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[a习作temp] Argument11 landfill 自我感觉不错 请指教 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-21 10:30:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

11The following appeared in a memo from the mayor of the town of West Egg.

"Two years ago, our consultants predicted that West Egg's landfill, which is used for garbage disposal, would be completely filled within five years. During the past two years, however, town residents have been recycling twice as much aluminum and paper as they did in previous years. Next month the amount of material recycled should further increase, since charges for garbage pickup will double. Furthermore, over ninety percent of the respondents to a recent survey said that they would do more recycling in the future. Because of our residents' strong commitment to recycling, the available space in our landfill should last for considerably longer than predicted."
1 其他可回收和不可回收垃圾可能增长更多
2 回收垃圾的趋势可能有变
3 调查的问题

Judging merely from the argument provided above, one should not be too optimistic  about the life span of West's landfill, for several critical flaws render the  argument  unpersuasive and unconvincing.

First, there is not sufficient evidence to prove that the increased amount of  material  recycled will surely lead to considerable decrease in the total amount of  garbage, and    thus longer life span of the landfill. The author fails to provide whether other materials  which can be recycled besides paper and aluminum, such  as plastic and other metals, are recycled more than before. It is entirely possible    that people recycled less of these materials than previous years, which makes the  overall bulk and weight of the garbage increase. Also, we have good reason to  doubt that presumably garbage that cannot be recycled has soared in recent years, which may offset to reduction of the amount of  the waste paper and aluminum.

In addition, whether the trend of the increase in the amount of the recycled  material would be continued is open to doubt. Although the author claims that the pickup fee for garbage will double next month, we cannot obtain any relevant evidence to indicate the residents care about the change. Perhaps the pickup fee  is so negligible even after  it is doubled that the residents will not change their  habit according to it. Moreover, it is highly possible that the possessing factories in West have already been operating to their full capacity that they are unable to    possess any more recycled materials, and that will frustrate the willingness of the residents to recycled more.

Finally, the result of the survey cited on which the argument partly based,is ill-supported. Are the respondents of the survey representative of the overall population  in the town? Common sense informs me that people who care  more for the  recycling are more inclined to respond to the survey. Furthermore, even admitting they were representative of all the residents, the willingness they   expressed in the survey does not necessarily result in the fact that they will put  what they said in practice.   Because recycling brings them more trouble, some of them, if not all, may just throw  the garbage away rather than recycle the garbage  in spite of their commitment to  recycling.

In conclusion, although it seems that the mayor aims at better utilizing the landfill,  the   argument he provided is problematic and unconvincing. Unless the author  could give us more information and evidence to corroborate his claim, I could not accept his conclusion.

[ Last edited by czzb on 2005-7-21 at 10:37 ]

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-21 12:33:20 |只看该作者
Judging merely from the argument provided above, one should not be too optimistic  about the life span of West's landfill, for several critical flaws render ing the  argument  unpersuasive and unconvincing.

First, there is not sufficient evidence to prove that the increased amount of  material  recycled will surely lead to considerable decrease in the total amount of  garbage, and    thus longer好像不是动词 life span of the landfill. The author fails to provide whether other materials  which can be recycled besides paper and aluminum, such  as plastic and other metals, are recycled more than before. It is entirely possible    that people recycled less of these materials than previous years, which makes the  overall bulk and weight of the garbage increase. Also, we have good reason to  doubt that presumably garbage that cannot be recycled has soared in recent years, which may offset to reduction of the amount of  the waste paper and aluminum.

In addition, whether the trend of the increase in the amount of the recycled  material would be continued is open to doubt. Although the author claims that the pickup fee for garbage will double next month, we cannot obtain any relevant evidence to indicate the residents care about the change. Perhaps the pickup fee  is so negligible even after  it is doubled that 感决顺序有些问题 the residents will not change their  habit according to it. Moreover, it is highly possible that the possessing factories in West have already been operating to their full capacity that they are unable to    possess any more recycled materials, and that will frustrate the willingness of the residents to recycled more.

Finally, the result of the survey cited on which the argument partly based,is ill-supported. Are the respondents of the survey representative of the overall population  in the town? Common sense informs me that people who care  more for the  recycling are more inclined to respond to the survey. Furthermore, even admitting they were representative of all the residents, the willingness they   expressed in the survey does not necessarily result in the fact that they will put  what they said in practice.   Because recycling brings them more trouble, some of them, if not all, may just throw  the garbage away rather than recycle the garbage  in spite of their commitment to  recycling.

In conclusion, although it seems that the mayor aims at better utilizing the landfill,  the   argument he provided is problematic and unconvincing. Unless the author  could give us more information and evidence to corroborate his claim, I could not accept his conclusion.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Sagittarius射手座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-21 15:04:42 |只看该作者

那 些 允 许 被 任 性 的 年 代 ,叫 做 青 春 。

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-21 16:11:52 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-21 22:25:56 |只看该作者
11The following appeared in a memo from the mayor of the town of West Egg.

"Two years ago, our consultants predicted that West Egg's landfill, which is used for garbage disposal, would be completely filled within five years. During the past two years, however, town residents have been recycling twice as much aluminum and paper as they did in previous years. Next month the amount of material recycled should further increase, since charges for garbage pickup will double. Furthermore, over ninety percent of the respondents to a recent survey said that they would do more recycling in the future. Because of our residents' strong commitment to recycling, the available space in our landfill should last for considerably longer than predicted."
1 其他可回收和不可回收垃圾可能增长更多
2 回收垃圾的趋势可能有变
3 调查的问题

Judging merely from the argument provided above, one should not be too optimistic  about the life span of West's landfill, for several critical flaws render the  argument  unpersuasive and unconvincing. 嗯,开头不错

First, there is not sufficient evidence to prove that the increased amount of  material  recycled will surely lead to considerable decrease in the total amount of  garbage, and    thus longer life span of the landfill. The author fails to provide whether other materials  which can be recycled besides paper and aluminum, such  as plastic and other metals, are recycled more than before. It is entirely possible    that people recycled less of these materials than previous years, which makes the  overall bulk and weight of the garbage increase. Also, we have good reason to  doubt that presumably garbage that cannot be recycled has soared good! in recent years, which may offset to不用to reduction of the amount of  the waste paper and aluminum.

