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[i习作temp] 【求点评】issue 82政府是否该哎展出前审查艺术品 [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-5-9 18:51:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 yuyanw315 于 2012-5-9 19:04 编辑

Government should never censor the artistic works or historical displays that a museum wishes to exhibit.

  Since the existence of art, artistical works contained so much meaning. Some represented the tendency of the society, some implied
potential problems of the world, some took note of the history, some expressed artists' more or less intense feelings. Therefore we can never compare between benefit and harmness art brings to us. Thus though i don't agree with the author's statement that government should not interfere artists exhibition work, we should take the issue objective.

  As for art's nature, free and complicated in emotions, the content may fluctuate between brilliant to gloomy. In this aspect, it is government's responsibility to censor the artistic works a museum prepare to exhibit. For example, a museum is about to displaying a work which has hostile attitude towards the communist party, which leads China's policy. The government should definitely prohibit this kind of exhibition, for it may stimulate some militants who are also hostile the Communis party and thus arouse potential revolutions or other social conflict. Similarly, the artistic work may also intense to expose some secret history to the society which is object to the government's benefit, such as ones aim to cause chaos of the society or ones mean to draw public's doubt against the government. Thus, standing on the side of government, it ought to take measure before they eventually disturb the harmoniousness of the society.

  Art is a form of freedom, which means artists express anything they want through it. Apparently, it contains the kinds which is comparatively unhealthy. Such as ones which contains too much sex and violent, which serve to impulse people's eyes, particularly, harmful to children. Therefore, if the museum display too many such unhealthy, parents would no longer take their children to the museum, consequently decrease children's ability to appreciate and cut their ways to  connect art. What's more, this kind of staff may also attract a group of vulgar people, who utilize the art of work for evil trade, which may see as a blasphemy to art. As the museums are public places, they may serve as a way to effect social tendency. If they exhibit too many unhealthy, not only are the public badly influenced, but also the intension and character of art be negatively impacted.

  However, in so far as authority, the government should in no circumstance abuse----too much abuse may discourage the artists and ruin a way of creativity. We should encourage something new and full of creativity. They may see heresy, they may look a little bit bizarre, but this is where the art exist for. The government ought to balance between prohibition and stimulation.

  In sum, as the art may do harm to the society to some degree, the government should censor the content of each work to be exhibited, in order to ensure the positive influence to the society. Though, in the same time, governments should also be careful not to abuse authority, for an encouragement to creation is also of great significance.


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【求点评】issue 82政府是否该哎展出前审查艺术品
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