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[优秀习作] issue128,我们这些要出国接受formal education的人,来批判一下它 [复制链接]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Capricorn摩羯座 荣誉版主

发表于 2004-3-18 19:51:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
128"It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free."


Nowadays, as formal education becomes a method to instill the young citizen with the value system of the society and teach them the necessary knowledge to pursuit good lives and a better world, people tend to think more about the defects about formal education than its positive side. It is held by many people that it is counterproductive for the formal education to free the mind and spirit. However, it is unfair to consider formal education neither rhyme nor reason in its function of setting the minds and spirits free. Although formal education does not function perfectly to free the minds and spirits, it does play an indispensable role in setting them free.

On one hand, it should be confessed that popular education does restrain our minds and spirits to some extent. Formal education instills the students with the sense of conformity, consciously or unconsciously, threatening the development of students’ individuality. Standardized examinations serve as a tool to assess the extent to which students understand and master the knowledge. “Good students” is always referred to those who do well in the examinations while “top students” to those who get A’s in most of the courses they take. Whether a high school student or a graduate student could be enrolled or offered a fellowship by a certain college depends largely on his or her GPA. Accordingly, students are obliged to spend most of their study time to cope with these examinations and they become accustomed to seek the one and only answer to each question they come across. It is through this process that the individualities of the students are diminishing as different students try to give answers similar to or even identical with the standardized answers to the same question. As a result, students in the system of formal education are just like something on the assembling line of a factory and formal education resembles the assembling line. Besides, formal education is filled with basic skills and classical theories and to free the mind and spirit is beyond its function. Students are too occupied by such courses as are on mathematics, science, foreign languages and our majors that they have little time and energy left to free our mind and spirit by individual effort while formal education does little to help them. In a sense, formal education does play a negative role sometimes.

On the other hand, it should not be neglected that formal education is essential because it serves as the precondition and basis for the spiritual freedom. Through formal education, we know the scientific common senses, moral standards and laws; we learn systematically the knowledge that is accumulated throughout the years; we master the basic learning skills that benefit us all our life. People can hardly survive in the contemporary society without knowing scientific common senses, moral standards and laws, let alone free their mind and spirit. Systematical knowledge is necessary even for people who produce spiritual works. For example, painters, composers, writers need the knowledge of painting, music or rhetoric. In addition, although it is known that many electronic elites such as Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Michael Dell and Larry Ellison did not fulfill their college study, who can overlook the learning skill they acquired through formal education on account that they taught themselves the knowledge of electronic, information or computer?

The utmost goal of education is to help students obtain not only intellectual but also spiritual freedom. As is discussed above, formal education is indispensable for us to reach spiritual freedom. Yet, it has some defects, making it far from perfect in attaining this goal. So reformation in formal education system is urgently needed. Besides, we need to integrate formal education with other forms of education for the sake of the students’ well rounded development, both intelligently and spiritually.
Life is full of drama.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2004-3-19 00:09:10 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2004-3-20 00:22:16 |只看该作者
Nowadays, as formal education becomes a method to instill the young citizen with the value system of the society and teach them the necessary knowledge to pursuit pursue good lives and a better world, people tend to think more about the defects about formal education than its positive side. 这句话逻辑有点问题,建议换一个说法。 It is held by many people that it is counterproductive 呵呵,什么意思啊? for the formal education to free the mind and spirit. However, it is unfair to consider formal education neither rhyme nor reason ? in its function of setting the minds and spirits free. Although formal education does not function n.,改为act perfectly to free the minds and spirits, it does play an indispensable role in setting them free.

On the one hand, it should be confessed that popular education does restrain our minds and spirits to some extent. Formal education instills the students with the sense of conformity, consciously or unconsciously, threatening the development of students’ individuality. Standardized examinations serve as a tool to assess the extent to which students understand and master the knowledge. “Good students” is always referred to those who do well in the examinations while 在这里起什么作用? “top students” to those who get A’s in most of the courses they take. Whether a high school student or a graduate student could be enrolled or offered a fellowship by a certain college depends largely on his or her GPA. Accordingly, students are obliged to spend most of their study time to cope with these examinations and they become accustomed to seek the one and only answer to each question they come across. It is through this process that the individualities of the students are diminishing as in that different students try to give answers similar to or even identical with the standardized answers to the same question. As a result, students in the system of formal education are just like something on the assembling line of a factory and formal education resembles the assembling line the formal education system resembles an assembling line, and then students in such a system just like some products on it. Besides, formal education is filled with basic skills and classical theories and but to free the mind and spirit is beyond its function. Students are too occupied by such courses as are on mathematics, science, foreign languages and our majors that they to have little some time and energy left to free our their mind and spirit by individual effort while formal education does little to help them 多余. In a sense, formal education does play a negative role sometimes.

On the other hand, it should not be neglected that formal education is essential because it serves as the precondition and basis for the spiritual freedom. Through formal education, we 建议改成students know the scientific common senses, moral standards and laws; we learn systematically the knowledge that is accumulated throughout the years; we master the basic learning skills that benefit us all our life lives. People can hardly survive in the contemporary society without knowing scientific common senses, moral standards and laws, let alone free their mind and spirit. Systematical Systemic knowledge is necessary even for people who produce spiritual works. For example, painters, composers, writers respectively need the knowledge of painting, music or rhetoric. In addition, although it is known that many electronic IT? elites such as Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Michael Dell and Larry Ellison did 这里用现在时还是过去时? not fulfill their college study, who can overlook the learning skill they acquired through formal education on account that they taught themselves the knowledge of electronic, information or computer?

To sum up, The utmost goal of education is to help students obtain not only intellectual but also spiritual freedom. As is discussed above, formal education is indispensable for us to reach spiritual freedom. Yet, it has some defects, making it far from perfect in attaining this goal. So reformation in formal education system is urgently needed. Besides, we need to integrate formal education with other forms of education for the sake of the students’ well-rounded development, both intelligently and spiritually.

全文的思路很清楚,不过在B1论证formal education对于人们思想的束缚时,还不够有力。
PS:到底什么是formal education?

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Capricorn摩羯座 荣誉版主

发表于 2004-3-21 14:52:56 |只看该作者
formal education 据我的理解应该是小学,中学,大学这样的教育
Life is full of drama.

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RE: issue128,我们这些要出国接受formal education的人,来批判一下它 [修改]
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issue128,我们这些要出国接受formal education的人,来批判一下它
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