In addition, whether the trend of the increase in the amount of the recycled  material would be continued is open to doubt. Although the author claims that the pickup fee for garbage will double next month, we cannot obtain any relevant evidence to indicate the residents care about the change. Perhaps the pickup fee  is so negligible even after  it is doubled that the residents will not change their  habit according to it. Moreover, it is highly possible that the possessing factories in West have already been operating to their full capacity that they are unable to    possess any more recycled materials, and that will frustrate the willingness of the residents to recycled more.

Finally, the result of the survey cited on which the argument partly based,is ill-supported. Are the respondents of the survey representative of the overall population  in the town? Common sense informs me 最好不要有这样的主观词that people who care  more for the  recycling are more inclined to respond to the survey. Furthermore, even admitting they were representative of all the residents, the willingness they   expressed in the survey does not necessarily result in the fact that they will put  what they said in practice.   Because recycling brings them more trouble, some of them, if not all, may just throw  the garbage away rather than recycle the garbage  in spite of their commitment to  recycling.

In conclusion, although it seems that the mayor aims at better utilizing the landfill,  the   argument he provided is problematic and unconvincing. Unless the author  could give us more information and evidence to corroborate his claim, I could not accept his conclusion.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Sagittarius射手座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-7-22 15:29:01 |只看该作者
Argument11 landfill 自我感觉不错 请指教


11The following appeared in a memo from the mayor of the town of West Egg.

"Two years ago, our consultants predicted that West Egg's landfill, which is used for garbage disposal, would be completely filled within five years. During the past two years, however, town residents have been recycling twice as much aluminum and paper as they did in previous years. Next month the amount of material recycled should further increase, since charges for garbage pickup will double. Furthermore, over ninety percent of the respondents to a recent survey said that they would do more recycling in the future. Because of our residents' strong commitment to recycling, the available space in our landfill should last for considerably longer than predicted."
1 其他可回收和不可回收垃圾可能增长更多
2 回收垃圾的趋势可能有变
3 调查的问题


(1)作者对可循环利用的垃圾 只提到铝和纸张,那其他的可循环及 不可循环的垃圾数量呢
(2)对 Next month the amount of material recycled should further increase, since charges for garbage pickup will double. 进行怀疑。

   较上次看你的那篇,你对错误,能抓住大的方面了啊。 赞一个!

Judging merely from the argument provided above, one should not be too optimistic  about the life span of West's landfill, for several critical flaws render the  argument  unpersuasive and unconvincing [我喜欢这后半句] .

First, there is not sufficient evidence to prove that the increased amount of  material  recycled will surely lead to considerable decrease in the total amount of  garbage, and    thus [为什么还要加个 and ?]longer life span of the landfill. The author fails to provide whether other materials  which can be recycled besides paper and aluminum, such  as plastic and other metals, are recycled more than before. It is entirely possible    that people recycled less of these materials than previous years, which makes the  overall bulk and weight of the garbage increase. Also, we have good reason to  doubt that presumably garbage that cannot be recycled has soared in recent years, which may offset to reduction of the amount of  the waste paper and aluminum.
In addition, whether the trend of the increase in the amount of the recycled  material would be continued is open to doubt[这个句式,我喜欢]. Although the author claims that the pickup fee for garbage will double next month, we cannot obtain any relevant evidence to indicate the residents care about the change [这后半句 ,换个说法,如何?也可能是我太追求完美。:)]. Perhaps the pickup fee  is so negligible even after  it is doubled that the residents will not change their  habit according to it. Moreover, it is highly possible that the possessing factories in West [地名是不是应该说清楚点。你是说西蛋? 还是西方?两个套进去 都对??是我太笨?]  have already been operating to their full capacity that they are unable to    possess any more recycled materials, and that will frustrate the willingness of the residents to recycled more.

Finally, the result of the survey cited on which the argument partly based,is ill-supported [好词]. Are the respondents of the survey representative of the overall population  in the town? Common sense informs me that people who care  more for the  recycling are more inclined to respond to the survey. Furthermore, even  [小心even的用法,经常用为“即使”意,但却做 副词。  而要做连词,则 可考虑用even  if 或者其他的 ]admitting they were representative of all the residents, the willingness they   expressed in the survey does not necessarily result in the fact that they will put  what they said in practice.   Because recycling brings them more trouble, some of them, if not all, may just throw  the garbage away rather than recycle the garbage  in spite of their commitment to  recycling.
[是不是要考虑考虑 参与调查的人数?90%,可靠吗?]

In conclusion, although it seems that the mayor aims at better utilizing the landfill,  the   argument he [he ???? 你都知道性别了啊? 为什么不是女的? 你对女性歧视? 开个玩笑。:)我想说, 为了你的文章更好, 尽量不要用 有性别的代词。 :)]provided is problematic and unconvincing. Unless the author  could give us more information and evidence to corroborate his claim, I could not accept his conclusion.
[  我都不知道说什么好。 你确实写的很好,我没有什么可以批评的。看得 出,你下了很大的工夫,让自己的文章不入俗套。很多词,很有新意。好 。 写得很好。 想你学习!! 不过  不知道字数 是多少。]
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那 些 允 许 被 任 性 的 年 代 ,叫 做 青 春 。

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