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[i习作temp] Issue Topic 010 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-10 21:21:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 fiona_young 于 2012-1-28 17:34 编辑

Issue Topic 010

Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.
In this fast developing world, urban is expanding according to the will of human. land, water, forest are continuously consumed in large amount. As result, man is craving for more and more natural resource. Now you can imagine that how excited people are when they find the new natural state. Of course some intellectural with long vision and environmental protectionists are aware of the critical situation we are faced today------natual resource is limited. If we continue to act like this, we, human may probably remain as the last creature suffering in this world, without any living spieces.

Is it really a question of tossing coin, head or letter? No other choice?
Not really, in a short term, we gain economic profit. In the long run, we are trading off our surviving chance. Which is more important? I guess it is very clear. The ever lasting human surviving should always be the overriding importance.

The deteriorating natural environment will finally endanger human kind. When we exploit the natural state, we are not only robbing the home of those wild lives, but also disturbing the natural balance. Let imagine that. We, need more living materials for the expanding of urban area. We may chop the trees in the forests to build house, furnitures and papers. With the decreasing number of trees, animals and insets who rely on trees may probably die out. While the birds, by which many trees pollinate, may not survive for the lacking of food. The consequence is that the trees may not grow up again. Without the trees as the barriers, the floods may easily ruin our cities. The nature is existing in a balance. Those who break it will get punished by the nature.

It is not wise to trade off the natural balance for economic gains. We may pay off in the future. Some people are so shortsighted and irresponsible. They focus on the quick profit they gain for the time being and ignore the price we may pay for the later. When local factories contaminated the SuZhou river through pouring all the wastes into it, few people foresee the amount of money we pay right now to refresh the water and save the dying fishes in the river. It now also consume a great deal of money to sustain its cleaness. Because the self clearness of the river cannot be rejuvenate that soon. It’s easy for us to destroy it, it is difficult and expensive to restore it. the amount of money now we put to clean the river greatly surpasses that we gained when we pollute it.

Besides the consideration of economic gain, we should also take the responsibility of the protection of wild life. Wild life is endangered by human activities. They need our help to survive. As the human activities are inevitably having impact on the wild life, many species of animals are extinct and facing critical problem of surviving. With the fast growing of science and technology, we should consider how to develop and get economic gains in a rational manner rather than simply exploit the natural resource or rob the home of wild life. We, probably the creature with great wisdom in this plant, should utilize our wisdom and natural resource in a proper way and do everything we could to restore and keep the balance.

We do not have to choose between one or another. With thoughtful consideration and god blessed wisdom and serious sense of responsibility, we can take the utmost from the nature and realize a long term development.

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Issue Topic 010
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