In order to solve problem in the present and future,it is necessary to understand the past By the fast society developing,many people think that we have no necessary to know what about the past eventsand understand the past. As they opinions, the past theory is outdated, thepast events has no valuable and take care about the past things is wasting timeand blocking the development. In fact, I think that is not true, their reasonsare superficial. Firstly, the past events are related to thepresent and future. In 19th century, three classical theories werecreated: sociocultural evolutionism, social cycle theory and Marxist historicalmaterialism. Those theories have one common factor that they all agree thehistory of humanity is pursuing a certain fixed way, most likely that of thesocial progress. Thus, each past events are not only chronologically, butcausally tied to the present and the future. Those theories are postulated thatby recreating the sequence of those events, sociology could discover the lawsof history. Based on those theories, we may safely say that we now meet thethings and the future is linked with the past. Hence, the past is valuable.They could support the right way or the methods to deal with our problems inthe modern society. Especially, we know the many countries use the common-lawas their native law system. Like the England, America and Canada. Common law also known asprecedent, is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similartribunals. Anotheraspect, current situations are often similar. Though they never same as the pastsituations. By learning about past experience, we can better understanding theconsequences of different actions. For example, without a series of apparent failuresin experiments, Thomas Edison wouldn’t have learnt from experience andeventually invented bulb lights and posed great influence in modern world.Therefore, we can better comprehend current and future situations, further ourknowledge and our wisdom, enhancing the likelihood that we resolve presentproblems efficiently if we can learn from the past. Understanding the pastmeans that we are less likely to make mistakes repeatedly. Toconclude this essay, I believe that because human beings’ innatecharacteristics do not change over time, which leads inevitably to the factthat problems now are often similar to those in the past. For these reasons, itis clear to me that in order to solve present and future problems, it isnecessary to understanding those that happened in the past. |