不是很好, 对抗政府的游行跟主题貌似有点偏).
# a) F% w' c0 d( S: O) [/ b# A
To sum up,to be polite is a basic rule in our social relationship,but except some exteme situations.That is to say we should hold a polite and gentle attitude to respect others and this attitude will also benefits us in return.But in the extreme situation,be(being) polite can be a shortage in solving problems.So we should distinguish the situations we face(faced) then choose a better attitude.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-7 20:43:16 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-8 22:15:07 |只看该作者
When it come to the question that whether the help from government is necessary since most people can slove their problem by themselves or with the help from their families,there is always a heated discusion.At first glance,I would state that it is of no need to get help from government.However,further consideration reveals that to some content,government still have a indispensible influence on the society.I will illustrate my own point of view that we people still need the help form the government from three respects as follows.

On the one hand,I have to admit that with the high pace of the development of the techniques such as international tools in the society,people can solve more problems by themslves or with the help from their families which they  had have to wait until the government worked out once.

However,the fact that people can resolve some problems themselves of by their families can not present that they do not need the government’s help any more.Even nowadays,government still take a significant role in society.

First and foremost,some city wide or even nation wide problems need government to issue policies to manage and supervise the actions taken at certain areas.For instance,to solve the water pollution problem,person can only individually pay attention to some daily deeds,however government has right and obligation to regular the actions of the companies and institutions.In details,government can set a rule to punish the companies and institutions who do not obey the basic regulation of water protection,and in turn government can use the fine to improve the quality of the waters that have aready pollutted.

In addition,some international problems are so hard for individuals to settle out so that government have to play a important role.The most focued issue these days the enegy problem is a approriate example.The government of Japan,a special one,understands the condition that the there is a great shortage in the territory well,so that the Japan government nowadays has brought the energy all over the world and buried it in the deep sea of Japan.In short,to consider some macroscopic problems we should believe and support the government because the government ha s a team of professors and directors who have large mounts of experience,so that the government can solve the problem more quickly,appropriatly and far-sightedly.

To sum up,people these days can solve some problems but not all,so that they still need government help them in some fields.Acctually,government play a significant role in some macroscopic field according to the advantages it has.So,to live better,we people should at one hand solve problems by ourselves or with the help of families,and at the other hand support the actions that government make.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-10-9 12:43:22 |只看该作者
4# abigail123 When it come to the question that whether the help from government is necessary(句子太长,这里加个,断下句?) it is quite hard to make a judgement because since 删去)most people can slove(solve) their problem by themselves or with the help from their families,there is always a heated discusion(删去).At the first glance,I would state that it is of no need to get help from government.However,further consideration reveals that to some content,government still have a indispensible influence on the society.I will illustrate my own points of view that we people still need the help form the government from three respects as follows.
On the one hand,I have to admit that with the high pace of the development of the techniques such as international tools in the society,people can solve more problems by themselves or with the help from their families, which they  had have to wait until the government worked out once.
However,the fact is that people can resolve(solve) some problems themselves of by their families can not present (does not mean)that they do not need the government’s help any more.Even nowadays,government still take a significant role in society."
First and foremost,some city wide or even nation wide problems need government to issue policies to manage and supervise the actions taken at certain areas.For instance,to solve the water pollution problem,person can only individually pay attention to some daily deeds,however government has the right and obligation to regular the actions of the companies and institutions.In details,government can set a rule to punish the companies and institutions who do not obey the basic regulation of water protection,and in turn government can use the fine to improve the quality of the waters that havehad areadyalready been polluttedpolluted.
In addition,some international problems are so hard for individuals to settle out(settle) so that government have to play aan important role.The most focued issue these days the enegyenergy problem is a approriate example.The government of Japan,a special one,understands the condition that the there is a great shortage in the territory well,so that the Japan government nowadays has brought the energy all over the world and buried it in the deep sea of Japan.(小熊有点不明白哦,能源怎么埋在日本海的呢?可能需要具体一些的指到某种燃料吧)In short,to consider some macroscopic problems we should believe and support the government because the government ha s a team of professors and directors who have large mounts of experience,so that the government can solve the problem more quickly,appropriatly and far-sightedly(这个词没有哦,或者用with long run interest).
To sum up,people these days can solve some problems but not all,so that they still need government help them in some fields.Acctually,government play a significant role in some macroscopic field according to the advantages it has.So,to live better,we people should at one hand solve problems by ourselves or with the help of families,and at the other hand support the actions that government make.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-10-16 00:16:47 |只看该作者

When come to the discussion that whether more and more people spend a large mount of money,which can be used to do other things, on raising pets,various people have diffrent opinions.Some people support that pets are  the best friends of human so it is necessary to treat them good even at a expense of much money.Others hold the point that such mount of money should be spend to do some other crucial things such as helping poor students.Personally,I believe that it is not necessart to spend too much money on dogs and cats,and I will illustrate my point of view as follows.
Actually,I must admit that with the high pace in the development of society,enjoying life is becoming more and more significant.And always keeping a pet will bring such feelings to a person especially a lonely person in a big city.A pet can company a person and make him fell full and warm.So usually we people just regard pets as friends but animals so that we treat them by our hearts and offer them the best things,such as food and toys.While we do not reliaze that maybe the pets do not need such things but just our company.Spending less money on pets do not stands we do not care them.That two things are irrelevant.So there must some good ways to keep pets well and save money at the same time.
However,even pet takes a important role in people's life,there are still a lot of meaningful things we people can spend money,to make our life more colorful.
First and foremost,a great number of poor students still do not have opportunitied to go to school to learn knowledge and experience.The education roughly stands the future of the world.So to help poor children to go to school can not only offer them chances to learn but also make great contributions to improve the society.We can use the extra money to buy some books or applications for the children,or even we can pay the tuitions for them directly.
In addition,we people can spend our extra money together to build some special funds to solve some serious problems in socierty.For example,maybe we can establish a fund to help the old peopel in our community.With the money of the fund,we can invite teachers to teach the old to paint or sing,whichi can make them life more colorful.At the same time,such action can not only release the pressure of the government but also make the old live more comfortable.
To sum up,to spend too much money on raising pets is not a wise choice because we can think out ideas to keep pets well and use the extra money to do more things at the same time,such as helping the poor students and setting funds to solve the socail problem.

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