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Issue7: 475words 50+20 minutes
The invention of video camera brought people more convenience on observation of many things. It is a breakthrough of the development of our society. Someone claims that the video form of documentation has become more important than written records. In my opinion, both video documentation and written documentation are important in modern life.
Video camera has many benefits to our daily life. On one hand, it makes the object which people study more vivid than that in a book. In schools, many students complain that what the (they) study were (are) boring and difficult to understand, especially some students whose majors are mechanics. Now many teachers provide video documentation in the classes to help student learn something more clearly. If the teacher play (plays) a kinescope of the work process of a mechanism when students learn the principles of it, these students will learn from it accurately and master them much better. On the other hand, video camera caused the result of video programs on TV which attracted more and more people.(时态) It makes the events happening thousands kilometers away become vivid pictures several meters in front of us. When we stay at home, we can see lots of things though the TV without go any further. Nowadays, millions of people all over the world can watch a NBA game though the TV. This was unimaginable when people could get information only from books and newspapers.
Moreover, the best benefit of the video camera is objectivity. Anything written by people is more or less subjective. They can only write what they had seen or heard. Further more, they maybe only write what benefit them and ignore something could do harm with them. All of these reasons could make the creditability decrease. But the video camera does not have these possibilities. It would record anything appears in the lens and cannot efface anything from the records.(是这样吗,VC拍的一样可以剪接,可以是扮出来的假象啊,还是有主观性在的吧。)
However, though the video camera has lots of benefits in people's lives, the use of it is limited in some areas. Video documentation only can be used for recording the objective objects or the appearance of events, the theory of the objects or the backgrounds of the events can be only recorded by the written documentation. For instance, a contract between two persons cannot be recorded by a camera. The camera can record the process of the sign, but the content of the contract should be written in a paper. There is a most important factor to the video form of documentation--the electricity. Without the electric energy, what can the video camera do? While the written forms of documentation such as books and newspapers do not need other energy. A person can read a book lie on a lawn freely. (最后一句有点多余:)
Finally,(用finally的话总感觉后面还要有一段in sum) the invention of video camera gives us more vivid and accurate images. But the written form of documentation is also important in our daily lives. Both of them are necessary for us. We should use them as we need.
The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.
从an event's spatial aspects(空间角度)来说,agree that a video provides a more objective and accurate record the speaker 。但是overstates the comparative significance of video as a documentary tool.(夸大了VC的重要性)
1 documenting temporal, spatial events and experiences, (记录短暂,空间存在的事件和经历),VC比W更accurate and convincing 。
----a.记录seminal events
(1)the winning touchdown at the Super Bowl,
Super Bowl是美国橄榄球联盟的冠军总决赛,每年一届,类似国内的甲A联赛的总决赛,珍妮-杰克逊的"露胸风波"就发生在04年2月1日superbowl半场休息表演上;
(2)a Ballanchine ballet,
BALLANCHINE是最负盛名的现代芭蕾编舞家巴兰钦George Balanchine;
(3)the Tournament of Roses Parade,
每年元旦玫瑰马车行进与玫瑰橄榄球比赛(Tournament of Roses Parade and Football Game)在洛杉矶东白边的帕萨迪纳举行
(4)the scene at the intersection of Florence and Normandy streets during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.
1992年洛杉矶暴动(1992 Los Angeles riots)也叫罗德尼·金起义(the Rodney King uprising),其导火线为1992年4月29日陪审团(大部份是白人)宣判释放四名警察(3名非拉丁裔白人和1名拉丁裔),指控的罪名是使用过当武力殴打交通违规的黑人罗德尼·金。这导致上千名在洛杉矶的非洲裔和拉丁裔参与了这场暴动,其中牵连许多违法行为,包括抢劫和纵火。这场暴动持续了四天(4月29日-5月2日)并透过媒体震撼了整个世界。在这期间估计大约有50~60人死亡,财产损失约8~10亿美元。大约有600起纵火,以及大约1万人被逮捕。
1992年在洛杉矶,许多人在恐怖中目睹了悲惨的星期三晚上所发生的骚乱,这一场景是由从直升飞机上拍摄的录相报导所提供的。这次事件是由路德 - 金被殴打的法院裁决所触发的。我们现在所处的时代是公众能够得到信息使他们能做出自己的判断,并且许多人,由于看到过这次殴打的录相,所以无法理解陪审团怎么能对涉案的警察作无罪的判决。对事件的媒体实况报导还提供了影响事件发展的有力反馈。这可能会产生有害的结果,就像在洛杉矶那个星期三晚上似乎所发生的后果。到星期五晚上,公众看到路德 - 金在电视上恳求说,“我们大家难道不能和睦相处吗?到星期六,电视似乎提供了正面的反馈,洛杉矶骚乱逐渐转变为和平集会。电视报导了成千上万的人手拿旗帜和清洁工具游行。因此,更多的人转而参加他们在电视上看到的和平行动。当然,真正的解决将需要更长的时间,但是电子媒体将继续是这个进程的一个组成部分。
----b.也可以是objective witnesses (客观的证人:a vital evidentiary role in legal proceedings,抢劫,毒品交易drug trafficking,交通事故,警察渎职 police misconduct,医疗事故 malpractice)
---->>whenever moving images are central to an event the video camera is superior to the written word.
2 for certain other purposes,W比VC更appropriate
----a.a complex contractual agreement,or the establishment of a trust (合同,信贷)
----b.a person's subjective state of mind, impressions, or reflections of an event or experience (能更好地记录人的主观想法,对事件的印象和见解。 )
3 a video record is of no use in documenting statistical or other quantitative information.(比如在上述的riots中记录商店的损失,警察数量,纵火的人数等,要是用VC的话,就需要在every street corner and every aisle of every store都装上VC,这是不太可能的。)
[ Last edited by aromapple on 2005-8-1 at 09:50 ] |