VO:nice to meet u.how are u?
ME:i am ok,just a little nervous(这句话是raint教我的,果然管用)
VO:oh,take a deep breath just like me(很搞笑)。
you are from nju,great. and you are going to BC
VO:you are full financial add,congrutulations.
ME:thank you.
VO:do you have any publications
ME:not yet,but I have taken my undergraduate thesis' abstract with me,do you
want to have a look(反正我把里面的敏感词汇都删了:)
在他看的时候我说:i'm carrying out the research about drinking water,in china,
we call that自来水
接着小册子就出来了,他说什么我也没仔细听,然后就是WINDOU 11