Issue79 Claim: The best test of an argument is its ability to convince someone with an opposing viewpoint. Reason: Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea. 提纲 1. 说服别人确实是一种验证自己观点可信度的方法 (1)当别人攻击我们的观点时,他们往往会寻找我们观点中的漏洞作为攻击点,因此我们得以重新审视自己的看法。 (2)别人对自己观点的质疑也是一种鞭策,为我们完善自己的思路提供了动力 2.但是很多时候绝对的正误并不存在,因此argument只有有益于大多数人就可以,没必要追求说服任何人(因为根本没有标准答案) 3.并且对于很多盲目保守者/吹毛求疵者,对他们的说服是没有意义的。因为argument的论证应该是一种逻辑性的思考,然而这些人盲目的否定只是一种排外思想,根本没有对argument本身的思索,因此思维方式的不对称致使争论本身没意义
I agree with the broad assertion that an effective way to test the credulity of an argument is to convince others who hold opposing views. However, it goes too far to assume that such a measurement way could the best choice for testing views. Many times, the nature of arguments is dichotomous and it is impossible for people who have discrepancy in stances to reach agreement. To begin with, defending against contrasting views could significantly contribute to the development of the argument itself. Understandably, when people try to oppose certain theories or views, they would identify the inherent weakness and flaws first to find attack points. Therefore, such an offending in turn enables the supporters to re-consider their established views, so that they can take effective remedy methods to make their theories more convincible. Think about the debate on the causes of dinosaur extinction in biology field. Some people believe such elimination was caused by meteorites impact, while others claim that the abrupt change in climate system was the major reason. The endless debate inspires people to collect evidence for their own views, which greatly boost the development in that field. Thus, the pressure brought by contrasting views can be regarded as the drive force that motivates people to complete their views. However, it is also important that some arguments are inherently dichotomous, and when we view things from different angles, our final conclusions often vary. Thus, we cannot to expect to persuade people who hold oppose stances, since the absolute rights or wrongs do not exist at all. Think about the Phillips Curve, which depicts the complex relationship between inflation rate and employments. To be specific, when governments try to expand their financial policy to create more job opportunities, they must bear the by-effect of high inflation. While in reserve, controlling price index, which is helpful in suppress inflation, would inevitably lead to depression. Therefore, advocating either of the sides would be imperfect, and an overall agreement is impossible to achieve because of the discrepancy in cynosures among people. In addition, we should also aware that some people are lack of rational minds. In that case, even if we are inapt to persuade them to shift their minds, the validity of our argument won’t be vulnerable at all. Understandably, proving a view requires is a logical process and people should first have a thorough and careful double-thinking on the situation, and then make their conclusion in rational ways. However, some extremely captious people, or conservatives, blindly repute views that deviate from their own, without any logical thinking. Therefore, such a mismatching in thinking modes determines that the debate itself, no matter the consequence, is meaningless. In sum, the ability to convincing others is an effective, but not the best way to test an argument. In such a testament, we should take the nature of both the argument, as well as the people we try to convince into consideration. |