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[未归类] What Is SEO Search Engine Optimization [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-7-5 21:44:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
new to seo? why not take three minutes and watch our video introduction to search engine?optimization? it’ll quickly cover the basics:
you can click on the table to view a larger version of it. you can?download a copy?to print for easy reference!
seo resources from around the web
link building: link bombs
link building: linkbait
link building: paid links
all things seo
b2b search marketing
in house search marketing
in the trenches
industrial strength
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google seo
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yahoo seo
looking for an easy-to-scan compilation of seo news? check out?alltop. for compilations of the best articles on search engine optimization in a given year, visit?the semmys.
tip:?if you’re a?search engine land member, the search engine land guide to seo is available?as a downloadable ebook. it’s just one of many benefits you get. not a member? consider?signing-up!
the?seo library?is an area within search engine land that provides a collection of all stories we’ve written on the topic of seo. we also have sub-categories, including:
top search engine land articles
search engine land’s guide to seo
all e-solutions spotlights |
seo stands for “search engine optimization.” it is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” listings on search engines. all major search engines such as google, yahoo and bing have such results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. payment isn’t involved, as it is with paid search ads.
also within our library is the?how to: seo?section, which is devoted to practical tips and tactics about search engine optimization.
more guides & books
some seo advice for bill gates
29 worst practices & most common failures: seo checklist
seo checklist part 2: best practices
36 seo myths that won’t die but need to
36 more seo myths that won’t die but need to
21 essential seo tips & techniques search engine land’s library
more advice for newbies
also see our related link building category and these sub-categories:
introduction: search engine land’s guide to seo
chapter 1: types of search engine ranking factors
chapter 2: content & search engine ranking factors
chapter 3: html code & search engine ranking factors
chapter 4: site architecture & search engine ranking factors
chapter 5: link building & ranking in search engines
chapter 6: social media & ranking in search results
chapter 7: trust, authority & search rankings
chapter 8: personalization & search engine rankings
chapter 9: violations & search engine spam penalties
chapter 10: blocking & search engine results
for more basic but also in-depth advice, our?periodic table of seo ranking factors, shown below, introduces you to all the key concepts you need to know:
search engine land worked with common craft?to produce the video, and they have many more great explainer videos like this in the?common craft video library, so check that out!
another excellent guide is google’s “search engine optimization starter guide.” this is a free pdf download that covers basic tips that google provides to its own employees on how to get listed. you’ll find it here.
there are also a variety of print books you might consider. here’s our review of some newer books: a roundup of best seo books.
there are a number of blogs and forums that focus heavily on seo topics, including:?aimclear,?blogstorm,?bruce clay blog,?david naylor,?eric ward,?fire horse trail,?high rankings forum,christian louboutin outlet,?john andrews,?matt cutts,christian louboutin ireland,?michael gray,?mikkel demib svendsen,?nine by blue,?outspoken media,?search cowboys,?search engine guide,?search engine journal,?search engine land,?search engine watch,?sebastian’s pamphlets,?seomoz,?seooptimize,?seo by the sea,?seo book,?seo copywriting,?seo gadget,?stone temple,?the link spiel,?webpronews?and?webmasterworld.
in addition to covering seo generally, search engine land also has search engine optimization areas specifically for each of the major search engines:
as a companion to the table, search engine land’s guide to seo explains the ranking factors in more depth, in a tutorial providing tips and advice on implementing them. links to the entire guide are shown below (start at the beginning,louboutin outlet, and each page will take you to the next):
at?search engine roundtable, you’ll discover a regular compilation of important discussions happening on a variety of search marketing forums. for definitions about terms like seo and other technological issues, check out?webopedia.
search engine land columns
the full library is open to those with?with?search engine land memberships,?just one of several benefits that membership provides. check it out!
seo: blocking spiders
seo: blogs & feeds
seo: cloaking & doorway pages
seo: domain names & urls
seo: duplicate content
seo: flash
seo: general
seo: image search
seo: local
seo: mobile search
seo: redirects & moving sites
seo: spamming
seo: submitting & sitemaps
seo: tagging
seo: titles & descriptions
seo: video search
seo: writing & body copy
also well worth checking out is seomoz’s “beginner’s guide to seo,” which you’ll find here, and the seo success pyramid from small business search marketing.
here are a few of search engine land’s more popular articles about seo:
search engine land has a variety of columns that cover seo issues mainly from an in-the-trenches perspective:
don’t forget to take our free?searchcap?newsletter,christian louboutin outlet! searchcap provides a recap of all the day’s seo-related news from sources all over the web.
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What Is SEO Search Engine Optimization


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