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(全额奖学金) Ph.D.Position in Safe Physics-AI Department of Computer Science or Electrical and Computer Engineering Wayne State University
注:学生第一年将在德国慕尼黑工业大学 (合作伙伴课题组) 接受学习培训,期间所有生活费用将由研究项目支付. PositionDescription: Dr. Yanbing Maoin the Engineering Technology Division at Wayne State University is looking fora Ph.D. student, fully funded by a project: Safe Physics-AI, withapplications to quadruped robots and self-driving vehicles. This project is collaborative,with collaborators from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, College ofWilliam & Mary, University of Delaware, and Technical University of Munich,Germany. The position start time can be Fall 2023 or Winter 2024.
In thefirst year, the admitted candidate will receive training in quadruped robotsand self-driving vehicles at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. DesiredExperience: · Strongexperience in deep reinforcement learning, Python and TensorFlow. · Strongbackground in System Dynamics and Control, Signal Processing, andCyber-Physical Systems, with a strong mathematical background. · Experiencein computer vision will be a plus.
AboutWayne State University (WSU): WSU is apublic research university in Detroit, Michigan. It is Michigan's third-largestuniversity. WSU is classified among "R1: Doctoral Universities – Very highresearch activity".
About Dr.Yanbing Mao (homepage: https://ymao578.github.io/index.html): Dr. Mao iscurrently an Assistant Professor with the Engineering Technology Division, at WayneState University, MI, USA. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical andComputer Engineering from the State University of New York at Binghamton in2019. From 2019 to 2022, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University ofIllinois Urbana–Champaign. His current research focuses on Physics-AI, Cyber-PhysicalSystems, and Social Information Dynamics and Control. Dr. Mao is co-leading aninternational research group of Physics-AI.
If youare interested, please send your CV to Dr. Mao (hm9062@wayne.edu).