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[i习作temp] issue154 ---GAOMOU战队 组内外互改 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-5 13:15:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
154"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."
position: agree

1 以专业教育者为特征的学校教育固然重要,但专业教育者的时间精力所限使他们不能全身心关注每个孩子 可能忽视个别孩子
2 家庭教育重要
  2.1 父母对于子女的性格形成起重要作用
  2.2 父母高度关注子女 和及早发现他们的优点和不足
3 社区重要
  3.1让孩子在与人交往中学习social skill
  3.2满足孩子的社交需求 促进健康成长


Should parents and communities involve in the educational system to assists the professional educators? My answer is an emphatically yes. People spend their life mainly with three groups—school, family, and communities, any of this three group is essential in people' development, and can benefit people in respective aspects. So, it is unfair to preclude parents and communities out of educational system.

Admittedly, formal education, or school education, from which people gain large potion of their knowledge, is crucial to people. But it is far from enough, for the energy and time of professional educators are limited. The professional educators indeed know more about the general theories in education, such as how to best instruct children, the basic skills children should acquire in different stages of their growth, and the psychological essence of children's distinctive behaviors. By this kind knowledge they may help the children more resourcefully and efficiently.  However, they have too many children to look after, too many instructions to give, to many things to worry about, therefore, it is almost impossible for them to focus on every child for a long period of time. And it is very possible for them to neglect some children's special needs. And this kind of neglect will probably greatly affect the progress of young children.

School education should be aided and supplemented by parents, who spend most of the time with the children when they are young, and have the strongest will for the better development of their children. On one hand, parents, whose affects on children are enormous, are the few people the children have access to in their early age. As British educator Ballou had said, "Education commences at the mothers’ knee, every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character." The children imitate the way the parents speak and act. It is through the contact with the parents, the children build up their basic attitude towards the world and other people. According to psychologists, infants grow up with mothers who usually talk and smile to them tend to be optimists and show more confidence in others. Well, for the children grow up with mothers seldom talk and smile to them tend to be pessimists and lack of confidence in others. Through this study, we know that parents' crucial role in building the character of their children, which is believed to be a kind of emotional education. On the other hand, parents pay more attention to their children than any one else. It is human nature, and the nature of many other animals to show greater concern on their own children than the children of others. And this make the parents sensitive in every behavior of their children, listen carefully of every words they say, which help the parents most possible to discover the talent or shortcoming of the children. Thus, they can help the children to cultivate the talent and overcome the shortcomings as early as possible.

Community, which is also and indispensable part in people's life, mainly teaches people how to get in touch with others and make people be aware of the basic requirement of the society. In the community children can meet people in different age ranks, with different characteristics, occupations, and cultural background. Exposure to people helps the young get the image of how different people react in different situations, and assists them gradually get hold of the skills of smooth communication. And based on the observations of others, the children will adjust their own behavior and be in harmony with the society. In addition, according to Maslow's theory, people have five kind of basic needs--biological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Only by participating in a community the later three needs can be best satisfied. And only when those needs are satisfied, can the young healthily grow up.

All in all, parents, community, and school are all fundamental in people' development. And in order to receive an all-round education and fully develop ability, all of the three should involve in education.
2005 Aug 25 北京

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-5 16:24:58 |只看该作者
首先说说我对这道题的看法,我一直不清楚这个local schools是什么意思。如果是指学校的话,在论证中牵扯到学习是一个终生过程,学生毕业后社会有责任继续教育,或者说家长是孩子的启蒙老师等等,算不算跑题呢?

Should parents and communities involve in the educational system to assists the professional educators? My answer is an emphatically yes. People spend their life mainly with three groups—school, family, and communities, any of this three group is essential in people' development, and can benefit people in respective aspects. So, it is unfair to preclude parents and communities out of educational system. (这里就已经将local schools换成educational system了,算不算偷欢概念呢?)

Admittedly, formal education, or school education, from which people gain large potion of their knowledge, is crucial to people. But it is far from enough, for the energy and time of professional educators are limited. The professional educators indeed know more about the general theories in education, such as how to best instruct children, the basic skills children should acquire in different stages of their growth, and the psychological essence of children's distinctive behaviors. By this kind knowledge they may help the children more resourcefully and efficiently.  However, they have too many children to look after, too many instructions to give, to (终于少写了一个o了:)) many things to worry about, therefore, it is almost impossible for them to focus on every child for a long period of time. And it is very possible for them to neglect some children's special needs. And this kind of neglect will probably greatly affect the progress of young children. (专业教育者精力不足。)

School education should be aided and supplemented by parents, who spend most of the time with the children when they are young, and have the strongest will for the better development of their children. On one hand, parents, whose affects on children are enormous, are the few people the children have access to in their early age. As British educator Ballou had said, "Education commences at the mothers’ knee, every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character." (终于看到有人引名言了。问一句如果名言太长,是不是一样照抄呢?) The children imitate the way the parents speak and act. It is through the contact with the parents, (that可以省略吗?)the children build up their basic attitude towards the world and other people. According to psychologists, infants grow up with mothers who usually talk and smile to them tend to be optimists and show more confidence in others. Well, for the children grow up with mothers seldom talk and smile to them tend to be pessimists and lack of confidence in others(这两句话重复太多了吧). Through this study, we know that parents' crucial role in building the character of their children, which is believed to be a kind of emotional education. On the other hand, parents pay more attention to their children than any one else. It is human nature, and the nature of many other animals to show greater concern on their own children than the children of others. And this make the parents sensitive in every behavior of their children, listen carefully of every words they say, which help the parents most possible to discover the talent or shortcoming of the children. Thus, they can help the children to cultivate the talent and overcome the shortcomings as early as possible. (家长启蒙,并且可以专注于自己的孩子)

Community, which is also and indispensable part in people's life, mainly teaches people how to get in touch with others and make people be aware of the basic requirement of the society. In the community children can meet people in different age ranks, with different characteristics, occupations, and cultural background. Exposure to people helps the young get the image of how different people react in different situations, and assists them gradually get hold of the skills of smooth communication. And based on the observations of others, the children will adjust their own behavior and be in harmony with the society. In addition, according to Maslow's theory, people have five kind of basic needs--biological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Only by participating in a community the later three needs can be best satisfied. And only when those needs are satisfied, can the young healthily grow up.(社会的好处)

All in all, parents, community, and school are all fundamental in people' development. And in order to receive an all-round education and fully develop ability, all of the three should involve in education.

写得挺好的,尤其是Ballou和Maslow's theory的例子。

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