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如何获得勋章啊 |
回复 #1 dreamingHK 的帖子
I think no matter where you are, and whatever you are doing, there are always different challenges and tough tests from life whether you accept them or not. one of the most powerful cognitive thinking ability I learned from psychology is always be aware of the 'problems' -- distinct those catastrophic thoughts from the self from external events, and never let your negative emotions be part of the problems. after all, life is tough in someway we may not like it, we stilll need to be tougher in order to go over them. soo.. add oil and pray for a little.
life is short and people are great because of their dreams. ------From 某贴某版友回复,thx |
用心呼唤 亲爱的兄弟 曾经与你抵挡昨日的风雨 多少个夜 徘徊在梦里 呼啸声依旧清晰 用心呼唤 亲爱的兄弟 曾经与你携手期待着黎明 鲜血泪滴 不能够忘记 让我们并肩同行 我们的心 象钢铁的心 穿过烈焰在火中升起 昨天的梦 在今天重聚 为历史写下永恒的诗句 我们的心 象钢铁的心 生命有尽而希望无尽 用我热血 再一次奋起 就算无名也顶天立地 |
回复 #12 trees 的帖子